Title (english) Peculiarities of the digestive system and metabolism of cats important for proper nutrition
Author Dora Skok
Mentor Tomislav Mašek (mentor)
Mentor Kristina Starčević (mentor)
Committee member Luka Krstulović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Kristina Starčević (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tomislav Mašek (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Mikulec (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-10-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Animal Production and Biotechnology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Basic and Preclinical Veterinary Sciences
Abstract Mačka je obligatni mesojed, tako da od svih hranjivih tvari najbolje iskorištava bjelančevine
životinjskog podrijetla za energetske potrebe organizma. Svaki mačji obrok trebao bi
sadržavati minimalni preporučeni dnevni unos esencijalnih tvari. Za mačku su najvažnije
slijedeće esencijalne hranjive tvari: taurin i arginin od aminokiselina, od masnih kiselina
linolna, α-linolenska i arahidonska, a niacin i retinol od vitamina. Pri nestašici tih navedenih
hranjiva dolazi do pojave teških kliničkih znakova, zbog toga što organizam bez tih hranjivih
tvari ne može fiziološki odgovarati na metaboličke zahtjeve. Pravilan omjer koncentracija
kalcija i fosfora, te visoka koncentracija esencijalnih aminokiselina i masti važni tijekom
graviditeta i laktacije, te ranog razvoja. Ugljikohidrati nisu esencijalno hranjivo kod mačaka.
Mačke zadovoljavaju potrebe za glukozom procesom glukoneogeneze, gdje se kao supstrat
koriste određene aminokiseline i masne kiseline. Lakoprobavljivi ugljikohidrati poželjni su
samo u prehrani malih mačića, te u prehrani kraljice tijekom graviditeta i laktacije. Vlaknina
ima ulogu u probavljivosti i dugotrajnom pulzirajućem oslobađanju glukoze, tako da je njezina
primjena dobra kod pretilih i starih mačaka. Kod hranjenja, pri odabiru količine obroka u obzir
se uzima kondicija i tjelesna aktivnost. Mačke treba hraniti s više manjih obroka (barem 5)
tijekom dana i noći. Mladunci zahtijevaju više obroka dnevno i to visokokalorijskih. Bređe
mačke je najbolje hraniti ad libitum, dok je kod starih mačaka potrebno davati slabije kaloričnu,
visokonutritivnu hranu. Suha hrana ad libitum, kod odraslih i starijih mačaka, može biti
uzrokom pretilosti zbog visoke koncentracije energije (masti) i ugljikohidrata. Pretilost kod
mačaka je česta pojava u populaciji kućnih mačaka, a ozbiljan je problem jer dolazi kao
predisponirajući čimbenik mnogih bolesti (bolest masne jetre, dijabetes melitus). Mačke valja
hraniti kombinacijom obroka sa suhom (iskoristivost vitamina i minerala) i mokrom hranom
(kalorična, bogata mesom, palatabilna, visok udio vode). Mački je potrebno osigurati stalan
izvor svježe vode.
Abstract (english) The cat is an obligate carnivore, so it makes the best use of animal proteins for the body's
energy needs. Each cat's meal should contain the minimum recommended daily intake of
essential substances. The following essential nutrients are the most important for cats: taurine
and arginine from amino acids, linoleic, α-linolenic and arachidonic fatty acids, and niacin
and retinol from vitamins. In the case of a shortage of these nutrients, severe clinical signs
appear, because the organism without these nutrients cannot physiologically respond to
metabolic demands. The correct ratio of calcium and phosphorus concentrations, and a high
concentration of essential amino acids and fats are important during pregnancy and lactation,
as in the early development. Carbohydrates are not an essential nutrient in cats. Cats meet
their glucose needs through the process of gluconeogenesis, where certain amino acids and
fatty acids are used as a substrate. Easily digestible carbohydrates are only desirable in the
diet of small kittens, and in the diet of the queen during pregnancy and lactation. Fiber plays
a role in digestibility and long-term pulsatile release of glucose, so its application is good for
obese and old cats. When feeding, fitness and physical activity are taken into account when
choosing the amount of meal. Cats should be fed several small meals (at least 5) during the
day and night. Kittens require several high-calorie meals a day. It is best to feed pregnant cats
ad libitum, while old cats should be given low-calorie, high-nutrition food. Dry food ad
libitum, in adult and older cats, can cause obesity due to the high concentration of energy
(fat) and carbohydrates. Obesity in cats is a common phenomenon in the domestic cat
population, and it is a serious problem because it comes as a predisposing factor for many
diseases (fatty liver disease, diabetes mellitus). Cats should be fed with a combination of dry
food (usefulness of vitamins and minerals) and wet food (calorie-rich, meat-rich, palatable,
high water content). The cat needs to be provided with a constant source of fresh water.
obligatni mesojed
bjelančevine animalnog podrijetla
esencijalne aminokiseline
esencijalne masti
esencijalni vitamini
oblici hrane
životni stadiji
pretilost i ugljikohidrati
Keywords (english)
obligate carnivore
proteins of animal origin
essential amino acids
essential fats
essential vitamins
food forms
life stages
obesity and carbohydrates
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:167765
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-10-19 07:28:53