Title Psi i mačke kao sentinel životinje za bolest Zapadnog Nila u urbanim sredinama
Author Veronika Vuger
Mentor Ljubo Barbić (mentor)
Committee member Josipa Habuš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Vilim Starešina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ljubo Barbić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Milas (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
Abstract Bolest Zapadnog Nila emergentna je zoonoza koju uzrokuje RNA virus iz porodice Flaviviridae, roda Flavivirus. Virus prirodno cirkulira između rezervoara ptica i vektora komaraca, najčešće roda Culex. Osim u ptica i peradi, infekcija je dokazana i u mnogih sisavaca. Uz ptice, u kojih većina vrsta uopće ne pokazuju simptome dok je za neke visoka smrtnost, klinički najčešće obolijevaju konji i ljudi. Ljudi se inficiraju gotovo isključivo tijekom hranjenja inficiranih komaraca što je i primarni način infekcije životinja. Stoga, sa svrhom dokaza virusne cirkulacije na određenom području, u svrhu usmjeravanja protuepidemijskih mjera, provode se programi pretraživanja sentinel životinja kako bi dokazom infekcije životinja potvrdili prisustvo inficiranih komaraca na nekom području. Za ovu svrhu najčešće se pretražuju konji te perad. Ograničenje ovog dokazano učinkovitog sustava je nemogućnost njegova provođenja u urbanim sredinama. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja bio dokazati prisutnost infekcije virusom Zapadnog Nila u pasa i mačaka, te time istražiti mogućnost njihovog korištenja kao sentinel životinja za ovu bolest u urbanim sredinama. U tu svrhu ukupno je pretraženo 184 uzorka seruma pasa i 92 uzoraka seruma mačaka, u kojima su se pretraživanjem komercijalnim ELISA testom (INgezim West Nile Compac) utvrđivala IgG protutijela za virus Zapadnog Nila. Sve pretražene životinje bile su s područja županija Grad Zagreb i Zagrebačka. Seroprevalencija ustanovljena u pasa iznosila je 5,98%, a u mačka 4,34%. Nije dokazana značajna razlika između seroprevalencije u istraživanih vrsta kao niti utjecaj pasmine, spola niti poveznica s kliničkim znakovima. Prvi dokazi infekcije u obje vrste potvrđeni su u rujnu, a sve životinje mlađe od četiri godine bile su negativne.
Sveukupni rezultati istraživanja potvrđuju po prvi put na području RH infekcije pasa i mačaka virusom Zapadnog Nila. Analizom postignutih rezultata potvrđeno je da psi i mačke mogu biti sentinel životinje u urbanim područjima pretraživanjem kojih se mogu prikupiti relevantni podaci za nadzor i suzbijanje ove zoonoze. Stoga je dosadašnje programe nadzora potrebno nadopuniti pretraživanjem ovih vrsta kako bi nastavili uspješan nadzor ove opasne arbovirusne zoonoze koja se endemizirana na području RH, a sve u skladu s inicijativom „Jedno zdravlje“.
Ključne riječi: virus Zapadnog Nila, psi, mačke, ELISA, sentinel životinje, seroprevalencija
Abstract (english) West Nile fever is an emergent zoonosis caused by an RNA virus of the family Flaviviridae of the genus Flavivirus. Virus naturally circulates between birds, which are reservoir hosts and mosquitoes, primary genus Culex, which are vectors. Except in birds and poultry, infection is also confirmed in many mammals. Along with the birds, in which majority of species don't show clinical symptoms at all, while for some mortality rate is high, clinical manifestation is most common in horses and people. People are almost exclusively infected during the feeding of infected mosquitoes, which is also the primary route of transmission of infection in animals. So, to show the evidence of virus circulation in a particular area, for the purpose of anti-epidemic measures, sentinels survaillance programs are being implemented in order to confirme the presence of infected mosquitoes by detecting infected sentinel animals in certain areas. Horses and poultry are most often used domestic animal species for this purpose. This generally effective system has limitation in its implementation in urban areas. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate West Nile virus infection in dogs and cats and by achieving that, also to investigate the possibility of using them as sentinels in urban areas. For this purpose, a total of 184 dog and 92 cat sera samples were tested using a commercial ELISA test (INgezim West Nile Compac) for the determination of IgG antibodies for the West Nile virus. All tested animals were from the Grad Zagreb and Zagrebačka county area. Seroprevalence established in dogs was 5,98%, while in cats 4,34%. There was no significant difference between seroprevalences in these species nor the influence of the breed, sex, or clinical symptoms on seroprevalence. The first evidence of infection in both species was confirmed in September, and all animals younger than 4 years were negative. Results of this study confirm the West Nile virus infection in dogs and cats for the first time in Croatia. With the analysis of the achieved results, it is confirmed that dogs and cats can be sentinels in urban areas. By using dogs and cats as sentinels a relevant data for surveillance and control of this zoonosis can be collected. Hence, ongoing West Nile virus surveillance programs should be upgraded with testing dogs and cats in urban area to improve surveillance of this important arboviral zoonosis in accordance with the „One Health“ approach.
virus Zapadnog Nila
sentinel životinje
Keywords (english)
West Nile virus
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:748076
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2021-10-18 11:06:51