Abstract | Nabava je strateška funkcija čije se odluke temelje na stvaranju vrijednosti i snižavanju ukupnih troškova u cijelom lancu opskrbe. Kroz teorijski dio rada obrađene su teme o nabavi, krenuvši od samog pojma i zadataka nabave pa sve do ciljeva i svrhe nabave. Kako bi se proizvodnja kvalitetno odvijala potrebno je pribaviti potrebne resurse, uz poštivanje etičkih načela i izbjegavanje rizika koji se mogu pojaviti u nabavnom procesu, a koji su objašnjeni kroz rad. Jedan dio rada bavi se organizacijom nabavne funkcije. Objašnjene su faze organizacije poslovanja nabave te su navedeni i objašnjeni oblici organizacijske strukture nabave. Ostatak rada opisuje nabavu u organizacijskoj strukturi poduzeća, opisana je nabava u svim aspektima poduzeća, kao npr. u sastavu komercijalne službe, u sastavu tehničke službe, itd. Prilikom odlučivanja o izvoru nabave potrebno je odlučiti hoće li se nabava obavljati s jednog izvora, više izvora, lokalnog ili globalnog tržišta.
Praktični dio rada opisuje obiteljsko poljoprivredno gospodarstvo (OPG) Kolačević. Iako se naizgled čini kako je nabava u njihovoj djelatnosti jednostavna, to je vrlo složen proces koji zahtjeva praćenje i detaljne analize kako bi OPG uspješno poslovao. Nabavu na OPG-u Kolačević uglavnom obavljaju vlasnici OPG-a. Sve počinje od predaje zahtjeva za narudžbu do plaćanja računa dobavljačima za koje je potrebno izdvojiti određeno vrijeme, rad i trud kako bi potrebni resursi stigli na imanje i kako bi se neometano nastavila proizvodnja. Također, uz naručivanje, važno je voditi brigu i o zalihama koje posjeduju kako bi izbjegli rizike koji su opisani u teorijskom dijelu rada. |
Abstract (english) | Procurement is a strategic organizational function which decisions are based on value creation and lowering total costs throughout the supply chain. Through the theoretical part of the paper, topics concerning procurement are discussed - from the very concept and tasks of procurement to the goals and purposes of procurement. In order to maintain a certain level of production quality, it is necessary to obtain the necessary resources, while respecting ethical principles and avoiding the risks that may arise in the procurement process, which are explained through the paper. One part of the paper deals with the organization of the procurement function. The phases of the organization of procurement operations are explained, and the forms of organizational structure of procurement are listed and explained. The rest of the paper describes procurement in the organizational structure of the company, describes procurement in all aspects of the company, such as commercial service, technical service, etc. When deciding on the source of procurement, it is necessary to decide whether to procure from one source, more sources, from the local or global market.
The practical part of the paper describes the family farm OPG Kolačević. Although it may seem that procurement in this business is simple, it is a very complex process that requires monitoring and detailed analysis in order for the family business to operate successfully. Procurement at the OPG Kolačević is mostly organized by the owners of the family farm, from submmition of the application for orders to paying invoices to suppliers, it is necessary to set aside some time, work and effort to get the necessary resources to the property and to continue production. Also, in addition to ordering, it is important to take care of the stocks they hold in order to avoid the risks described in the theoretical part of the paper.
Key words:Procurement is a strategic organizational function which decisions are based on value creation and lowering total costs throughout the supply chain. Through the theoretical part of the paper, topics concerning procurement are discussed - from the very concept and tasks of procurement to the goals and purposes of procurement. In order to maintain a certain level of production quality, it is necessary to obtain the necessary resources, while respecting ethical principles and avoiding the risks that may arise in the procurement process, which are explained through the paper. One part of the paper deals with the organization of the procurement function. The phases of the organization of procurement operations are explained, and the forms of organizational structure of procurement are listed and explained. The rest of the paper describes procurement in the organizational structure of the company, describes procurement in all aspects of the company, such as commercial service, technical service, etc. When deciding on the source of procurement, it is necessary to decide whether to procure from one source, more sources, from the local or global market.
The practical part of the paper describes the family farm OPG Kolačević. Although it may seem that procurement in this business is simple, it is a very complex process that requires monitoring and detailed analysis in order for the family business to operate successfully. Procurement at the OPG Kolačević is mostly organized by the owners of the family farm, from submmition of the application for orders to paying invoices to suppliers, it is necessary to set aside some time, work and effort to get the necessary resources to the property and to continue production. Also, in addition to ordering, it is important to take care of the stocks they hold in order to avoid the risks described in the theoretical part of the paper.
Key words:Procurement is a strategic organizational function which decisions are based on value creation and lowering total costs throughout the supply chain. Through the theoretical part of the paper, topics concerning procurement are discussed - from the very concept and tasks of procurement to the goals and purposes of procurement. In order to maintain a certain level of production quality, it is necessary to obtain the necessary resources, while respecting ethical principles and avoiding the risks that may arise in the procurement process, which are explained through the paper. One part of the paper deals with the organization of the procurement function. The phases of the organization of procurement operations are explained, and the forms of organizational structure of procurement are listed and explained. The rest of the paper describes procurement in the organizational structure of the company, describes procurement in all aspects of the company, such as commercial service, technical service, etc. When deciding on the source of procurement, it is necessary to decide whether to procure from one source, more sources, from the local or global market.
The practical part of the paper describes the family farm OPG Kolačević. Although it may seem that procurement in this business is simple, it is a very complex process that requires monitoring and detailed analysis in order for the family business to operate successfully. Procurement at the OPG Kolačević is mostly organized by the owners of the family farm, from submmition of the application for orders to paying invoices to suppliers, it is necessary to set aside some time, work and effort to get the necessary resources to the property and to continue production. Also, in addition to ordering, it is important to take care of the stocks they hold in order to avoid the risks described in the theoretical part of the paper. |