Abstract | Tumori mezenhimalnih vretenastih stanica pripadaju u česte tumore mekih tkiva pasa
i mačaka. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje podudarnosti između nalaza dobivenih
citološkom i histopatološkom pretragom u svrhu poboljšanja dijagnostike i terapije
predmetnih promjena.
U rad je bilo uključeno 95 pasa i 13 mačaka. Najčešće su citološkom pretragom i kod
pasa i mačaka postavljene dijagnoze tumora, a zatim su po učestalosti slijedili kombinacija
tumora i upale. Što se tiče biološkog ponašanja, kod citološke pretrage većina je promjena
okarakterizirana kao maligna, manji dio je dijagnosticiran kao benigni, a kod oko trećine
uzoraka se nije moglo odrediti biološko ponašanje. Histopatološkom pretragom je najčešće, u
oko 2/3 slučajeva postavljena dijagnoza tumora, dok je u 1/5 slučajeva postavljena dijagnoza
upala, u 5% kombinacija upale i tumora, a ostatak su bile druge promjene. Što se tiče
biološkog ponašanja tumora, u obje vrste životinje, dominirali su benigni tumori dok je oko
40% bilo malignih tumora. Vezano uz specifične dijagnoze kod pasa su u oba spola najčešće
dijagnosticirani hemangiopericitomi i tumori ovojnica perifernih živaca, od netumorskih
promjena su najčešće dijagnosticirani kronični panikulitisi te piogranulomatozna upala. Kod
kuja je u 14% slučajeva dijagnosticiran i karcinom mliječne žlijezde. Kod mačaka je najčešće
dijagnosticiran fibrosarkom, karcinomi u oko 1/5 slučajeva dok su ostale promjene
dijagnosticirane pojedinačno. Histopatološkom pretragom je utvrđeno da se kod dijela
slučajeva koji su citološki dijagnosticirani kao tumori radi o upalnoj promjeni. Gledajući u
obzir obje životinjske vrste u 62% slučajeva je došlo do podudaranja rezultata citološke i
histopatološke pretrage. U oko 1/4 uzoraka dijagnoze se nisu podudarale.
Sukladno dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da su citološka i histopatološka
pretraga važne dijagnostičke metode u dijagnostici tumora vretenastih mezenhimalnih stanica
koje se međusobno nadopunjuju. Histopatološka pretraga je važna metoda jer se samo na
osnovu citološke pretrage u najvećem broju slučajeva ne može odrediti specifičan tip,
biološko ponašanje i/ili stupanj malignosti ovih tumora te je neophodna za određivanje
eventualne sekundarne terapije te prognoze bolesti. |
Abstract (english) | One of the most common soft tissue tumors in cats and dogs are mesenchymal spindle cell
tumors. The aim of this research was to determine the coincedence between findings obtained
by cytopathological and histopathological examinations, with the aim of improving
diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.
95 dogs and 13 cats were included in this research paper. The diagnosis of a tumor
was most often made by cytological examination, in both cats and dogs, followed by the
diagnosis of a combination of a tumor and inflammation. As far as biological behaviour is
concerned, most changes during a cytological examination were characterized as malignant,
fewer as benign whereas for a third of the samples, biological behaviour was impossible to
determine. during a histopathological examination, a tumor was diagnosed in 2/3 of cases,
inflammation in 1/5, a combination of a tumor and inflammation in 5%, and other changes in
the rest. Regarding the biological behaviour of both tumors, in both cats and dogs, benign
tumors dominated, while only about 40% of cases were malignant. Concerning specific
diagnosis with dogs, in both sexes hemangiopericytomas and peripheal nerve sheath tumors
were the most commonly diagnosed, while the most common noncancerous changes
diagnosed were chronic paniculitis and pyogranulamatous inflammation. In bitches, in 14%
of cases, a carcinoma of the mammary gland was also diagnosed. In cats, fibrosarcomas are
most often diagnosed, carcinomas are diagnosed in 1/5 of cases and the rest of the changes
are diagnosed equally frequently. Histopathological examination helped to determine that, in
some of the cases that were diagnosed as tumors during cytological examination, it was, in
fact, an inflammatory change and not a cancerous one. In both species, cytological and
histopathological test results concurred in 62% of cases. In 1/4 samples, the diagnoses did not
In accordance with the obtained results, it can be concluded that cytological and
histopathiological examinations are important and complementary diagnostic methods in the
diagnosis of mesenchymal spindle cell tumors. Histopathological examinations are an
important method because, solely on the basis of a cytological examination, in many cases it
is not possible to determine the specific type, biological behaviour and/or degree of
malignancy of these tumors which is necessary to determine possible secondary therapies
and the prognosis of the disease. |