Author Hrvoje Gregurić
Mentor Dušanka Gajdić (mentor)
Committee member Siniša Srečec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Krunoslav Škrlec (član povjerenstva)
Granter Križevci University of Applied Sciences Križevci
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Rad se bavi jednim od glavnih problema u poljoprivredno-prehrambenom lancu opskrbe
hranom, a to je netransparentnost podataka i nemogućnost dokazivanja cjelovite sljedivosti
od polja do stola. Potrošači danas itekako žele znati porijeklo robe, trgovci im to isto žele
omogućiti, prijevoznici i otkupljivači odgovornost prebacuju na proizvođače, a proizvođači
tada moraju dokazati da su se u proizvodnji pridržavali načela dobre poljoprivredne prakse
i da hrana koju stavljaju pred potrošače zadovoljava sve standarde kvalitete te da je potpuno
sigurna za zdravlje potrošača. Činjenica je da regulatorna tijela žele uvesti poboljšanja u
sustave sljedivosti i da za to itekako ima prostora. Kako se razvija informatička industrija,
tako nalazimo sve više mogućnosti i rješenja za uvođenje sustava sljedivosti.
Rad se temelji prvenstveno na istraživanju blockchain sustava sljedivosti, njegovoj primjeni
i sveopćoj prihvatljivosti te usporedbi sa dosadašnjim modelom sustava sljedivosti koji se
primjenjuje u veleprodajnom poslovnom subjektu.
Metodom studije slučaja na primjeru mogućnosti primjene blockchain sustava sljedivosti u
veleprodajnom poslovnom subjektu dobiveni su primarni podatci. Sekundarnom metodom
podataka analizirana je aktualna literatura, web izvori, strateški dokumenti i ostali zapisi.
Provedena je detaljna analiza domaće i strane znanstvene i stručne literature: znanstveni i
stručni članci, knjige i relevantni časopisi te razni internetski izvori podataka iz područja
osiguranja sljedivosti hrane s ciljem utvrđivanja dosadašnjih spoznaja o istraživanoj temi. U
tu svrhu koristile su se metoda analize, sinteze i selektivne analize literature te metoda
Na temelju navedenih metoda i dobivenih rezultata možemo zaključiti da je za potpunu
realizaciju analiziranog projekta potreban puni angažman svih onih koji žele uvesti
blockchain sustav sljedivosti, uključujući i javni sektor. Blockchain sustav sljedivosti
globalno je prihvatljiv sustav zbog svoje jednostavnosti i pružanja informacija o putu hrane
u realnom vremenu.
Abstract (english) The paper deals with one of the main problems in the agri-food chain of food supply, which
is the non-transparency of data and the impossibility of proving complete traceability from
field to table. Consumers today really want to know the origin of goods, traders want to
enable them to do the same, transporters and purchasers shift the responsibility to producers,
and producers then have to prove that they followed the principles of good agricultural
practice in production and that the food they put in front of consumers meets all quality
standards and that it is completely safe for the health of consumers. The fact is that regulatory
authorities want to introduce improvements in traceability systems and there is certainly
room for that. As the IT industry develops, we find more and more opportunities and
solutions for introducing traceability systems.
The work is based primarily on the research of the blockchain traceability system, its
application and general acceptability, and a comparison with the current model of the
traceability system that is applied in a wholesale business entity.
Primary data was obtained using the case study method on the example of the possibility of
applying the blockchain traceability system in a wholesale business entity. Current literature,
web sources, strategic documents and other records were analyzed using the secondary data
method. A detailed analysis of domestic and foreign scientific and professional literature
was carried out: scientific and professional articles, books and relevant magazines, as well
as various internet data sources in the field of food traceability, with the aim of determining
the current knowledge on the researched topic. For this purpose, the method of analysis,
synthesis and selective analysis of literature and the method of comparison were used.
Based on the mentioned methods and the obtained results, we can conclude that the full
implementation of the analyzed project requires the full engagement of all those who want
to introduce a blockchain traceability system, including the public sector. The blockchain
traceability system is a globally accepted system due to its simplicity and providing realtime information about the food journey
sljedivost hrane
poljoprivredno-prehrambeni lanac opskrbe
Keywords (english)
food traceability
agri-food supply chain
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:185:176835
Study programme Title: Management in Agriculture Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica menadžmenta u poljoprivredi (stručni/a specijalist/specijalistica menadžmenta u poljoprivredi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-17 11:15:53