Author Paulina Martinec
Mentor Ivan Folnožić (mentor)
Mentor Ivona Žura Žaja (mentor)
Committee member Silvijo Vince (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Folnožić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivona Žura Žaja (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Suzana Milinković-Tur (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Abstract Elektromagnetsko zračenje emitira se iz prirodnog okruženja, kao i upotrebom industrijskih i
svakodnevnih uređaja za bežičnu komunikaciju, te su na taj način stalno izloženi ljudski i
životinjski organizmi. Tijekom posljednjih godina, zbog brzog tehnološkog napretka,
elektromagnetsko zračenje iz umjetnih izvora premašilo je vrijednosti zračenje prirodnog
podrijetla. Opća zabrinutost zbog sve većeg broja uređaja (mobiteli, prijenosna računala, Wi-Fi-ja
i mikrovalnih pećnica), koji koriste radiofrekvencijsko / mikrovalno zračenje opravdana je radi
sve brojnijih dokaza o njihovoj štetnosti po živi organizam. Suvremeni uređaji moderne
tehnologije emitiraju radiofrekventne elektromagnetske valove malih frekvencija koje ljudsko i
životinjsko tijelo apsorbira te može imati potencijalne štetne učinke na mozak, srce, endokrini
sustav i reproduktivnu funkciju. Smatra se da je muški reproduktivni sustav jedan od
najosjetljivijih tkiva na elektromagnetsko zračenje. Tako primjerice, iz trenutno dostupnih in vitro
i in vivo studija jasno je da radiofrekvencijska elektromagnetska polja imaju štetne učinke na
spermatogenezu odnosno kakvoću ejakulata ljudi i životinja (poput broja spermija u ejakulatu,
preživljavanje te morfologiju i gibljivost spermija), utječu na stanični metabolizam i endokrini
sustav te uzrokuju genotoksičnost, genomsku nestabilnost i oksidativni stres, što može prouzročiti
neplodnost. Štetni učinci radiofrekvencijskih elektromagnetskih valova dijele se na toplinske i
netoplinske. Većina negativnih bioloških učinaka pripisuje se netoplinskim učincima te se smatra
se da su toplinski učinci nastali zračenjem mobitela manje štetni. No, hipertermija skrotuma i
povećani oksidativni stres zbog stvaranja prevelike količine reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva u
muškom spolnom sustavu mogu biti ključni mehanizmi putem kojih elektromagnetsko zračenje
utječe na plodnost muškaraca. Međutim, navedeni su negativni učinci povezani s vremenom
korištenja ponajprije mobilnog telefona. Stoga je cilj ovog preglednog diplomskog rada opisati
neke od učinaka radiofrekvencijskog elektromagnetskog zračenja na muški spolni sustav.
Abstract (english) Electromagnetic radiation is emitted from the natural environment, as well as through the use of
industrial and everyday devices for wireless communication, and in that way are constantly
exposed human and animal organisms. Over the recent years, due to rapid technological progress,
Electromagnetic radiation from artificial sources has exceeded the values of radiation of natural
origin. General concern about the increasing number of devices (mobile phones, laptops, Wi-Fi
and microwave ovens), which use radio frequency / microwave radiation is justified due to the
increasing number of evidence of their harm to the living organism. Modern devices of modern
technology emit radio frequency electromagnetic waves of small frequencies which are then
absorbed by the human and animal bodies and can have potential adverse effects on the brain,
heart, endocrine system and reproductive function. It is believed that the male reproductive system
is one of the most sensitive tissues on electromagnetic radiation. For example, it is clear from
currently available studies that radio frequency electromagnetic fields have harmful effects on
ejaculate quality indicators (such as spermatozoa count in ejaculate and spermatozoa morphology
and motility), affect cellular metabolism and endocrine system and cause genotoxicity, genomic
instability and oxidative stress, which may cause infertility. The adverse effects of radiofrequency
electromagnetic waves are divided into thermal and non-thermal. Most of the negative biological
effects are attributed to non-thermal effects and the thermal effects from cell phone radiation are
considered to be less harmful. But, scrotum hyperthermia and increased oxidative stress because
of the formation of too much reactive oxygen compounds in the male reproductive system can be
key mechanisms through which electromagnetic radiation affects male fertility. However, the
negative effects associated with the time of use of the mobile phone are listed above all. Therefore,
the goal of this graduate thesis is to describe some of the effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic
radiation on the male reproductive system.
elektromagnetsko radiofrekvencijsko zračenje
muški spolni sustav
kakvoća ejakulata
endokrini sustavi
oksidativni stres
Keywords (english)
electromagnetic radiofrequency radiation
male reproductive system
ejaculate quality
endocrine systems
oxidative stress
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:178:717111
Study programme Title: Veterinary Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine (doktor/doktorica veterinarske medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2022-06-15 09:28:00