Title (english) Pathophysiology of mast cell tumours in humans and animals
Author Siniša Faraguna
Mentor Romana Turk (mentor)
Committee member Maja Belić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirna Robić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Romana Turk (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nina Poljičak Milas (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Basic and Preclinical Veterinary Sciences
Abstract Cilj ovoga diplomskog rada bio je istražiti dosadašnje spoznaje o patofiziološkim mehanizmima nastanka mastocitoma u različitih vrsta životinja i ljudi. Također mi je bila namjera na temelju literaturnih podataka usporediti biološko ponašanje te oblike mastocitoma u različitih životinjskih vrsta i ljudi te komparativnim pristupom istražiti najvažnija obilježja mastocitoma, pojavnost, mogućnost širenja kao i metode dijagnostike i liječenja.
Patogeneza nastanka mastocitoma do sada nije još u potpunosti razjašnjena. Pretpostavlja se da je multifaktorijalna, a dobro istražena pasminska predispozicija postavlja sumnje da se patogeneza zasniva na genetskoj komponenti.
Mutacije c-KIT gena, obilježene unutarnjom duplikacijom, uzrokuju stvaranje KIT receptora koji je kontinuirano aktivan u odsutnosti liganda, tj. čimbenika matičnih stanica (SCF, engl. steam cell factor) što vodi do signalne regulacije fosforilacije te ima bitnu ulogu u patofiziološkom mehanizmu nastanka ovog tumora.
Mutacije c-KIT gena u pasa su povezane s progresijom i lošijom prognozom mastocitoma, dok u mačaka i ljudi mutacije c-KIT gena nisu povezane s prognozom bolesti, premda u ljudi imaju bitnu ulogu u dijagnostici i terapiji.
Klinička manifestacija i biološko ponašanje mastocitoma jako varira s obzirom na vrstu živiotinje, nalazimo od benignih solitarnih masa do agresivnih sistemskih tumora. U pasa, mastocitomi su najčešće maligne novotvorevine kože. Za razliku od mastocitoma niskog stupnja malignosti, mastocitomi visokog stupnja malignosti najčešće imaju vrlo lošu prognozu s kraćim vremenom preživljavanja.
Uporaba inhibitora tirozin kinaze (TKI) u veterinarskoj medicini u kombinaciji s konvencionalnom kemoterapijom otvorila je posve novi pogled na terapiju pacijenata koji ne odgovaraju na postojeće lijekove.
Trenutna istraživanja fokusirana su na razvoj i poboljšanje novih strategija liječenja. Područje komparativne patologije i onkologije može doprinijeti razvoju istraživanja, dijagnosticiranja, točnije prognoze i terapije humanih i životinjskih mastocitoma.
Abstract (english) This thesis aimed to investigate current knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms for the formation of mast cell tumours in different animal species and humans. Based on the available literature data, biological behaviour and forms of mast cell tumour occurring in animals and people have been compared. In addition, investigated have been essential features of mast cell tumours, such as incidence, the possibility of spread, and methods of diagnosis and treatment.
The pathogenesis of mast cell tumour formation is not completely clarified. However, it is assumed that it is multifactorial, although a well-researched predisposition of breeds to mast cell tumour formation raises suspicion that pathogenesis is based on a genetic component.
C-KIT mutations, marked with internal duplication, cause production of KIT receptor which is constitutively activated in the absence of a ligand, ie steam cell factor which leads to signal-regulated phosphorylation and play an essential role in the pathophysiological mechanism of the tumour.
Mutations in c-KIT gene in dogs are associated with progression and poor prognosis of mast cell tumour. In contrast, such mutations are not associated with disease prognosis in cats and humans. However, they play an essential role in diagnosis and therapy in humans.
The clinical manifestation and biological behaviour of mast cell tumours vary widely depending on the type of animal–ranging from benign individual masses to aggressive systemic tumours. However, in dogs, mast cell tumours are the most common malignant neoplasms on the skin. Unlike low-grade mast cell tumours, high-grade mast cell tumours often have a very poor prognosis and shorter survival time.
In combination with conventional chemotherapy, the use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) in veterinary medicine has opened up a whole new perspective on the therapy of patients who do not respond to existing drugs.
Current research focuses on developing a improving new treatment strategies. In addition, comparative pathology and oncology can contribute to the development of research, diagnosis, more accurate prognosis and therapy of human and animal mast cell tumours.
Ključne riječi: mastocitom
mutacija KIT-a
receptor tirozin kinaze
komparativni pristup
Keywords (english)
mast cell tumour
KIT mutation
tyrosine kinase receptor
comparative approach
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:899330
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2021-07-16 10:48:53