Abstract | Jedan od značajnijih čimbenika koji uvjetuju smanjenje pokretljivosti i sposobnosti
oplodnje spermija su oksidativna oštećenja spermija koja nastaju kao posljedica djelovanja
prekomjerne količine reaktivnih kisikovih spojeva (ROS). Prekomjerne količine ROS-a
nastaju tijekom procesa manipulacije i krioprezervacije sjemena te prilikom upalnih stanja
spolnih organa. Protutežu ROS-u u organizmu čine antioksidansi koji su prisutni u
sjemenoj plazmi i spermijima. Nesrazmjer stvaranja slobodnih radikala i antioksidativne
obrane organizma naziva se oksidativni stres koji može dovesti do oštećenja stanica i
posljedično neplodnosti. Melatonin je molekula sa sposobnošću direktne i indirektne
antioksidativne zaštite, sprječava lipidnu peroksidaciju u staničnim membranama,
apoptozu spermija te štiti DNK-a i mitohondrije spermija od oštećenja koja mogu nastati
zbog štetnog djelovanja ROS-a.
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj egzogenog melatonina na
antioksidativnu zaštitu ejakulata jarčeva izvan rasplodne sezone praćenjem antioksidativne
enzimske aktivnosti u sjemenu i različitih pokazatelja kvalitete ejakulata prije i poslije
dubokog smrzavanja.
U istraživanju je bilo uključeno 12 jarčeva pasmine francuska alpina starosti 1,5-4
god. tijekom 6 pokusnih perioda (svaki period je trajao 2 tjedna) izvan rasplodne sezone.
Jarčevi su nasumično bili podijeljeni u dvije skupine: kontrolna (n=6) i pokusna (n=6).
Pokusnoj skupini jarčeva je krajem 2. perioda apliciran egzogeni melatonin (četiri
implantata od 18 mg na bazu uške). Svim jarčevima se jedanput tjedno uzimao ejakulat
pomoću umjetne vagine (ukupno 12 tjedana) u jutarnjim satima prilikom čega se
procjenjivao libido. Ejakulatima se po uzimanju određivao volumen, koncentracija,
pokretljivost, udio živih i abnormalnih spermija. U sjemenoj plazmi i spermijima su
određene aktivnosti glutation reduktaze (GR), glutation peroksidaze (GSH-Px), superoksid
dismutaze (SOD), katalaze (CAT) i koncentracija malondialdehida (MDA). Spermijima je
nakon izdvajanja od sjemene plazme dodan komercijalni razrjeđivač s vitaminima E i C i
bez vitamina te su kao takvi bili podvrgnuti procesu krioprezervacije. U smrznutom sjemenu su nakon otapanja određivani pokretljivost i brzinski parametri spermija pomoću
kompjuterske analize spermija, udio oštećenja plazmatske i akrosomske membrane,
oštećenja DNK i oštećenja i depolarizacije mitohondrija protočnom citometrijom te udio
živih spermija i različitih oblika abnormalnosti citološko-morfološkom pretragom.
U pokusnoj skupini jarčeva utvrđeno je neznačajno veća razina libida te značajno
bolja pokretljivost spermija i udio živih spermija tijekom 3.–4. istraživanog perioda.
Pokusna skupina jarčeva imala je značajno niže vrijednosti GR u spermijima i sjemenoj
plazmi tijekom gotovo cijelog perioda istraživanja, značajno manju aktivnost GSH–Px u
spermijima te veću u sjemenoj plazmi u zadnjem periodu istraživanja te značajno manju
vrijednost SOD-a u spermijima tijekom zadnja tri perioda. Skupina jarčeva koja je primila
melatonin imala je značajno veće vrijednosti omjera CAT/SOD, GSH–Px/SOD u sjemnoj
plazmi i spermijima tijekom 6. perioda te značajno niže vrijednosti omjera GR/GSH–Px u
spermijima tjekom 6. perioda i sjemenoj plazmi tijekom 5. istraživanog perioda. Pokusna
skupina jarčeva imala je veću pokretljivost, progresivnu pokretljivost, udio živih i udio
živih spermija s intaktnom akrosomom tijekom 3. perioda nakon otapanja sjemena. Isto
tako, pokusna skupina je u 4. periodu istraživanja imala veću frekvenciju prelaska
pravolinijske putanje u sekundi spermija u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu.
Prema dobivenim rezultatima može se zaključiti da egzogeni melatonin ima
pozitivan učinak na pokretljivost i udio živih spermija u svježem i odmrznutom ejakulatu
neposredno nakon aplikacije melatonina. Egzogeni melatonin utjecao je na promjenu
aktivnosti pojedinih antioksidacijskih enzima u određenim periodima istraživanja, a
ponajviše na GR u sjemenoj plazmi i spermijima; SOD u spermijima te GSH-Px u
sjemenoj plazmi i spermijima. Utvrđena je pozitivna korelacija CAT, GR, SOD u
spermijima. Isto tako, egzogeni melatonin imao je značajan utjecaj i na omjere
antioksidacijskih enzima u sjemenoj plazmi i spermijima u istom pokusnom periodu te bi
se određivanje omjera u budućnosti moglo smatrati boljim pokazateljima oksidativnog
stresa te dati bolji uvid u adaptaciju i stanje antioksidativnog sustava u odnosu na
pojedinačno utvrđene aktivnosti antioksidativnih enzima. Po prvi puta je u spermijima
jarčeva utvrđen atioksidativni status te je nađena pozitivna korelacija aktivnosti CAT, GR i
SOD s oštećenjem DNK u spermijima.
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Abstract (english) | The free radicals are atoms or molecules possessing in the outer shell of electronic
envelope one or more unpaired electrons which makes them in biological sense
extraordinary non stable and reactive. In this regard, it is well known that one of the most
important factors which may predispose to their lower motility and fertilization capability
of spermatozoa are their oxidative damages which are the consequence of activity of an
excessive quantity of free radicals, particularly reactive oxygen species (ROS). Almost all
cells of an organism, but primarily reproductive cells are constantly exposed to such
excessive quantity of the ROS which are produced during process of manipulation and
cryopreservation of spermatozoa and in the case of inflammatory states of genital organs.
The counterbalance to such damaging ROS activities in an organism are antioxidant
substances present in seminal plasma and spermatozoa. Disproportional production of free
radicals and antioxidative protection of an organism is called oxidative stress which may
lead to cell damage and consequently to infertility. The melatonin is the molecule with the
capability of direct and indirect antioxidative protection. It also prevents lipid peroxidation
of cell membranes, apoptosis of spermatozoa, and protects spermatozoa DNA and
mitochondria from damage which may happen due to negative effects of the ROS. Also, in
sheep and goats as polyestrous seasonal animals, melatonin is participating in the
regulation of sexual cycle. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of exogenous
melatonin on antioxidative protection of bucks ejaculate in non-breeding season by
monitoring of antioxidative enzymatic activity in semen as well as various parameters of
ejaculate quality before and after deep freezing, and to evaluate the effectiveness of
supplementation of the commercial extender with vitamins E and C in particular doses
before deep freezing.
In this study 12 bucks of French Alpine breed, aged from 1.5 to 4 years were
included into 6 experimental periods (duration of each period was 2 weeks) out of
reproductive season. The bucks were randomly assigned into two groups: the control (n = 6) and melatonin treated (n = 6) group. All bucks were in a good reproductive condition,
kept and fed in almost identical macroclimatic and microclimatic conditions. At the end of
second period the melatonin treated group of bucks received 4 implants of 18 mg of
melatonin subcutaneously in the ear basis. The ejaculate was taken from the bucks on a
weekly basis by artificial vagina (for 12 weeks in total) during morning hours and their
libido was also assessed. For obtaining the ejaculate the synchronization of oestrus was
performed in goats and they served as phantoms. In order to obtain the higher volumes of
seminal plasma the ejaculate from each buck was taken two times consecutively within the
interval not longer than 15 minutes. The ejaculates were collected into sterile graduated
glass tubes. After sampling of the ejaculates, their volume and concentration, motility,
proportions of vital and abnormal spermatozoa were determined. The concentration of
spermatozoa was determined by electronic counter, their motility was assessed natively
under binocular microscope with built-in sperm heater plate, proportions of live and dead
spermatozoa were assessed based on supravital staining after Bloom, and for determining
morphologically normal and pathologic forms of spermatozoa a commercial staining set
after Farelly was used. After 10 minutes from taking of the ejaculates both were
centrifuged in a shaded incubator (at 21°C) for 5 minutes at 2400 g. The supernatants from
both ejaculates were taken by pipette, mixed and again centrifuged for 15 minutes at 2400
g. Following the second centrifugation the supernatant, i.e. seminal plasma was taken by
pipette and cooled off to + 4°C, and soon after that to – 80°C in the freezer until analysed.
The remaining spermatozoa were washed 3 times with saline and after each washing they
were centrifuged for 5 minutes at 500 g. The activities of glutathione-reductase (GR),
glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and
concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) were determined. After the first centrifugation
the rest of spermatozoa were added commercial synthetic diluent with or without
supplementation of vitamins E and C, cooled off at + 4°C, transported to the Centre for
artificial insemination where after equilibration for 24 hours the spermatozoa were deep
frozen within the apparatus for automated deep freezing.
After thawing of frozen spermatozoa their motility and velocity parameters were
determined by the computer analyses of spermatozoa. The proportion of the cells with
damaged plasma and acrosome membrane, damaged DNA, damages and depolarization of
mitochondria were assessed by the flow cytometry. The proportions of live spermatozoa and spermatozoa with different forms of abnormalities were determined by the cytologicalmorphological examination.
In the melatonin treated group of bucks non-significant higher level of libido was
determined. These bucks had significantly better motility of spermatozoa and a higher
proportion of live spermatozoa during the 3rd and 4th period of the experiment. The
melatonin treated group of bucks had significantly lower values of GR in the spermatozoa
and the seminal plasma during almost all periods of experiment. In addition, significantly
lower activity of GSH-Px in the spermatozoa and higher in the seminal plasma in the last
period of the experiment as well as significantly lower value of SOD in spermatozoa
during the last three periods of the experiment were determined. The group of bucks that
received melatonin had significantly higher values of the ratios: CAT/SOD, GSH-Px/SOD
in the seminal plasma and spermatozoa during 6th period of the experiment. In addition,
same group had significantly lower values of the ratio GR/GSH-Px in the spermatozoa
during 6th period and in the seminal plasma during 5th period of the experiment. The
melatonin treated group of bucks had better motility, progressive motility, proportions of
the live spermatozoa and the live spermatozoa with intact acrosome during 3rd period after
thawing of the semen. Furthermore, the melatonin treated group of bucks had a higher
percentage of beat cross frequency in the 4th period of the experiment. The thawed
ejaculates with extender supplemented with vitamins E and C had a higher proportion of
the spermatozoa with damaged plasma membrane as well as a lower total proportion of the
live spermatozoa and the live spermatozoa with intact acrosome for the whole
experimental period. However, when each of the 6 periods was separately observed there
were no differences among ejaculates with or without the supplemented vitamins.
According to the obtained results it could be concluded that the exogenous
melatonin had a positive effect on motility and proportion of live spermatozoa in fresh and
thawed semen immediately after application of melatonin. The exogenous melatonin
changed the activities of particular antioxidative enzyme in certain periods of the
experiment, especially on GR and GSH-Px in the seminal plasma and spermatozoa and
SOD in spermatozoa. Also, the exogenous melatonin had an significant influence on the
ratios of antioxidative enzymes in the seminal plasma and the spermatozoa in the same
experimental period, and thus, the precise determination of these ratios in the future could
be considered as a better indicator of oxidative stress which may provide a better insight
into adaptation and antioxidative status in regard to activities of single antioxidative enzymes. In this study the antioxidative status in French Alpine buck spermatozoa was
established for the first time and the positive correlation of CAT, GR and SOD activities
with DNA damage in the spermatozoa was recorded.
Vitamin supplementation of extender before freezing did not improve the quality of
ejaculates which could be the consequence of various endogenous and exogenous factors.
Accordingly, it could be assumed that in this study the doses of applied vitamins E and C
were not properly assessed, and thus the proper calibration of their doses should be
emphasized in further research. |