Abstract | Ovaj rad bavit će se ulogom tiskanih medija u razvoju suvremenog javnog života u
Jugoslaviji početkom 80-tih godina 20. stoljeća, te u prvom desetljeću neovisne Republike
Hrvatske. Medije s razlogom prati glas jedne od najmoćnijih sila što je vidljivo iz interesa
politike i političara koji su neprekidno usmjeravali pozornost upravo na medije i kontrolu nad
njima. Borba za neovisnost medija i danas je prisutna - to se može vidjeti iz stalnih analiza
stanja slobode medija od strane domaćih i inozemnih strukovnih društava.
Na osnovi arhivskih isječaka iz tiskanih medija iz spomenutog razdoblja bit će
analizirana dva različita povijesna trenutka koja su ostavila vrlo snažan dojam u kolektivnom
sjećanju građana Hrvatske – smrt državnih poglavara, Josipa Broza Tita i Franje Tuđmana.
Josip Broz Tito bio je gotovo četiri desetljeća predsjednik predsjedništva
Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije koja je obuhvaćala šest republika i dvije
autonomne pokrajine. U ovom radu analizirat će se vrlo uočljiva politička kontrola medija
koja je bila prisutna za vrijeme cijele njegove vladavine.
Franjo Tuđman bio je od 1990. do 1999. godine prvi predsjednik Republike Hrvatske.
U njegovom razdoblju i dalje je vidljiv pritisak na medije ali se istodobno događa i postupna
demokratizacija medija.
U daljnjem tekstu bit će prikazani načini na koji su mediji popratili smrt dvojice
državnih poglavara. Osnova rada bit će analiza izvještavanja tada najrelevantnijih tiskanih
medija. Analiza medijskih izvještaja promatrat će se kroz izgradnju kulta ličnosti obojice
državnika. Masovni mediji, u ovom slučaju oni tiskani, imali su golemu, u izvjesnom smislu i
odlučujuću važnost u izgradnji državničkih kultova ličnosti. |
Abstract (english) | The media is, for a reason, accompanied by the voice of powerful forces. Through
newer history - especially in the second half of the 20th century – the media played a
powerful, if not a crucial role in the evolution of the modern society. The subject of interest
of journalistic work and creation has always been oriented mostly towards politics and
political systems. The consequences of that was the interest of politicians and politics pointed
at the media, in this case printed, which were, alongside television and radio, the most
important source of informing the public. Therefore, the media were under more or less
visible pressure from politics. The fight of the media for the independence from politics is
still present. This is indicated by the constant analysis of the state of freedom in the media by
domestic profession societies and international bodies who follow the state of democracy and
freedom in the media all around the globe.
Turning events in society leave a strong, visible mark on each individual era of a
community, actually a country. This paper will try, based on the available archive clippings
from the press in the periods of interest, to capture and analyze two different historical
moments in a span of almost two decades, which, according to all accessible sources, are
clearly still in the vivid memory of Croatian citizens: the deaths of two presidents, Josip Broz
Tito and Franjo Tuđman.
Josip Broz Tito was the president of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for
almost four decades. Yugoslavia included six republics and two autonomous provinces. In the
media sense – which will be clear in the further analysis of this paper - he marked his period
with a rather rigorous media control that came from a one-party political system. Tito died
1980, and only a decade after his death, Yugoslavia fell apart as a multinational state union.
Franjo Tuđman was the first president of the Republic of Croatia, from 1990 to 1999,
when he died. His period, in a media sense, in one hand marked the further political pressure
on the media, and in the other – what was the repercussion of pluralistic political system and
parliamentary democracy - gradually relinquishment of political pressures on the media and
the increasing occurrence of the opponent way of thinking through written word in print
media. That process of media democratization in Tuđman’s time had only just begun and it
wasn’t even nearly done during his presidency.
The analysis is done through available printed articles from the mentioned historical
moments from May 1980. and November and December 1999. The goal of this analysis is to
spot both a link and a difference in reports and comments in both events. The approach to the
theme, writing style, open or hidden messages in newspaper articles and visual support for
newspaper texts will also be analyzed.
The answers on following questions are attempted:
1. How were these two events covered by the media in terms of news
2. What is the relation between political climate that prevailed in those
moments and media access to the facts considering two presidents’ deaths?
3. What are the fundamental differences in the media coverage of Tito
and Tuđman’s death?
4. Were the press media professional in terms of objectivity and impartial
approach and to what extent the state policies influenced the printed media in
reporting on the deaths of two presidents?
5. To what extent did printed media create or participate in the creation of
the cults of personalities of the two presidents?
The center of attention of this study is not political or historical significance of Tito
and Tuđman, but merely a journalistic analysis of available articles that have been carefully
read to be interpreted from a time distance.
In this study, as a kind of prolonged introduction, a brief analysis of the term cult of
personality is also given, as well as its creation and key features. The contribution and role of
media in process of creating the cult of personality of political leaders is unquestionable. |