Abstract | Pitome vretice su jedina vrsta domaćih životinja koje su prirodno prijemljive na viruse humane influence, te su često zaražene od strane vlasnika. Virusi influence pripadaju porodici Orthomyxoviridae, te su podijeljeni u četiri tipa: tip A, B, C i tip D. U pitomih vretica infekcija virusom influence tip B češće uzrokuje blaže simptome, za razliku od infekcije influencom tipa A. Simptomi su slični onima koji se javljaju kod ljudi: fotofobija, kataralni iscjedak iz nosa, kihanje, kašljanje, povišena temperatura, smanjen apetit i malaksalost. Do infekcije dolazi inhalacijom aerosoliziranih kapljica, a može se pojaviti između pitomih vretica, pitomih vretica i ljudi, kao i ljudi i pitomih vretica.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je po prvi put ispitati prisutnost i prevalenciju infekciju virusom influence A kod kućno držanih pitomih vretica. Ukupno je ispitano 39 seruma pitomih vretica pomoću dva komercijalna ELISA testa (ID Screen Influenza A AntibodyCompetition Multispecies test i Ingezim influenza A test). Od ispitanih 39 uzoraka, u njih 7 pronađena su antitijela za nukleoprotein influence A, te ukupna seroprevalencija iznosi 17,9 %.Epizootiološki se mogu povezati dvije pozitivne pitome vretice koje su držane zajedno u kućanstvu, kao i tri pitome vretice koje su jedan period boravile u Udruzi ljubitelja tvorova, od njih dvije su boravile zajedno, a treću ne možemo povezati s njima. Ovaj rad predstavlja prvi dokaz o influenci kućno držanih tvorova u Republici Hrvatskoj i naglašava važnost razmatranja virusa influence u diferencijalnoj dijagnozi kod pojave respiratornih simptoma pitomih vretica. S obzirom na relativno mali broj uzoraka (39), i visok postotak pozitivnih životinja (njih 7), prvi dokaz infekcije pitomih vretica influencom tip A na području Republike Hrvatske predstavlja velik značaj za dijagnostiku te bolesti kako u Hrvatskoj, tako i u svijetu. Seroprevalencija od 17,9 % ukazuje nam na visok morbiditet pitomih vretica virusom influence, a samim time i da pitome vretice sudjeluju u širenju virusa influence. Također, dokaz infekcije pitomih vretica pitomih vretica virusom influence tijekom sezone gripe u ljudi predstavlja važnu smjernicu za javno zdravstvo, kao i za daljnja istraživanja infekcija influencom na ovim životinjama, s ciljem određivanja značaja kućnih ljubimaca u širenju bolesti na ljude. |
Abstract (english) | Ferrets are the only domestic animal species naturally susceptible to human influenza viruses, and are often infected by their human owners. Influenza viruses belong to the Orthomyxoviridae family, and they are divided into four types: A, B, C, and D. Influenza type B frequently poroduces a milder illness on ferrets than does influenza type A. Signs are similar to those in humans: photophobia, catarrhal nasal discharge, sneezing, coughing, pyrexia, anorexia, and malaise. Transmission occures by inhalation of aerosolized droplets, and can occur between ferrets, ferrets and humans, or humans and ferrets.
The aim of this study was to investigate the presence and prevalence of influenza A virus infection in household ferrets for the first time. A total of 39 ferrets sera samples were tested by two commercial competitive ELISA test (ID Screen® Influenza A Antibody Competition Multi-species and Ingezim influenza A). Out of 39 sera samples specific antibodies for influenza A nucleoprotein were detected in sera of seven animals. The overall seroprevalence was 17.9%. There was two correlation of epizootilogical data between two positive ferrets, that was kept together in the household, as well as three ferrets that stayed for a period in TVORUM, where two of them stayed together, and the third one we can not associated with them.
This is the first report of influenza in a household ferrets in Croatia and highlights the importance of considering influenza virus in the differential diagnosis for ferrets respiratory distress.
Despite the relatively low number of conducted samples (only seven of them) and fairly high percentage of infected (positive) ferrets, first evidence of infection in ferrets with type A on the territory of the Republic of Croatia represent a great importance in diagnostic plan for this disease not only in Croatia, but worldwide. Seroprevalence of 17,9 % indicates a high morbidity of ferrets by the influenza virus, and in this way, ferrets participate in the spread of the influenza virus.
Also, the evidence of a ferret infection of the influenza virus during the season of influenza in humans is an important guideline for public health as well as for further investigation of influenza infections on these animals, with the aim of determining the importance of pets to the spread of disease to humans. |