Title Poremećaji srčanog ritma u pasa
Title (english) Arrhythmias in Dog's
Author Ivana Filipčić
Mentor Marin Torti (mentor)
Mentor Iva Šmit (komentor)
Committee member Ivana Kiš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Iva Šmit (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marin Torti (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Internal Diseases Clinic) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-10-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Abstract Poremećaji srčanog ritma tj. aritmije su promjene u automaciji ili provođenju impulsa koje
mogu nastati u svim dijelovima i sustavima srca. Prevalencija pojave u veterinarskoj medicini
varira od 3 do 40%, ovisno o provedenom istraživanju. Aritmije mogu dovesti do značajnih
hemodinamskih posljedica i kliničkih znakova, a mogu i proći asimptomatski. Javljaju se u
sistemski zdravih životinja i u životinja sa strukturnim srčanim bolestima. Cilj ovog rada je
bio utvrditi prevalenciju pojave aritmija, utvrditi populaciju koja obolijeva od aritmija,
ustanoviti koje se aritmije najčešće pojavljuju te uzroke njihove pojave, kao i podatke o
njihovom liječenju. U istraživanje su bila uključena 307 psa kod kojih je provedena
elektrokardiografija i čiji su kartoni bili upotpunjeni i dostatni za postavljanje dijagnoze
sistemskih i srčanih bolesti. U pretraživanoj populaciji omjer mužjaka i ženki bio je
podjednak. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 64 čistokrvnih pasmina i miješane/križane pse. U 39%
pasa utvrđeni su poremećaji srčanog ritma. Medijan starosti prilikom pojave aritmija bio je 9
godina ( s rasponom od 1 do 17 godina), medijan tjelesne mase bio je 15 kg ( s rasponom od 2
do 76 kg). Većina pasa 60,3% imala je manje od 31 kg, 57,2% bili su mlađi od 11 godina.
Pasmine koje najčešće obolijevaju od aritmija u ovom istraživanju bile su mješanci/križanci,
njemački ovčar, zapadno-škotski bijeli terijer, talijanski mastif, malteški psić i zlatni retriver.
U pretraživanoj populaciji 63,2% pasa nisu mala postojeću srčanu bolesti, dok je kod ostatka
sa srčanim bolestima dominirala degenerativna bolest zalistaka i DKM. Sinusni ritam i
respiratorna sinusna arimija bile su najčešći EKG nalaz dok je najčešći poremećaj srčanog
ritma bila fibrilacija atrija te preuranjeni atrijski i ventrikulski udarci. Od sistemskih bolesti
kod kojih su se pojavljivale aritmije najčešći su bili tumori slezene.
Abstract (english) Arrhythmias are changes in automatism or impulse conduction that can originate from any
part and system of the heart. The real prevalence of arrhyhtmias in veterinary medicine varies
form 3 to 40%, depending on the study conducted. They can lead to significant hemodynamic
changes and clinical signs or can be asymptomatic. They can appear in healthy animals and in
those with structural heart diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of
arrythmias, determinethe population of animals whitch are affected by arrythmias, to see
whitch arrhythmias appear most commonlly and why they apperand to gather data about
thetreatment. In this study 307 dogs were enrolled for witch electrocardiography was done
and whose data was fulfilled and enough for diagnosis of systemic and heart diseases. In the
population the ratio of male and female dogs were almost the same. We had 64 pure breed
dogs and mixed breed. In 39% of the dogs arrhythmias were found. Median age at the time of
diagnosis was 9 years (ranging from 1 do 17), median of body weight was 15 kg (ranging
from 2 to 76 kg). Most of the dogs 60,3 % had lesst han 31 kg and were younger then 11
years. Breeds that were most affected by arrhythmias were mixed breed, German shepherd,
West Highland White Terrier, Cane corso, Maltese dogand Golden retriever. In study
population 63,2% dogs had no heart disease, where as the rest of whome most had
degenerative valve disease and DCM. Sinus rhythm and respiratory sinus arrhythmia were the
most common ECG finding, the most common arrhythmia was atrial fibrillation, premature
atrial and ventricular contraction. Systemic disease that were most commonly causing
arrhythmia were spleenic tumors
fibrilacija atrija
Keywords (english)
atrila fibrillation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:480549
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-24 10:40:38