Abstract | Uzevši u obzir da građevinska industrija ima snažan utjecaj na društveni, gospodarski pa čak i politički razvoj Republike Hrvatske, postavilo se pitanje utjecaja krize na spomenuti sektor. Pri tome, potrebno je naglasiti važnost same građevinske industrije, a koja zauzima značajan udio u državnom proračunu, zapošljava velik dio radne snage, potiče razvoj tehnologija, novih materijala i inovacija, ali i kroz učinak preokreta proizvodnih ciklusa (recesija) o proizvodnji i prodaji. Navedeno je rezultiralo potrebom za istraživanjem utjecaja krize na građevinski sektor kroz analizu financijskih izvještaja, ali i razgovora s menadžerima poduzeća u tom sektoru kako bi se što kvalitetnije došlo do informacija o problemima s kojima su se spomenuta poduzeća susretala u vrijeme krize. Rad je pokazao da je građevinski sektor vrlo značajna gospodarska djelatnost, a pojava pandemije prouzročila je brojne rizike, komplikacije i nepredvidivosti što je svakako ubrzalo postojeći rast cijena. Naime, epidemiološke mjere dovele su do zatvaranja brojnih tvornica i gradilišta što je utjecalo na pad opsega proizvodnje većine sirovina i materijala, uključujući i građevinski materijal. Financijskom analizom utvrdilo se da su tek neka od promatranih poduzeća bila likvidna u vrijeme krize, ali i da su sva bila financijski stabilna. Također, kako je nekoliko poduzeća ostvarilo rast dugotrajne imovine, no tek je jedno poduzeće ostvarilo dobit uzastopno u promatranom razdoblju. |
Abstract (english) | Taking into account that the construction industry has a strong influence on the social, economic and even political development of the Republic of Croatia, the question of the impact of the crisis on the mentioned sector arose. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of the construction industry itself, which occupies a significant share in the state budget, employs a large part of the workforce, encourages the development of technologies, new materials and innovations, but also through the effect of the reversal of production cycles (recession) on production and sales. The above resulted in the need to research the impact of the crisis on the construction sector through the analysis of financial statements, as well as conversations with managers of companies in that sector in order to obtain as much quality information as possible about the problems that the mentioned companies encountered during the crisis. The work showed that the construction sector is a very important economic activity, and the emergence of the pandemic caused numerous risks, complications and unpredictability, which certainly accelerated the existing price growth. Namely, the epidemiological measures led to the closure of numerous factories and construction sites, which affected the decline in the production of most raw materials and materials, including construction materials. The financial analysis established that only some of the observed companies were liquid at the time of the crisis, but also that all were financially stable. Also, as several companies achieved growth in fixed assets, only one company achieved consecutive profits in the observed period. |