Title (english) Economic aspects of pig production, import and export in the Republic of Croatia
Author Jasmin Idonea Yeoman
Mentor Denis Cvitković (mentor)
Mentor Marina Pavlak (mentor)
Committee member Ksenija Vlahović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Pavlak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Denis Cvitković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
Abstract Godine 2009. primijećen je porast broja svinja i krmača. Broj krmača smatra se osobito važan jer predstavlja osnovu svinjogojske proizvodnje. Te je godine broj krmača narastao za 4% u odnosu na prethodnu godinu što predstavlja najveći porast u promatranom razdoblju. Na velikim farama najčešće se uzgajaju hibridi PIC i Tipigsa. Prednosti uzgoja hibrida su višestruke: životinje su identične, a to je pogotovo bitno na liniji klanja, jer su polovice iste težine, odrezani određeni komadi mesa teže isto i izgledaju isto, te je razvrstavanje i pakiranje mesa u velikoj proizvodnji brže i lakše.
Na malim gospodarstvima i obiteljskim gospodarstvima još se uvijek drže plemenite pasmine i stare autohtone pasmine radi tradicije. Te pasmine nisu visoko produktivne jer daju puno manje prasadi po leglu nego hibridne pasmine.
Bez obzira na zastupljenost pojedinih pasmina u uzgoju, i dalje je efikasnost svinjogojstva u Hrvatskoj manja nego u nekim zemljama Europe. Jedna krmača u Hrvatskoj prosječno godišnje oprasti 27 prasadi, dok je u razvijenijim svinjogojstvima Europe taj broj 32 prasadi po krmači godišnje.
Autohtona pasmina Crna slavonska svinja je u razdoblju od deset godina ostvarila visoku popularnost na manjim gospodarstvima i na velikim farmama. Ta pasmina ima viši udio masti nego hibridne pasmine, ali ima jako ukusno meso, što je čini proizvodno zanimljivom. Nedostatak njenog uzgoja je spora i duga proizvodnja, a prednost je prepoznatljivost kvalitete proizvoda.
U razdbolju od 2008. do 2019. godine plodnosti krmača na velikim farmama zabilježila je pozitivan trendu, što znaći da su odrežene pasmine i hibridi u selekcijkom programu povećale broj oprasene prasadi po leglu. Godine 2008. u prosjeku je po leglu opraseno 11 prasadi, a 2019. taj broj se povećao za 36% i iznosio prosječno 15 prasadi. U promatranom razdoblju zabilježen je porast broja grla isporučenih za tov za 14,3% i porast broja grla isporučenih na klanje za 22,6%. Trajanje tova u danima smanjeno je za oko 12 % (sa 120,2 dana na 106 dana), dnevni prirast porastao je za 32%, prosječna težina polovica za
14,7%, a udio mesa u polovicama za 16,4%. Primijećena je znatna razlika u broju legala po krmači godišnje između velikih farmi (oko 2,3 legla) i obiteljskih gospodarstava (oko 1,5 legala).
U području uvoza i izvoza svinja, svinjskog mesa, mesnih prerađevina i masti, jasno se vidi da je u RH uvoz veći od izvoza.
Samodostatnost RH u proizvodnji svinjskog mesa porasla je sa 33% 2016. godine na 49% 2019. godine.
Abstract (english) In 2009, an increase in the number of pigs and sows was detected. The number of sows is considered to be particularly important because it forms the basis of pig production. In 2009. , the number of sows increased by 4% compared to the previous year, which is the largest increase in the observed period. PIC and Topigs hybrids are most often kept on large headlights. The advantages of breeding hybrids are multiple: the animals are identical, and this is especially important on the slaughter line, because the halves are the same weight, cut certain pieces of meat weigh the same and look the same, and sorting and packaging meat in large production is faster and easier.
Noble breeds and old indigenous breeds are still kept on small farms and family farms for the sake of tradition. These breeds are not highly productive as they produce fewer piglets per litter than hybrid breeds.
Regardless of the representation of individual breeds in breeding, the efficiency of pig breeding in Croatia is still lower than in some European countries. One sow in Croatia releases an average of 27 piglets per year, while in more developed pig farms in Europe the number is 32 piglets per sow per year.
The autochthonous breed of Black Slavonian pig has gained high popularity on small farms and large farms over a period of ten years. This breed has a higher fat content than the hybrid breed, but has very tasty meat, which makes it interesting as a product. The disadvantage of its cultivation is the slow and long production, and the advantage is the recognizability of the product quality.
In the time period from 2008 to 2019, the fertility of sows on large farms recorded a positive trend, which means that certain breeds and hybrids in the selection program increased the number of pollinated piglets per litter. In 2008, an average of 11 piglets were pollinated per litter, and in 2019 that number increased by 36% and averaged 15 piglets. In the observed period, the number of heads delivered for fattening increased by 14.3% and the number of heads delivered for slaughter increased by 22.6%. The duration of fattening in days decreased
by about 12% (from 120.2 days to 106 days), daily gain increased by 32%, average weight of halves by 14.7%, and the share of meat in halves by 16.4%. A significant difference in the number of litters per sow per year was observed between large farms (about 2.3 litters) and family farms (about 1.5 litters).
In the chapter that explained import and export of pigs, pork, meat products and fats, it is clear that imports in the Republic of Croatia are higher than exports.
The self-sufficiency of the Republic of Croatia in pork production increased from 33% in 2016 to 49% in 2019.
Keywords (english)
pig breeding
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:448359
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-07-15 09:20:58