Abstract | Ovim se radom ponajprije željelo izmjeriti zadovoljstvo poslom zaposlenika Hrvatskoga državnog arhiva (HDA) te saznati koji ih faktori (de)motiviraju i koji bi mogli povećati njihovu motiviranost. Također, željelo se ustanoviti postoji li povezanost faktora i spola, dobi, staža i izobrazbe zaposlenika. Od 84 ispitanika, veći dio zadovoljan je zaposlenjem i poslom. Faktori kao što su stimulativno nagrađivanje, veća plaća, još fleksibilnije radno vrijeme i zanimljiviji posao, veće zadovoljstvo obavljenim poslom, dobivanje povratne informacije o obavljenu poslu, bolja dvosmjerna komunikacija, visoka kompetentnost nadređene osobe te bolja ravnoteža poslovnog i privatnog života mogli bi povećati motiviranost zaposlenika HDA.
Usporedbom pojedinih faktora prema spolu, dobi, stažu i obrazovanju dobiveni su rezultati koji upućuju na to da su žene nešto zadovoljnije zaposlenjem od muškaraca, a zadovoljstvo poslom za oba spola na istoj je razini, zadovoljstvo zaposlenjem najveće je u ispitanika do 30 godina te u onih starijih od 50 godina. Zadovoljstvo poslom najviše je u ispitanika starijih od 50 godina. Prema stažu, najzadovoljniji su zaposlenjem i poslom zaposlenici koji rade u HDA između 26 i 35 godina. Prema obrazovanju, razina zadovoljstva poslom kod svih je ispitanika podjednaka. Najveće zadovoljstvo zaposlenjem jednako je u ispitanika više stručne spreme i magistara znanosti. |
Abstract (english) | The primary aim of this paper was to measure the job satisfaction of CSA employees and to find out what factors (de)motivate employees as well as what factors might increase employee motivation. The aim of the paper was also to establish whether there was a correlation between these factors and gender, age, seniority and education. Of 84 respondents, most of them were satisfied with employment and the job itself. It was found that factors such as incentive rewarding, higher salary, more flexible working hours and more interesting work, more satisfaction with the work done, feedback on their work, better two-way communication, a high level of superiors’ competence and better work-life balance were the ones that could increase the motivation of CSA employees.
When certain factors were compared by gender, age, seniority and education, the results obtained indicated that women were slightly more satisfied with employment than men, while levels of job satisfaction were the same for both sexes. Employment satisfaction was highest in respondents aged under 30 and in respondents over 50, while job satisfaction was the highest among respondents over the age of 50. When it comes to seniority, the highest levels of employment and job satisfaction were found in CSA employees aged between 26 and 35. As for education, the level of job satisfaction is the same for all respondents, while the highest levels of employment satisfaction were the same in respondents with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees. |