Title Suvremeni načini skladištenja
Title (english) Modern Methods of Storage
Author Antonio Krišto
Mentor Hrvoje Baričević (mentor)
Committee member Slađana Čuljat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Joso Vrkljan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Baričević (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospić (Transport department) Gospić
Defense date and country 2022-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Završni rad govori o skladištenju robe, te različitim skladišnim sustavima i vrstama
skladišta. Upravljanje skladištem dio je poslovne logistike, koja se bavi optimizacijom
troškova i vremena skladištenja i kretanja proizvoda od proizvodne tvrtke preko trgovaca
na malo i veliko sve do krajnjeg kupca. Skladišta su ograđeni ili neograđeni prostori,
pokriveni ili nepokriveni, koji se koriste za čuvanje sirovina, poluproizvoda, ili gotovih
proizvoda. Temeljna zadaća skladišta je očuvanje vrijednosti i kvalitete čuvanog
materijala, ili robe te osiguranje neprekinutog i nesmetanog tijeka poslovanja, dok je
temeljna funkcija skladišta prijem robe, smještaj i čuvanje robe te izdavanje i otprema
robe. Različite djelatnosti zahtijevaju različite vrste skladišta i oblike skladištenja, stoga se
skladišta prvenstveno razlikuju po načinu izgradnje i stupnju njihove mehanizacije.
Suvremena logistika rješenja za sve veće zahtjeve tržišta nalazi u automatizaciji koja kroz
veće efektivno iskorištenje resursa poboljšava rezultate rada skladišta. Razvoj transportnih
tehnologija i primjena robotizacije u skladištima omogućava uštede na području troškova,
radne snage te se istodobno povećava sigurnost kako robe tako i zaposlenika.
Automatizirani sustavi za pohranu i izuzimanje robe daju vrlo dobre rezultate u usporedbi
sa konvencionalnim skladištima, a kao nedostatak automatizacije i robotizacije skladišnog
sustava mogu se istaknuti visoki troškovi opreme i nefleksibilnost sustava.
Abstract (english) The final paper talks about the storage of goods, and different storage systems and types of
storage. Warehouse management is part of business logistics, which deals with the
optimization of costs and time of storage and movement of products from the
manufacturing company through retailers and wholesalers to the final customer.
Warehouses are fenced or unfenced spaces, covered or uncovered, which are used to store
raw materials, semi-finished products, or finished products. The basic task of the
warehouse is to preserve the value and quality of the stored material or goods and to ensure
the uninterrupted and unhindered flow of business, while the basic function of the
warehouse is the reception of goods, the placement and storage of goods and the issuing
and dispatch of goods. Different activities require different types of warehouses and forms
of storage, therefore warehouses differ primarily in the way they are built and the degree of
their mechanization. Modern logistics solutions for the ever-increasing demands of the
market are found in automation, which improves the results of warehouse operations
through greater effective use of resources. The development of transport technologies and
the application of robotization in warehouses enable savings in terms of costs and
manpower, while at the same time increasing the safety of both goods and employees.
Automated systems for storing and removing goods give very good results compared to
conventional warehouses, and high equipment costs and inflexibility of the system can be
highlighted as the lack of automation and robotization of the warehouse system.
Keywords (english)
: warehouse
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:107:982643
Study programme Title: Road transport Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-11-23 08:32:31