Abstract | Herpesvirusi (Herpesviridae) su velika porodica endonuklearnih DNK virusa koji uzrokuju
infekcije u ljudi i ostalih kralješnjaka te u nekih beskralješnjaka (mekušci). Cijela porodica
herpesvirusa podijeljenja je na tri podporodice: alfaherpesvirusi, betaherpesvirusi, i
gamaherpesvirusi. Koze i ovce su rezervoari ovčjeg herpesvirusa 2 i kozjeg herpesvirusa 2,
koji kod drugih osjetljivih vrsta uzrokuju malignu kataralnu groznicu (MKG). Nakon CpHV-2
otkriven je još jedan kozji gamaherpesvirus, CpLHV. U ovom istraživanju prikazana je
prisutnost i proširenost herpesvirusnih infekcija u stadima koza i ovaca na 21 obiteljskom
poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu u gradu Glina sa 69 okolnih sela. Od ožujka 2019. godine do
svibnja 2020. godine pretraženo je 130 obrisaka nosa, rektuma te vagine. Osim obrisaka
prikupljeni su i epizootiološki podaci u cilju ustanovljavanja čimbenika rizika za infekciju na
razini pojedinačne životinje, ali i na razini farme. Od ožujka do svibnja 2019. godine metodom
ugnježđene PCR u obrisku sluznice nosa dokazan je CpHV-2 kod pet koza, CpLHV kod šest
koza, te OvHV-2 kod jedne ovce. U 2019. godini prevalencija infekcije CpHV-2 u stadima
koza u ovom istraživanju iznosi 9,8% (95% CI: 3,26 – 21,41), dok prevalencija infekcije
CpLHV iznosi 11,76% (95% CI: 4,44 – 23,87). U ponovljenom uzorkovanju 2020. godine
dokazan je CpHV-2 u obrisku nosa kod 12 koza, a u obrisku sluznice vagine kod dvije koze.
U istom stadu je dokazan i CpLHV kod četiri koze, također u obrisku sluznice vagine i nosa.
Nakon izvršene statističke analize, utvrđeno je da je jedino kategorija životinja značajno
utjecala na broj životinja pozitivnih na CpHV-2. Za bolji pregled nad rezultatima, trebalo bi
proširiti istraživanje na šire područje RH, i to na većem broju jedinki, ali i na drugim
pasminama ovaca i koza, uzimajući u obzir sve stavke popratnog epizootiološkog upitnika iz
ovog istraživanja. |
Abstract (english) | Herpesviruses (Herpesviridae) are a large family of endonuclear DNA viruses that cause
infections in humans and other vertebrates and in some invertebrates (molluscs). The whole
family of herpesviruses is divided into three subfamilies: alphaherpesviruses,
betaherpesviruses, and gammaherpesviruses. Goats and sheep are reservoirs of sheep
herpesvirus 2 and goat herpesvirus 2, which in other susceptible species cause malignant
catarrhal fever (MCF). After CpHV-2, another goat gammaherpesvirus, CpLHV, was
discovered. This study showed the presence and prevalence of herpesvirus infections in goat
and sheep herds on 21 family farms in the town of Glina with 69 surrounding villages. From
March 2019 to May 2020, 130 swabs of the nose, rectum and vagina were sampled. In addition
to sampling, epizootiological data were collected in order to determine the risk factors for
infections at the level of individual animals, but also at the farm level. Using the nested PCR
method, in a swab of the nasal mucosa, CpHV-2 was detected in five goats, CpLHV in six
goats, and OvHV-2 in one sheep. In 2019, the prevalence of CpHV-2 infection in goat herds
was 9.8% (95% CI: 3.26 - 21.41), while the prevalence of CpLHV infection was 11.76% (95%
CI: 4, 44 - 23.87). In repeated sampling in 2020, CpHV-2 was detected in a nasal swab of 12
goats and in a vaginal mucosa swab of two goats. In the same herd, CpLHV was detected in
four goats, also in a swab of the vaginal and nasal mucosa. After statistical analysis, it was
found that only the category of animals significantly affected the number of animals positive
for CpHV-2. For a better overview of the results, the research should be extended to the wider
area of Croatia, on a larger number of individuals, but also on other breeds of sheep and goats,
considering all items of the epizootiological questionnaire from this research. |