Title Genotipizacija polimorfizma estrogenog receptora u krmača
Title (english) Genotyping of Sows Estrogen Receptor Polymorphism
Author Martina Vdović
Mentor Anamaria Ekert Kabalin (mentor)
Mentor Sven Menčik (mentor)
Committee member Velimir Sušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anamaria Ekert Kabalin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sven Menčik (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Department of Animal Husbandry) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-29, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Animal Production and Biotechnology
Abstract Svinjogojstvo je od davnina vrlo važna grana privrede u Hrvatskoj. Na ekonomičnost same
proizvodnje utječu reproduktivna i proizvodna te tovna sposobnost jedinki koja možemo
unaprijediti selekcijom. U intenzivnoj svinjogojskoj proizvodnji teži se uzgoju i proizvodnji
hibridnih linija, kao što je nizozemski hibrid Topigs, kojeg odlikuju visoka reproduktivna
sposobnost, dobra konverzija hrane i prirast tovljenika.Veličina legla je nisko nasljedno
svojstvo i rezultat je interakcije velikog broja gena i okolišnih čimbenika. Selekcijom na temelju
duljine trupa, križanjem pasmina i linija uz ispoljavanje heterozis efekta te kontrolom ostalih
pogodovnih čimbenika (optimalno vrijeme parenja, hranidba, zdravstveni status) možemo
izravno utjecati na povećanje veličine legla. Nasljedivost svojstva kao što je veličina legla,
teško je odrediti izravno, stoga molekularna genetika ima veliki značaj u popravljanju
proizvodnih svojstava primjenom genetskih markera. Estrogen receptor (ESR) nositelj je
superiornosti za veličinu legla i utvrđena je njegova povezanost s reproduktivnim svojstvima u
različitih pasmina i križanaca. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je analizirati genotipski polimorfizam
ESR u 30 uzoraka krvi krmača hibrida Topigs, kao i reproduktivne pokazatelje svakog genotipa
u prvom i drugom leglu. Nakon izolacije genomske DNK i umnažanja odsječaka ESR, dobiveni
PCR produkti podvrgnuti su djelovanju restrikcijske endonukleaze PvuII, kako bi se utvrdio
polimorfizam ciljnog odsječka ESR. Produkti restrikcije podvrgnuti su elektroforezi u 3 %-
tnom agaroznom gelu. Najučestaliji genotip bio je homozigot AA (odsječak veličine 120 parova
baza), a najmanje homozigot BB (2 odsječka sa 65 i 55 pb). Heterozigoti genotipa AB imali su
3 odsječka sa 120, 65, 55 pb. Smatra se da je alel B više odgovoran za povećanje broja
ukupnorođene i živorođene prasadi. U našem istraživanju najveći broj ukupno oprasenih, ali i
mrtvooprasenih odojaka bio je kod krmača genotipa BB, uslijed čega je broj živooprasenih u
njih bio najmanji. Najveći broj živooprasenih utvrđen je u homozigota AA. Iako su utvrđene
razlike prosječnih vrijednosti reprodukcijskih pokazatelja između pojedinih genotipova, u
našem istraživanju one nisu bile značajne.
Abstract (english) Pig production has always been a very important branch of economy in Croatia.
Reproductive and production traits that influence on production profitability partly can be
improved with animal selection. In intensive pig production the aims are breeding and
production of hybrid lines, such as the Dutch hybrid Topigs, which are characterized by high
reproductive ability, good feed conversion and growth of pigs. Litter size, as a low-heritable
trait, is the result of interaction of many genes and environmental factors. With selection based
on the length of the body, crossing of breeds and lines with the expression of heterosis effect
and control of other factors (such as the optimal time for mating, feeding, as well as health
status) breeders can directly increase a litter size. Inheritance of some traits, such as litter size,
is difficult to determine directly. That is why molecular genetics is important in improving
producting performance using genetic markers. Estrogen receptor (ESR) is the holder of
superiority for litter size. It has been determined that it is associated with reproductive traits in
different breeds and crossbreeds. The aim of this study was to analyze the genotypic
polymorphism of ESR in 30 blood samples of sows of Topigs hybrid and reproductive
performance of each genotype in the first and second litter. After DNA isolation and
amplification of ESR sequence, the obtained PCR products were subjected to restriction with
endonuclease PvuII, to determine the polymorphism of the target ESR segment. Restriction
fragments were separated with gel-electrophoresis on 3% agarose gel. The most common
genotype was the homozygote AA (segment size of 120 base pairs), and the homozygote BB
(2 segments with 65 and 55 bp) was the least common. Heterozygous genotype AB had 3
segments of 120, 65 and 55 bp. It is believed that the B allele is more responsible for increasing
the number of piglets born alive and total born piglets. In our study, the largest number of total
born as well as stillborn piglets was in sows of genotype BB, what caused the lowest number
of piglets born alive in the same group. The largest number of live born piglets was in
homozygote AA. Although differences in average values of reproductive parameters between
genotypes were found, they were not significant in our study.
veličina legla
estrogen receptor (ESR)
Keywords (english)
litter size
Estrogen receptor (ESR)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:861929
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-27 11:03:09