Title Biomehanika terapijskih vježbi u pasa
Title (english) Biomechanics of Therapeutic Exercise in Dogs
Author Maja Jurković
Mentor Zoran Vrbanac (mentor)
Mentor Ana Shek Vugrovečki (mentor)
Committee member Ivona Žura Žaja (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Vrbanac (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Shek Vugrovečki (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (Department of Radiology, Ultrasound Diagnostic and Physical Therapy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Abstract Biomehanika je interdisciplinarna znanost koju možemo definirati kao objedinjenje fizike i biologije, razmatranje utjecaja dinamike i statike na funkciju lokomotornog sustava te primjena svega navedenog u rješavanju medicinskih problema. Biomehanikom uspijevamo dobiti preciznije rezultate na temelju kojih možemo ustanovit razna odstupanja od fizioloških kretnji lokomotornog sustava i uspješnije odrediti i prilagoditi terapiju prema potrebama pacijenta. Osnovna funkcija lokomotornog sustava je da omogući kretanje te daje mehaničku potporu organizmu. Kosti su poluge na koje djeluju s jedne strane mišići, a s druge sila teža. Središta vrtnje nalaze se u zglobovima. Sila mišića se protivi težini promatranog dijela tijela u cilju održavanja ravnoteže. Statika i dinamika u analizi pokreta i držanja su vrlo bliske i teško je razumjeti jedno bez drugog. Kinematika opisuje gibanje iz perspektive položaja i vremena. Kinematička analiza vrlo je korisna kod procjene hromosti i simetrije hoda, a postiže se dvodimenzionalnim i trodimenzionalnim snimanjem kretanja i mjerenjem pomaka, zglobnih kuteva, brzine i ubrzanja. Kinetika proučava gibanje preko sila koje se javljaju prilikom kretanja tijela. Kinetičkom analizom fokusiramo se na vertikalnu i horizontalnu silu koja nastaje prilikom oslanjanja noge na tlo, stopu opterećenja i raspodjelu sila. Navedeni pokazatelji nam mogu biti indikatori hromosti, odnosno stupnja opterećenja pojedinog ekstremiteta pri stajanju i različitim fazama kretanja. Općenito, biomehaničkom analizom dobivamo parametre koji su ključni za dijagnostiku patoloških stanja lokomotornog sustava, otklanjanje tih stanja i vraćanje ka fiziološkim vrijednostima. Postoje razne metode koje se koriste za fizikalnu terapiju životinja. Veliku ulogu u rehabilitaciji imaju terapijske vježbe kojima se vraća opseg pokreta, ravnoteža, pokretljivost i snaga. Poznavanje njihovih prednosti s gledišta biomehanike uvelike nam olakšava odabir.
Abstract (english) Biomechanics is an interdisciplinary science that can be defined as the unification of physics and biology, consideration of the influence of dynamics and statics on the function of the locomotor system and, ultimately, the application of the aforementioned in solving medical problems. Biomechanics allows us to obtain more precise results on the basis of which we can determine various deviations from the physiological movements of the locomotor system and by which we can more successfully establish and adjust the therapy according to the patient's needs. The basic function of the locomotor system is to enable movement and provide mechanical support to the body. Bones are levers that are affected by muscles on one side and gravity on the other. The centers of rotation are located in the joints. Force generated by muscles opposes the weight of the observed part of the body in order to maintain balance. The statics and dynamics in the analysis of movement and posture are very closely connected and it is difficult to understand one without the other. Kinematics describes motion from the perspective of position and time. Kinematic analysis is very useful in validation of lameness and gait symmetry. It is based on two-dimensional and three-dimensional motion recording and measurement of displacement, joint angles, velocity, and acceleration. Kinetics studies motion through forces that occur when a body moves. Kinetic analysis is focused on the generation of the vertical and horizontal force, while the limbs are in contact with the ground, the load rate, and the force distribution. These indicators can be indicators of lameness, the degree of load on each limb while standing or during the different phases of movement. In general, biomechanical analysis provides parameters that are crucial for the diagnosis of pathological conditions of the locomotor system, elimination of these conditions and return to physiological values. There are various methods used for physical therapy of animals. Therapeutic exercises that restore range of motion, balance, mobility and strength play a major role in rehabilitation. Knowing their advantages from a biomechanics point of view makes our selection much easier.
mišićno-koštani sustav
terapijske vježbe
Keywords (english)
musculoskeletal system
therapeutic exercises
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:565999
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-12-09 17:05:13