Title Prestanak radnog odnosa u Republici Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Termination of employment in Republic of Croatia
Author Ana Lopac
Mentor Zlatko Ćesić (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Lopac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Katerina Dulčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Zlatko Ćesić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospić (Administrative department) Gospić
Defense date and country 2018-09-21, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Radni odnos u Republici Hrvatskoj reguliran je Zakonom o radu (dalje: ZOR). Radni odnos se uspostavlja dobrovoljno, to je o ugovornu odnos, subjekti radnog odnosa su radnik i poslodavac, sadržaj tog odnosa ispunjava njihova prava, obveze i odgovornosti, a prava, obveze i odgovornosti utvrđene su zakonom, kolektivnim ugovorom, ugovorom o radu ili drugim općim aktom. Ugovor o radu temeljni je dokument kojim se zasniva radni odnos, a sklapa se na neodređeno vrijeme, osim ako ZOR-u nije drukčije određeno. Ugovor o radu mote se iznimno sklopiti na određeno vrijeme za zasnivanje radnog odnosa čiji je prestanak unaprijed utvrđen rokom, izvršenjem određenog posla iii nastupanjem određenog događaja. Ugovor o radu mote prestati na nekoliko načina predviđenih Zakonom o radu. Jedan od najčešćih načina prestanka ugovora o radu je otkaz ugovora o radu koji mote biti redoviti i izvanredni. Ako se radi o redovitom otkazu od strane poslodavca potrebno je postojanje opravdanih razloga, koje je poslodavac dužan navesti u Odluci o otkazu, dok radnik koji redovito otkazuje ugovor o radu nije dužan navoditi razloge. Jedna od osobitosti redovitog otkaza je poštivanje zakonskog ili ugovorenog otkaznog roka - radni odnos prestaje istekom otkaznog roka. Ugovor o radu izvanredno se otkazuje kada zbog osobito teške povrede obveza iz radnog odnosa iii zbog neke druge osobito važne činjenice nije moguće nastaviti radni odnos. U slučaju izvanrednog otkaza ugovora o radu radnik nema pravo niti na otpremninu, niti na otkazni rok. Izvanredni otkaz ugovora o radu mote dati poslodavac, ali i radnik. Obveza dokazivanja postojanja osobito teške povrede iz radnog odnosa, kao osnove za izvanredni otkaz ugovora o radu je na onoj strani koja izvanredno otkazuje ugovor o radu.
Abstract (english) Work in the Republic of Croatia is regulated by the Labor Law. Work is established voluntarily, it is a contractual relationship, the subjects of employment are a worker and an employer, the content of that relationship fulfills their rights, obligations and responsibilities, and the rights, obligations and responsibilities are established by law, collective agreement, employment contract or other general act. The employment contract is a basic document that establishes a working relationship and is concluded for an indefinite period of time, unless otherwise specified in the Labor Law. A work contract may be concluded for a limited period of time for a work relationship whose termination is predetermined by a period of time, by performing a particular job, or by performing a particular event. The employment contract can be terminated in several ways provided by the Labor Law. One of the most common ways of termination of a labor contract is the termination of a labor contract that can be regular and extraordinary. If there is a regular dismissal from the employer, there is a need for legitimate reasons that the employer has to give notice of dismissal, while a worker who terminates the employment contract in a regular waybis not required to state the reasons. One of the peculiarities of a regular cancellation is compliance with the legal or contractual term of dismissal - the employment relationship ceases upon expiry of the cancellation period. The employment contract shall be canceled in exceptional cases when due to a particularly serious breach of his / hers employment obligations or some other particularly important fact, the employment relationship can not be resumed. In the event of an extraordinary termination of the employment contract, the employee is not entitled to severance or cancellation notice. An exceptional job termination can be given by the employer, but also by the worker. The obligation to prove that there is a particularly serious breach of contract as a basis for the exceptional termination of a labor contract is on the one that extradites the employment contract.
radni odnos
Ugovor o radu
prestanak radnog odnosa
Keywords (english)
employment relationship
employment contract
termination of employment
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:107:467424
Study programme Title: Administrative study Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2018-11-21 12:23:02