Title Društveno odgovorno poslovanje na primjeru kampa Polidor
Title (english) Socially responsible business management in Camping Polidor
Author Federica Ukušić
Mentor Tea Golja (mentor)
Granter VERN University Zagreb
Defense date and country 2018-02-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract S više od 500 lokacija za kampiranje, Hrvatska je među zaljubljenicima u kampiranje prepoznata kao jedna od najboljih kamping destinacija u Europi. Jasno je da razvoj i kvaliteta ne dolaze sami po sebi te da su uz prekrasnu prirodu, rezultat napornog rada, investiranja i neprekidnog praćenja trendova i potreba gostiju. Kako bi se očuvalo tu poklonjenu prirodu, potrebno je okrenuti se društveno odgovornom poslovanju kampova, ulagati u zaštitu okoliša i održivi razvoj kamping turizma.
Svrha je
... More ovog diplomskog rada prikazati kako implementirati društveno odgovorno poslovanje u kamp Polidor. Provedena su istraživanja, napravljene analize i sakupljeni uzorci koji prikazuju sliku poslovanja kampa Polidor, te u kojim segmentima poslovanja bi se trebalo poboljšati, a u kojima zadržati razinu i standard zadovoljavajućeg poslovanja. Kako bi se bolje razumjelo društveno odgovorno poslovanje i uvidjelo u kojim segmentima postoji prilika za poboljšanje poslovanja, napravljen je benchmark s Caravan Parkom Sexten koji je proglašen najboljim kampom u Italiji. U IV. poglavlju dao se detaljan opis projekata, te analiza koji će se provoditi u kampu Polidor.
Provedena istraživanja, analize i svi ostali podatci sakupljeni tijekom pisanja ovog diplomskog rada pomoći će pozicioniranju kampa Polidor u sam vrh hrvatskog kamping turizma i dati mu titulu pionira u društveno odgovornom poslovanju na području Hrvatske.
Kako krenuti i započeti društveno odgovorno poslovati pitanje je koje se proteže cijelim radom. Prije svega naglasak se stavio na stjecanje dodatnih znanja i vještina koji zadovoljavaju potrebe turista i lokalne zajednice, a istovremeno čuvaju prirodne resurse koji se iskorištavaju u tu svrhu.
U ovome radu jasno je vidljiva vizija kampa Polidor kojemu je u cilju da u tri godine postane najbolji mali kamp u Hrvatskoj koji će kvalitetom usluge i dodatnih sadržaja prvi dokazati mogućnost profitabilnog poslovanja kampa tijekom cijele godine. Da bi se ispunili visoki kriteriji, potrebno je neprestance pratiti način rada kampova koji su na samom vrhu europskog kamping turizma te je svaki segment takvih kampova koristan uzor. Less
Abstract (english) With over 500 locations for camping, Croatia has been recognised among camping lovers as one of the best camping destinations in Europe. It is clear that the development and quality do not come on their own and that, besides beautiful nature, they are the result of hard work, investment and continuous monitoring of guest trends and needs. In order to preserve that nature, given to us as a gift, we should turn to socially responsible campsite management and invest in environmental protection
... More and sustainable development of camping tourism.
The purpose of this thesis is to show how to implement socially responsible business management in Camping Polidor. The conducted research, performed analyses and collected samples show a picture of what Camping Polidor business management is currently like, in which specific business segments it can be improved and in which segments, on the other hand, it should be maintained at the level and standard of a satisfactory business management. To better understand socially responsible business management and to see in which segments there is room for business improvement, a benchmark was made against the Caravan Park Sexten, which has been proclaimed as the best campsite in Italy. A detailed description and analysis can be found in chapter IV.
The conducted research, analyses and all other data, collected in the course of preparation of this thesis, will assist the positioning of Camping Polidor at the very top of Croatian camping tourism and give it the title of a pioneer in socially responsible business management in Croatia.
How to move ahead and start socially responsible management is the question which extends throughout the paper. The emphasis will, first of all, be put on the acquisition of additional knowledge and skills, which will meet the needs of tourists and the local community, at the same time preserving the natural resources which are used for those purposes.
In this paper, a clear vision of Camping Polidor will be evident, whose aim is to, within three years, become the best small campsite in Croatia, which will, with the quality of its services and facilities, be the first to prove the possibility of a profitable campsite business all year round. To fulfil high criteria, constant monitoring is required of methods of work of campsites which are at the peak of European camping tourism and each segment of such campsites is a useful role model. Less
društveno odgovorno poslovanje
kamping turizam
Keywords (english)
socially responsible business management
camping tourism
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:146:540273
Study programme Title: Managing Sustainable Tourism Development Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica turističkog menadžmenta (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica turističkog menadžmenta)
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Created on 2018-02-26 14:03:22