Author Ivan Vukojević
Mentor Mirjana Nedović (mentor)
Committee member Slobodan Stojanović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirjana Nedović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Guzovski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Applied Sciences "Lavoslav Ružička" in Vukovar (Business Department) Vukovar
Defense date and country 2018-11-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract U završnom radu objašnjen je pojam trgovine kroz proces razmjene. Detaljno su opisani
pojam razmjene i objašnjeno je koji subjekti sudjeluju u razmjeni u kanalu distribucije.
Zatim se spominju vrste razmjene i subjekti koji čine temeljne oblike razmjene, daljnji
razvoj trgovine njezin pojam i uloga u svakodnevnom životu te njezina funkcija i značenje,
upoznavanje trgovinskih institucija te njihovi nositelji tržnih učinaka. Objašnjeni su
trgovinski oblici i djelatnosti trgovinskih poduzeća
... More u različitim poslovnim prostorima, zatim
uloga asortimana u trgovini uz podjela prodavaonica na različite struke. Opisane su trgovinske
predstavnice u sastavu proizvođača i u sastavu trgovine za ostvarenje njezinih ciljeva te opis
institucija tržišnog gospodarstva. Posebna pažnja usmjerena je na maloprodajna poduzeća
i njihove poslovne jedinice te tipove prodavaonica i lokacija, stvaranje maloprodajne
mreže te detaljan opis prodajnog prostora i skladišta i njezinih normi potrebnih za pravilno i
zadovoljavajuće funkcioniranje jedinice. Razvoj novih oblika prodavaonica, kao što su
internet prodavaonice, postaje sve više zastupljen u trgovinskom procesu.
Također se spominje opis trgovinskih procesa u trgovinskom poslovanju te važnost struke
osoblja i njezine funkcije u maloprodajnom poduzeću. Nadalje, upoznajemo se s vrstama
imovine i organizacijom čimbenika poslovnog procesa i objašnjenjima pojma marketinga
trgovine kroz njezinu definiciju te vrste marketinga u trgovinskom poslovanju. Uza sve
navedeno, važna je i suradnja proizvodnog i trgovinskog gospodarskog subjekta u području
marketinga te opis vertikalnog marketinga jednako kao strategija i menadžment, koji
predstavljaju glavne marketinške aktivnosti u trgovinskom poslovanju.
Objašnjene su funkcije strategije i menadžmenta u maloprodajnom poduzeću te marketinški
splet; marketinška područja i varijable kao osnove za istraživanje tržišta koje čine
prikupljanje, registriranje i analiziranje svih problema u svezi sa tržištem i traženje novih
potencijalnih kupaca. U konačnici su analizirana daljnja istraživanja tržišta koje obuhvaća
ciljeve, sadržaj, zadaću i svrhu te podijela istraživanje tržišta na kvantitativnu i kvalitativnu
metodu. Less
Abstract (english) In this thesis, it will be spoken about the term trade through the exchange process. The
concept of exchange is described in detail and it is explained which subjects are participating
in the exchange distribution channel. Also, there are types of exchange and it's subjects,
further development of trade and it's notion and role, function and meaning in everyday life
will be explained. The recognition of trade institutions and their market-economy carriers are
mentioned. Trade patterns
... More and activities of trading companies in different business premises
have been explained, as well as the role of assortment in trade and divisions of stores in
different professions. Representatives of the manufacturer and the trade unit are described and
they are important for the achievement of its goals as the description of the institutions of the
market economy. Special attention is put upon retail companies and their business units as
well as types of stores and locations, the creation of a retail network and a detailed description
of the sales space and warehouse with its standards that are required for the proper and
satisfactory functioning of the unit. The development of new forms of stores, such as internet
shops, is becoming more and more represented in the trade process.
Trade processes in trading business will be also mentioned, as well as the importance of the
profession of staff and it's function in the retail business. Furthermore, we will be familiar
with the types of assets and organization of business process factors and explanations of the
concept of marketing marketing. It is cleared through definition and marketing types in
trading business. Additionally, cooperation between the manufacturer and trading unit in the
marketing is also important, same as the description of vertical marketing, strategy and
management, which represent the main marketing activities in the trading business.
There are explanations about the functions of strategy and management in a retail company
and marketing sphere; marketing areas and variables that are base for market research that
consist of collecting, registering and analyzing all market-related issues and seeking new
potential customers. Finally, further market research has been analyzed, including objectives,
content, task and purpose, and market research on quantitative and qualitative methods. Less
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:150:114106
Study programme Title: Trade Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2018-11-14 15:08:39