Title Implementacija inteligentnih transportnih sustava u prometu
Title (english) Implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems in Traffic
Author Marijan Lulić
Mentor Hrvoje Baričević (mentor)
Committee member Ivana Arbanas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Anita Lemić Stagličić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Hrvoje Baričević (član povjerenstva)
Granter Polytechnic Nikola Tesla in Gospić (Transport department) Gospić
Defense date and country 2019-06-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Basic Technical Sciences
Abstract Ovaj završni rad predstavlja temu pod nazivom „Implementacija inteligentnih transportnih sustava u prometu“ i sadržajno je podijeljen na šest cjelina. Prva, a ujedno i početna cjelina, je uvod, u kojemu je rečeno nešto osnovno o temi te je kratko dat sam uvod u tematiku. U drugoj cjelini počinje se s razradom tematike, gdje se govori nešto o općenitim stvarima vezanim uz inteligentne transportne sustave. Tako je tu onda opisana arhitektura svakog ITS sustava, napravljena je detaljna normizacija ITS usluga, analizirana je učinkovitost i kvaliteta ITS usluga, a za kraj cjeline su predstavljene direktive i planovi za razvoj ITS u Republici Hrvatskoj, vezane uz naputke Europske unije. Treća cjelina je središnja cjelina rada u kojoj se opisuje sam razvitak ITS sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj. Tu se dotičemo ekonomskih koristi i pozitivnih učinaka za gospodarstvo RH, što se tiče samog uvođenja ITS-a, te smjernica, strateških ciljeva i poticaja Europske unije, koji omogućuju lakši i djelotvorniji razvitak inteligentnih sustava. Za kraj ovog poglavlja, napravljena je SWOT analiza za razvoj ITS-a u našoj zemlji. U četvrtoj cjelini dati su neki primjeri ITS sustava za nadzor i kontrolu prometa. Tako tu imamo opisan sustav kamera za mjerenje brzine vozila, sustav za automatsko prepoznavanje registarskih oznaka, promjenjive znakove ograničenja brzine, sustav prepoznavanja prolaska vozila na crveno svjetlo, te ITS sustav pomoći za poštivanje ograničenja brzine. Peta cjelina tiče se ITS sustava koji se koriste za kontrolu i upravljanje prometom u Zagrebu, Rijeci, Zadru, te na autocestama u Republici Hrvatskoj. U cjelini su detaljno opisani i analizirani. Šesta i zadnja cjelina je ona zaključna, gdje je tema ukratko sistematizirana od ranije svega iskazanog u radu.
Abstract (english) This final work presents the topic entitled "Implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems in Traffic" and is essentially divided into six chapters. The first, and at the same time, the initial chapter, is an introduction, in which something elementary is said about the subject, and it is a brief introduction to the theme. In the second chapter, it begins with the elaboration of the theme, where something is said about general things related to intelligent transport systems. Thus, the architecture of each ITS system is described, a detailed standardization of ITS services was developed, the efficiency and quality of ITS services were analyzed and ITS directives and ITS development plans in the Republic of Croatia related to the EU guidelines were presented for the end of the chapter. The third chapter is the central one of work, describing the very development of the ITS system in the Republic of Croatia. We are concerned with the economic benefits and the positive effects for the economy of the Republic of Croatia, as far as the introduction of ITS is concerned, as well as the guidelines, strategic goals and incentives of the European Union, which enables the easier and more efficient development of intelligent systems. For the end of this chapter, SWOT analysis was developed for ITS development in our country. Fourthly, some examples of ITS traffic control and control systems are provided. So we have a description of the camera system for measuring speed of the vehicle, the system for automatic recognition of the registration labels, variable speed limit signs, vehicle passage recognition system in red light, and the ITS system for compliance with speed limitations. The fifth chapter is related to the ITS system used for traffic control and management in Zagreb, Rijeka, Zadar and on motorways in the Republic of Croatia. They are fully described and analyzed in detail. The sixth and final chapter is the one concluding, where the topic is briefly systematized from the previously stated things in the work.
inteligentni transportni sustavi
nadzor prometa
Keywords (english)
intelligent transport systems
traffic control
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:107:258251
Study programme Title: Road transport Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa (stručni/a prvostupnik/ prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) inženjer/inženjerka prometa)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2020-02-24 11:55:58