Title Pregled istraživanja mikroskopske građe dobrog dupina (Tursiops Truncatus)
Title (english) Review of Researches of Microscopic Structure of the Bottlenose Dolphin
Author Iris Puharić
Mentor Snježana Vuković (mentor)
Mentor Hrvoje Lucić (mentor)
Committee member Damir Mihelić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Snježana Vuković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Lucić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embriology) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-03-09, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine
Abstract Pregledom dosadašnjih istraživanja uspoređena je mikroskopska građa organskih
sustava morskih sisavaca, prvenstveno dobrog dupina s mikroskopskom građom
domaćih životinja. Želudac je složen i sastoji se od predželuca, te fundusnog i
piloričnog dijela. Značajna karakteristika dišnog sustava je velika količina elastičnog
tkiva koja omogućava puno brže i intenzivnije izmjenjivanje zraka, a omogućeno je
iskorištavanje puno veće količine udahnutog kisika čak do 90%. Mokraćni sustav
dobrog dupina karakterizira izrazita režnjevitost bubrega pri čemu svaki režanj
predstavlja zaseban bubreg, renculus. Bijelo tijelo s jajnika dobrog dupina, ali i nekih
drugih morskih sisavaca, nikad u potpunosti ne iščezava. Jedna od glavnih
specifičnosti muškog spolnog sustava utvrđena kod plavobijelog dupina, ali ne i kod
dobrog dupina, je sezonalnost parenja. Također, istraživanja su pokazala da je kod
obje vrste dupina šupljikavo tijelo penisa slabije razvijeno i spojeno je u jednu masu.
Spolni ud pripada fibroelastičnom tipu, koji nalazimo još kod svinje i kod preživača.
Živčani sustav karakterizira znatno slabije razvijen dorzalni (senzorički) u odnosu na
ventralni (motorički) rog kralježničke moždine. Mjestimično se kod dobrog dupina teže
razaznaju slojevi kore velikog mozga ,ali su prisutni svi tipični slojevi kore jednako kao
kod domaćih životinja. Hipofiza odstupa od one kod kopnenih sisavaca i to svojim
oblikom i rasporedom tipičnih dijelova. Aorta ima znatno deblju stijenku nego aorta
domaćih životinja s dosta elastičnih lamela, a Purkinjeova vlakna srca smještena su
bliže endokardu zbog zaštite tih vlakana od promjene tlakova. Limfni čvorovi dobrog
dupina nemaju jasno odvojenu koru i srž te su limfni čvorići prisutni po cijelom organu.
Koža dobrog dupina ima izrazito debeli epitel na kojemu je zaštitni parakeratinozni sloj.
Morski sisavci svojom su morfologijom dobro prilagođeni uvjetima života u vodi uslijed
čega je došlo do određenih promjena u makroskopskoj i mikroskopskoj građi pojedinih
organa i organskih sustava iako osnovna shema mikroskopske građe odgovara onoj u
sisavaca općenito.
Abstract (english) A review of this research compared the histology of the organ systems of marine
mammals, primarily bottlenose dolphin with the microscopic structure of domestic
animals. The stomach is complexed and consists of forestomach, pyloric, and fundic
part. A significant feature of the respiratory system is the large amount of elastic tissue,
which provides a much more intensive exchange of air, and exploits a much greater
amount of inhaled oxygen up to 90%. Urinary System of the bottlenose dolphin is
characterized by highly lobulated kidney where each slice is a separate kidney,
renculus. White body of the ovary of the bottlenose dolphin, and other marine
mammals, never completely disappears. One of the main specifics of the male
reproductive system established at the striped dolphin, but not in the bottlenose
dolphin, and it is the seasonality of mating. In addition, studies have shown that in both
types of dolphins cavernose body of penis less developed and connected in one mass.
Penis belongs fibroelastic type, which we find in pigs and ruminants. The nervous
system is characterized by considerably less developed dorsal root (sensory) in
relation to the ventral (motor) horn spinal cord. Partially, in the bottlenose dolphin is
harder to make all layers of the cerebral cortex, but they are present, and has all typical
layers of the cortex as well as in domestic animals. Pituitary differs from that of
terrestrial mammals to their shape and arrangement of typical parts. The aorta has a
much thicker wall than aorta domestic animals with many elastic lamellae, and the
Purkinje fibers of the heart are located closer to the endocardium for the protection of
these fibers from pressure changes. Lymph nodes of bottlenose dolphins have not a
distinct cortex and medulla, and lymph nodes of these types are present all over the
body. Leather of the bottlenose dolphin has extremely thick epithelium with protective
parakeratin layer. Marine mammals has its morphology well adapted to living
conditions in water as a result of which there have been some changes in the
macroscopic and microscopic structure of individual organs and organ systems,
although the basic scheme of the microscopic structure corresponds to that in
mammals in general.
histologija dobrog dupina
morski sisavci
građa organa dupina
Keywords (english)
histology of bottlenose dolphin
marine mammals
dolphins organs structure
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:677935
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-07-23 10:44:06