Title (english) SJÖGREN´S SYNDROME
Author Karlo Vajncetler
Mentor Slavica Janković (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Pejić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slavica Janković (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Kunac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Applied Sciences "Lavoslav Ružička" in Vukovar (Department for Medical Studies) Vukovar
Defense date and country 2023-09-26, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences
Abstract Sjögrenov sindrom je kronična, autoimuna, sustavna upalna bolest nepoznatog uzroka, obilježena suhoćom ustiju, očiju i drugih sluznica. Stanje može biti primarno ili sekundarno u sklopu nekog drugog autoimunog zbivanja. Sjögrenov sindrom uzrokuje i artritis sličan reumatoidnom artritisu, zahvaća razne egzokrine žlijezde i druge organe. Dijagnosticira se na osnovi specifičnih promjena očiju, ustiju i žlijezda slinovnica, uz nalaz autoantitijela i histološke promjene. Sjögrenov sindrom je razmjerno česta autoimuna bolest veziva. Na SS treba posumnjati u pacijenata koji navode svrbež suhih očiju i suha usta, a nađu im se uvećane podušne žlijezde, purpura ili renalna tubularna acidoza. Takvima se provode pretrage očiju i slinovnica uz serološke analize. Bolest je kronična, ponekad sa smrtnim ishodom zbog plućne infekcije ili još rjeđe zbog zatajenja bubrega ili limfoma. Za Sjögrenov sindrom ne postoji lijek, ali se može djelovati na simptome. Osobe imaju suhu kožu, kožni osip, bolove u zglobovima, te može uzrokovati upalu organa bubrega i pluća. Ukoliko su upale često liječnik može prepisati lijekove za sprječavanje oštećenja organa. Lijekovi su antireumatici koji mogu usporiti tok bolesti. Sjögrenov sindrom obično zahvaća oči i usta. U svrhu smanjenja simptoma suhih očiju pacijenti najčešće koriste umjetne suze bez konzervansa, kako bi vratili vlažnost očima, te za smanjenje simptoma suhih usta mogu koristiti žvakaće gume ili bombone. Cilj rada je utvrditi kako tjelesna aktivnost utječe na kvalitetu života kod osoba sa Sjögrenovim sindromom, te utvrditi kako određena terapija utječe na smanjenje simptoma.
Abstract (english) Sjögren's syndrome is a chronic, autoimmune, systemic inflammatory disease of unknown cause, characterized by dryness of the mouth, eyes and other mucous membranes. The condition can be primary or secondary to some other autoimmune event. Sjögren's syndrome also causes arthritis similar to RA, affecting various exocrine glands and other organs. It is diagnosed on the basis of specific changes in the eyes, mouth and salivary glands, along with the finding of autoantibodies and histological changes. Sjögren's syndrome is a relatively common autoimmune connective tissue disease. SS should be suspected in patients who report itchy dry eyes and dry mouth, and have enlarged parotid glands, purpura, or renal tubular acidosis. They undergo eye and salivary tests along with serological analyses. The disease is chronic, sometimes with a fatal outcome due to lung infection or even more rarely due to kidney failure or lymphoma. There is no cure for Sjögren's syndrome, but the symptoms an be treated. People have dry skin, skin rash, joint pain, and it can cause inflammation f the kidneys and lungs. If the inflammation is frequent, the doctor can presribe medicatiion to preent organ damage. Medicines are antirheumatic drugs that can slow down the course of the disease. Sjögren's syndrome usually affects the eyes and mouth. In order to reduce symptoms of dry eyes patients most often use artifical tears without, in order to restore moisture to the eyes, and to reduce to symptoms of dry mouth, they can use chewing gums or candies. The aim of the work is to determine how physical activity affects the quality of life in people with Sjögren's syndrome and to determine how certain therapy affects the reduction of symptoms.
autoimuna bolest
Sjögrenov sindrom
suhe oči i usta
Keywords (english)
autoimmune disease
Sjögren's syndrome
dry eyes and mouth
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:150:075773
Study programme Title: Physiotherapy Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) fizioterapije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2023-09-27 08:51:03