Abstract | Ideja ovog rada proizašla je iz činjenice porasta digitalnog marketinga kao i upotreba utjecajnika kao sredstva oglašavanja. Ono što se čini kao glavni problem je skalabilnost te nemogućnost pretraživanja najbolje odgovarajućih utjecajnika po cijeni i demografiji, te kada ih se i pronađe, sam oblik kontaktiranja je kompliciran i dugotrajan. Danas je svaki korisnik Instagrama utjecajnik, odnosno ima utjecaj nad svojim pratiteljima, pa tako i ona osoba koju prati nekoliko desetina ili stotina ljudi. Ti pratitelji su vjerojatno bliski prijatelji te postotak nad kojim postoji utjecaj je puno veći nego veliki profili. Mali profil je spreman oglašavati za puno manje novca što je dovelo do glavne pretpostavke ovog rada koja sagleda dovodi li platforma koja funkcionira na algoritmu ponude i potražnje odnosno aukcije gdje osoba koja se prijavi Instagram računom te usput daje i demografiju svojih pratitelja, do nižih cijena oglašavanja i boljeg ROI-a. Za potrebe rada provedeno je istraživanje. Kao metoda koristilo se anketiranje, a instrument je bio online anketni listić gdje je cilj bio prikupiti 100 ispravno popunjenih listića, kako bi se odgovorilo na zadane pretpostavke. Za prikupljanje 100 važećih listića ispitano je 113 osoba od kojih je 13 odgovorilo negativno na eliminacijsko pitanje. Istraživanje je dovelo do potvrde pretpostavke kako su manji i srednji utjecajnici puno učinkovitiji način oglašavanja zbog nižih cijena i pratitelja većeg povjerenja, a izradom platforme pronalazak utjecajnika bi postao vrlo jednostavan po kriterijima, kao što su demografski čimbenici, broj pratitelja, cijena itd. |
Abstract (english) | The idea behind this paper came because of the rise of digital marketing as well as the use of influencers as advertising medium. What seems to be the main problem is the scalability, and the inability to search for the best influencers by cost and demographics, and when they are found, the process of connecting is complicated and time-consuming. Today, every user of the Instagram is an influencer, because he has an influence on his followers, even the person is followed by a few tens or hundreds of people who are probably close friends, so the percentage of people he has been influencing is much bigger and he is also ready to advertise for a lot less money which leads to the main hypothesis of this paper which explains is it possible to create a platform that works on bid and demand algorithm, where a user signs up for the Instagram account and also shares demographics of his followers, leading to lower advertising costs and better ROI. For the purpose of this thesis, a research was done. Research was carried out for the needs of the work. The survey was used as a method, and the instrument was an online poll where the goal was to collect 100 properly filled lists in order to answer the given assumptions. To collect 100 valid bills, 113 persons were questioned, of which 13 responded negatively to the elimination question. The research has confirmed the assumption that smaller and middle influencers are a much more effective way of advertising because of lower prices and loyalty of their followers. By creating a platform which uses criteria, such as demographics, number of followers, pricing etc., searching for ideal influencer would become simpler and easier. |