Abstract | Pravo djeteta na život u obitelji jedno je od ključnih prava obuhvaćenih Konvencijom o pravima djeteta. „Recept“ za pravilan razvoj djeteta je odrastanje u brižnom, sigurnom i poticajnom obiteljskom okruženju, kojem trebaju težiti roditelji, budući su upravo oni nositelji pune odgovornosti za dobrobit i razvoj djeteta, te za kvalitetu odnosa s djetetom u obitelji. Roditelj je odgovoran za donošenje odluka kojima će osigurati sigurnost i zdravlje djeteta, te zadovoljiti njegove potrebe. Ponekad ispunjenjem navedene odgovornosti roditelji donose odluke koje su u suprotnosti s djetetovim željama i osjećajima. Pritom je važno da roditelji i tada poštuju pravo djeteta na aktivno sudjelovanje i izražavanje mišljenja, odnosno razgovarati i sporazumijevati se s djetetom, ali u skladu s njegovom dobi i zrelošću. Kako roditeljsku odgovornost nad djetetom imaju roditelji, utvrdi li se da zanemaruju skrb o djetetu, upravo njima izreći će se mjere za zaštitu prava i dobrobiti djeteta. Izricanje mjera za zaštitu prava i dobrobiti djece intervencija je hrvatskog pravosudnog sustava i nadležnih institucija. Temeljem zakona države i potpisane međunarodne konvencije provode se postupci i donose odluke kako bi se ostvarila dobrobit svakog djeteta. Ovisno o vrsti i težini povrede djetetovih prava, razlikuje se vrsta i težina izrečenih mjera, te nadležnost institucija koje ih izriču, a u hrvatskom pravnom sustavu to su Hrvatski zavod za socijalni rad i sudovi. Upravo mjere u nadležnosti suda tema su ovog rada, pojašnjena svaka pojedinačno i iskazana primjerima iz prakse. |
Abstract (english) | The right of the child to family life is one of the key rights enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The 'recipe' for a child's proper development is growing up in a caring, safe and nurturing family environment, which parents should strive for, since they are the ones who bear full responsibility for the child's well-being and development, and for the quality of the relationship with the child in the family. A parent is responsible for making decisions that will ensure the safety, health, and needs of the child. Sometimes, in fulfilling that responsibility, parents make decisions that conflict with the child's wishes and feelings. It is important that parents respect the child's right to participate actively and to express his or her opinion, that is, to communicate and communicate with the child, but in accordance with his or her age and maturity. As the parents have parental responsibility for the child, if they are found to have neglected the care of the child, it is they who will take measures to protect the rights and welfare of the child. In addition, the Commission notes that the Court of Justice of the European Union has consistently upheld the principle of equal treatment for men and women in the field of employment, vocational training and promotion. Based on the laws of the State and signed international conventions, procedures are carried out and decisions are made to achieve the best interests of every child. Depending on the type and severity of the violation of the rights of the child, the type and severity of the measures imposed differ, and the competence of the institutions that impose them, and in the Croatian legal system, these are the Croatian Institute for Social Work and the courts. It is precisely the measures falling within the jurisdiction of the Court which are the subject of this work, each of which is explained separately and illustrated by examples from the case law. |