Abstract | U ovom diplomskom radu opisan je koštani sustav životinja, njegova
uloga te sastav, struktura i anatomija kosti. Objašnjeni su pojmovi osteoblast,
osteocit, osteoklast i ekstracelularni matriks. Pojašnjeni su tipovi koštanog
tkiva te podjela kosti na osnovi oblika, funkcije i lokalizacije.
U biomehanici prijeloma kosti opisane su mehaničke i strukturne karakteristike
zdrave kosti i sile koje djeluju na nju, poznavanje biomehanicke sile te
mehaničkih principa koji se koriste za stabilizaciju preloma pri cijeljenju kosti.
Zatim je navedena podjela prijeloma kosti koja se dijeli prema uzroku nastanka
prijeloma, opsežnosti promjena, složenosti prijeloma, integritetu okolnih mekih
tkiva, prema liniji prekida kontinuiteta, lokalitetu loma, broju i
karakteristikama odlomljenih fragmenata te prema odnosu i položaju
fragmenata. Svaka od njih pojedinačno je opisana. Dijagnostika prijeloma kosti
ističe radiološku dijagnostiku kao najbolju metodu za ispitivanje skeletnih
poremećaja te navodi indikacije za njenu primjenu. Opisan je i izgled kosti na
rendgenskoj snimci s obzirom na vrstu kosti i starost životinje. Pojašnjeni su
procesi primarnog i sekundarnog cijeljenja kosti i utjecaj alanteza na cijeljenje
kosti. Navedene su i opisane komplikacije koje se mogu javiti prilikom
zaraštanja kostiju, a to su zakašnjelo cijeljenje i nesjedinjenje, nepravilno
zarastanje, osteomijelitis, sekvestracija i komplikacije zarastanja pri dodiru
implatanata. U konačnici opisana je i definirana mnemonička interpretacija
osteosinteze te prikazani primjeri procjene ishoda osteosinteze A4 sistemom. |
Abstract (english) | This paper describes the role of sceletal system in animals, its
composition, structure and anatomy of bones. Terms osteoblast, osteocyte,
osteoclast and extracellular matrix are explained as well as types of bone
tissue and classification of bone based on shape, function and localization.
The biomechanics of bone fracture describes the mechanical and structural
characteristics of healthy bone and the forces acting on it, and the knowledge
of biomechanical force and the mechanical principles used to stabilize
fractures in bone healing. Subsequently, the classification of the bone fracture
is divided according to the cause of fracture occurrence, the extent of changes,
the complexity of the fractures, the integrity of the surrounding soft tissues,
the continuity line, the location of the fracture, the number and characteristics
of the fractured fragments, and the ratio and position of the fragments. Each is
individually described. Bone fracture diagnostics highlights radiological
diagnostics as the best method for testing skeletal disorders and provides
indications for its use. The appearance of the bone on the X-ray is also
described with respect to the type of bone and age of the animal. The
processes of primary and secondary bone healing and the impact of implant
on bone healing are explained. Also listed and described are complications
that can occur during bone healing, which are: delayed healing and
incoordination, irregular healing, osteomyelitis, sequestration, and healing
complications in places touching the implants. Finally, a mnemonic
interpretation of osteosynthesis is described and defined, and examples of the
evaluation of the outcome of osteosynthesis by the A4 system are presented. |