Title Nematerijalne tehnike motivaranja u funkciji upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima u organizaciji
Title (english) Intangible Motivation Techniques in the Function of Human Resources in an Organization
Author Ana Penga
Mentor Đani Bunja (mentor)
Committee member Božena Krce Miočić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mili Razović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Đani Bunja (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zadar (Department of Tourism and Communication Sciences) Zadar
Defense date and country 2017-04-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Trade and Tourism
Abstract U današnje doba vlada spoznaja da ljudi sa svojim sposobnostima, znanjima i vještinama predstavljaju temeljnu strategijsku prednost svake organizacije. Iz toga proizlazi velika važnost menadžerskih vještina u upravljanju ljudskim potencijalima. Kako bi se ostvario puni radni potencijal zaposlenika, potrebno je odrediti pravilne načine za njihovo motiviranje. Postoji puno tehnika koje stoje na raspolaganju menadžerima, ali one se u osnovi dijele na materijalne i nematerijalne. Materijalne predstavljaju temelj motivacije, ali sve važnije postaju i nematerijalne tehnike, pošto one podmiruju potrebe višeg reda, odnosno potrebe za samoaktualizacijom zaposlenika. Diplomski rad na temu „Nematerijalne tehnike motiviranja u funkciji upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima u organizaciji„ napisan je s ciljem analiziranja područja cjelokupnog motivacijskog sustava te utvrđivanja efekata nematerijalnih oblika motivacije na uspješnost i zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Sastoji se od dva dijela. Prvi dio odnosi se na teorijsku razradu teme. Objašnjen je koncept upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima, značaj i uloga menadžmenta u službi upravljanja ljudskim potencijalima, pojam motivacije zaposlenika te njezine strategije. Drugi dio rada čini primarno istraživanje s ciljem ispitivanja koje se motivacijske tehnike, i u kojoj mjeri, koriste u organizacijama. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 192 ispitanika. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da je motivacijski sustav u organizacijama u Hrvatskoj nedovoljno razvijen. Motivacija se najčešće vrši novčano, dok su nematerijalne strategije nedovoljno u primjeni. Materijalni motivacijski faktori još uvijek imaju veći utjecaj na kvalitetu obavljanja radnih zadataka, od onih nematerijalnih. Može se zaključiti da je potrebna edukacija menadžera o formiranju učinkovitog motivacijskog sustava, jer se jedino tako može postaviti osnova za učinkovito poslovanje i ostvarivanje poslovnih ciljeva te konkurentske prednosti organizacije.
Abstract (english) Nowadays it is common knowledge that people with their knowledge and skills are the fundamental strategic advantage of each organization. Hence the great importance of management skills in human resources management. In order to achieve the full potential of employees, it is necessary to determine the correct ways to motivate them. There are a lot of techniques available to managers, but they are basically divided into either tangible or intangible techniques. Tangible techniques are the foundation of motivation, but intangibles are becoming increasingly important as they meet the needs of a higher order and the need for self-realization for the employee. This thesis; "Intangible Motivation Techniques in the Function of Human Resources in an Organization", was written with the aim of analyzing the entire field of motivation and the effects of intangible forms of motivation on success and employee satisfaction. The Thesis consists of two parts, with the first part referring to the theoretical elaboration of concepts within the field of motivation. The concept of human resources, the importance and role of management in the service of human resource management, concept employee motivation, and its strategy are all defined, explained, and elaborated on. The second part of the Thesis is primary research with the aim of testing different motivational techniques as well as to what extent are they used in organizations. The study included 192 subjects. Results from the research showed that the motivational system in organizations insufficiently developed. Motivation is usually done financially, while intangible motivations strategies are insufficiently applied. Material motivational factors still have a greater impact on the quality of the tasks given to employees compared to intangible motivating factors. It can be concluded that training is required for managers on the formation of an effective motivational system, which is of up most importance to set the basis for an efficient operation and the realization of business goals and competitive advantages of an organization.
ljudski potencijali
motivacijski sustav
Keywords (english)
human resources
motivation system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:162:194908
Study programme Title: Entrepreneurship in Culture and Tourism Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra ekonomije (magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-04-12 11:59:24