Abstract | Pod odabranom temom „Komanditno društvo“, kroz cijelu razradu teme, govoriti ćemo
o njihovom osnivanju, njihovim članovima (komplementar i komanditor), pravima, obvezama
ali i njihovom prestanku kao društva. Na koje sve načine društvo može prestati, te da li su ti
pravilni načini da društvo prestane postojati. Na kojeg člana društva spadaju obveze i
upravljanje društvom, a koji od članova mora dobiti ovlašteno dopuštenje da bi imao privilegiju
tih mogućnosti, još su jedna od pitanja na koja ćemo se usmjeriti u ovom radu. Također, navesti
ćemo bitne razlike između Društva s ograničenom odgovornošću odnosno d.o.o. i komanditnog
društva, te Dioničkog društva odnosno d.d. i komanditnog društva, jer i iz same spoznaje da
Komanditno društvo potjeće iz društva osoba, a preostala dva iz društva kapitala, daje nam
prilično dobar pogled na to da već iz toga vidimo da postoji nekolicina razlika između njih.
Kako tema Komanditnog društva ne bi ostala samo na teoriji, navesti ćemo konkretan primjer
Komanditnog društva u Republici Hrvatskoj, njihov razvoj, poslovanje i trenutnu situaciju u
kojoj se nalaze, kako bismo vam kroz njihov cjelokupni razvoj mogli dočarati razvoj
Komanditnog društva. |
Abstract (english) | Under the chose theme „Limited partnership“, throughout the elaboration od the topic,
we will talk about their founding, their members (complementary and commander), rights,
obligations, but also their termination as a society. In what ways can society cease to exist, and
are these the proper ways for society to cease to exist. Which members of the partnership include
the obligations and managment of the partnership, and which members must obtain authorized
permission in order to have the privilege of these opportunities, are another issues that we will
focus on in this text. Also, we will state the significant defferences between the Limited Liability
Company or the d.o.o., and the limites partnership, and the Public Limited Company or the d.d.
and the limited partnership, because from the very knowledge that the limited partnership comes
from the company of persons, and the remaining two from the capital society, gives us a pretty
good view that we can already see from this that there are several differences between them. In
order not only to leave the topic of the Limited Liability Company in theory, we will give a
concrete example of the Limited partnership in the Republic of Croatia, their development,
buisness and the current situationin which they are located, so that through their overall
development we can illustrate the development of the Limited partnership. |