Title Postporođajne poremetnje u kuja
Title (english) Postpartum Disorders in the Bitch
Author Aleksandra Stojanović
Mentor Goran Bačić (mentor)
Mentor Nino Maćešić (mentor)
Committee member Ivan Folnožić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Bačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nino Maćešić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Reproduction and Obstetrics Clinic) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-09-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine
Abstract Rano otkrivanje postporođajnih poremetnji je od ključne važnosti i bitno je da su vlasnici životinja upoznati s fiziološkim promjenama kod kuje nakon poroda kako bi znali prepoznati patološke. Briga za kuju nakon poroda treba se sastojati od mjerenja temperature jednom tjedno, dok je područje mliječnih žlijezda i iscjedak iz stidnice potrebno pratiti svakodnevno. U dobi od 3 tjedna treba početi postepeno odbijati štence od sise i do starosti od 7 tjedana štenad treba biti potpuno odbijena. Neke postporođajne poremetnje mogu biti uzrokovane još tijekom graviditeta (hipokalcemija) dok se druge javljaju do nekoliko tjedana poslije poroda. Povišena temperatura može biti pokazatelj nastanka metritisa, hipokalcemije ili mastitisa. Ako se tijekom nekoliko tjedana nakon poroda javi kontinuirani hemoragični vaginalni iscjedak postoji sumnja da je došlo do subinvolucije placentarnih spojeva. Citološki razmaz vaginalnog iscjetka i mliječni razmazi su važni za dijagnostiku. Također je bitno pratiti napredovanje štenaca iz dana u dan te njihovo ponašanje. Ako štenad postane nemirna i pokazuje znakove nadutosti možemo posumnjati na Sindrom toksičnog mlijeka. Kod liječenja postporođajnih poremetnji bitno je voditi računa o antibioticima koji se daju kuji dok štenci sisaju jer se trebaju koristiti preparati koji nisu štetni za kuje ni za štenad. Ako se javi izražena nervoza kuje, povišena tjelesna temperatura, dahtanje, suhe sluznice usta i bjeloočnica, nemir, drhtanje, cvilež, posrtanje, tvrdoća muskulature i ukočenost potrebno je odmah liječiti stanje jer se radi o hipokalcemiji koja se smatra hitnim stanjem u veterinarskoj medicini. Kako bi se izbjegla hipokalcemija vlasnici bi trebali izbjegavati davanje većih količina kalcija gravidnim kujama te ih hraniti hranom za gravidne kuje u drugoj polovici gravidnosti
Abstract (english) Early detection of postpartum disorders is of crucial importance and it is important for animal owners to be familiar with physiological changes in postpartum period to recognize pathological conditions. Caring for the bitch after birth should consist of temperature measurements once a week, while the area of the mammary gland and vaginal discharge should be monitored daily. At the age of 3 weeks’ puppies should start gradually weaning and up to the age of 7 weeks the puppies should stop suckle completely. Some postpartum disorders can be caused during pregnancy (hypocalcemia) while others occur up to a few weeks after delivery. An elevated temperature may be a sign of the occurrence of metritis, hypocalcaemia or mastitis. If continuous haemorrhagic vaginal discharge occurs during several weeks after delivery, there is a suspicion that subinvolution of placental sites have occurred. Cytological smear of vaginal discharge and milk samples are important for diagnosis. It is also important to keep track of puppies - their day-to-day progress and behaviour. If the puppy becomes restless and shows signs of flatulence we may question the toxic milk syndrome. In the treatment of postpartum disorders, it is important to take account of the antibiotics that are given to the bitch while the puppies are suckling. Antibiotics that are not harmful to bitches or to the puppy should be used. If we notice that bitch is nervous, elevated body temperature, swelling, dry mucous membranes, restlessness, trembling, whirling, twitching, muscle hardness, and stiffness, it is necessary immediately to treat the condition. Hypocalcaemia is considered an emergency in veterinary medicine. To avoid hypocalcaemia, owners should avoid giving bigger amounts of calcium to pregnant bitch and feed them with food for pregnant bitch.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:844454
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2018-07-29 10:12:43