Abstract | Cilj ovog završnog rada je prikazati korake pripreme za napad mehaniziranog voda nakon uzbunjivanja. Rad detaljno analizira odluke zapovjednika voda tijekom pripremnog perioda za napadnu operaciju, počevši od trenutka zaprimanja zapovijedi od više razine do samog polaska u borbu, obuhvaćajući period do 72 sata. Prikazani su svi koraci potrebni za djelovanje voda kao dijela veće postrojbe, uključujući uzbunjivanje, pripremu ljudstva i opreme te materijalno-tehničkih sredstava. U radu se prvo istražuje zakonsko uporište koje je temelj za sve vojne aktivnosti, osiguravajući legitimnost i pravnu zaštitu vojnog osoblja. Nadalje, opisuje se doktrina kopnenih snaga koja pruža konceptualni okvir za planiranje i izvođenje operacija, s naglaskom na napad kao ključnu operaciju. Sustav zapovijedanja i rukovođenja (ZiRa) temeljito je analiziran, uključujući ustroj mehaniziranog voda u Oružanim snagama Republike Hrvatske (OSRH) kao dijela veće postrojbe, konkretno bojne. Opisan je i proces vojnog donošenja odluka (PVDO, engl. MDMP) te procedure vođenja postrojbe (PVP, engl. TLP), koji su ključni za učinkovitost vojnog zapovijedanja. Rad također uključuje analizu bitnih čimbenika za pripremu i provedbu napada kroz metode METT-TC (Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support Available, Time Available, Civil Considerations), OAKOC (Observation and Fields of Fire, Avenues of Approach, Key Terrain, Obstacles, Cover and Concealment) te ASCOPE (Areas, Structures, Capabilities, Organizations, People, and Events). Ovi alati omogućuju sveobuhvatnu procjenu situacije i operativnog okruženja, što je ključno za uspješnu realizaciju vojne operacije. Zaključno, rad pruža sveobuhvatan pregled i dubinsku analizu procesa pripreme mehaniziranog voda za napad, naglašavajući važnost svakog pojedinog koraka i odluke u osiguravanju operativne uspješnosti i učinkovitosti. |
Abstract (english) | The aim of this paper is to present the steps involved in preparing a mechanized platoon for an attack following an alert. The paper thoroughly analyzes the decisions made by the platoon commander during the preparatory period for the attack operation, starting from the moment the order is received from a higher level up to the commencement of combat, covering a period of up to 72 hours. It outlines all the necessary steps for the platoon's operation as part of a larger unit, including alerting, preparation of personnel and equipment, and material-technical resources. The paper first explores the legal basis, which serves as the foundation for all military activities, ensuring the legitimacy and legal protection of military personnel. Furthermore, it describes the land forces doctrine that provides a strategic framework for planning and executing operations on the ground, with an emphasis on the attack as a decisive operation. The command and control system (C2) is thoroughly analyzed, including the organization of a mechanized platoon within the Croatian Armed Forces (CAF) as part of a larger unit, specifically a battalion. The military decision-making process (MDMP) and troop leading procedures (TLP) are also described, which are crucial for effective military command. The paper also includes an analysis of essential factors for the preparation and execution of the attack through methods such as METT-TC (Mission, Enemy, Terrain and Weather, Troops and Support Available, Time Available, Civil Considerations), OAKOC (Observation and Fields of Fire, Avenues of Approach, Key Terrain, Obstacles, Cover and Concealment), and ASCOPE (Areas, Structures, Capabilities, Organizations, People, and Events). These tools enable a comprehensive assessment of the situation and operational environment, which is crucial for the successful execution of a military operation. In conclusion, the paper provides a comprehensive overview and in-depth analysis of the preparation process for a mechanized platoon attack, highlighting the importance of each step and decision in ensuring operational success and effectiveness. |