Abstract | U posljednjem desetljeću popularnost hodočašća u vidu godišnjeg odmora kontinuirano raste. Ljudi
u modernom svijetu imaju sve veću potrebu za mirom, avanturom, prostorom za introspekciju, što je
na putovanjima poput hodočašća i više nego osigurano. Upravo je jedno od najpopularnijih svjetskih
hodočašća Camino de Santiago tema ovog rada, odnosno način na koji Camino pridonosi turizmu
pojedinih regija kroz koje sama ruta hodočašća prolazi. Postoji više ruta Camina de Santiaga, no u
ovom radu fokus će biti na takozvanoj Francuskoj ruti, odnosno Putu sv. Jakova.
Unutar ovog rada definirani su pojmovi poput selektivnog turizma te hodočašća koje i samo spada u
vrstu selektivnog turizma. Nadalje, istražena je informiranost ispitanika o istoimenom hodočašću te
koji bi bili potencijalni motivi pojedinaca da se odluče na put poput Camina. Također, ispitani su
dojmovi, refleksije i zapažanja ispitanika koji su imali osobno iskustvo u hodanju Camina de Santiaga.
Rezultati su pokazali veliku informiranost i zainteresiranost ispitanika za istoimeno hodočašće, a
također su pokazali koji su bili pretežiti motivi ispitanika za odlazak na Camino te dali uvid u iskustva
ispitanika koji su imali prilike hodati Camino. U radu se također spominje i Camino Hrvatska te neke
od njegovih postojećih ruta.
Utvrđeno je da je Camino de Santiago izrazito popularan te da privlači hodočasnike/turiste iz cijelog
svijeta. Cilj ovog rada ispitati je koliki značaj Camino ima na turizam pojedinih regija kroz koje se
prolazi na putu do odredišta. |
Abstract (english) | In the last decade, the popularity of pilgrimage as a form of annual vacation has steadily increased.
People in the modern world have a growing need for peace, adventure, and space for introspection, all
of which are well provided during journeys like pilgrimages. One of the most popular pilgrimages
worldwide, the Camino de Santiago is going to be the topic of this paper, specifically examining on
how Camino contributes to tourism in the regions through which the pilgrimage route passes. There
are several routes of the Camino de Santiago, but this paper will focus on the so-called French route,
also known as the Way of St. James.
This paper defines concepts such as selective tourism and pilgrimage, while pilgrimage itself falls
under the category of selective tourism. Furthermore, respondents' awareness about pilgrimage is
explored, along with potential motivations for individuals to be part of a journey like the Camino.
Additionally, the impressions, reflections, and observations of respondents who have had personal
experience walking the Camino de Santiago are examined as well. The results indicated a high level
of awareness and interest among respondents in the pilgrimage, and also revealed the predominant
motivation of respondents for embarking on the Camino, providing insight into the experiences of
respondents who have had the opportunity to walk the Camino. The paper also mentions the Camino
Croatia and some of its existing routes.
It has been established that Camino de Santiago is extremely popular and attracts pilgrims/tourists
worldwide. This paper aims to examine the significance of Camino on the tourism of individual
regions, through which the path of Camino passes. |