Title Vojno-redarstvena operacija Džep 93.
Title (english) Military-Police Operation Pocket 93.
Author Juraj Kostenko
Mentor Zdravko Matić (mentor)
Mentor Neven Klarić (mentor)
Committee member Mladen Pahernik (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zdravko Matić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Klarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb (Croatian Defence Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman") Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Security and Defense Science
Abstract Medački džep malo je područje u blizini Gospića koje se prostire svega četiri do pet kilometara u širinu i pet do šest kilometara u dužinu, a pod njega pripadaju sela Čitluk, Počitelj i Divoselo te više manjih zaseoka. Sa područja Medačkog džepa pobunjeni su Srbi učestalo vršili granatiranja Gospića i šireg područja te su česti bili diverzantski napadi i prepadi na položaje Hrvatske vojske. Nakon povećanja broja civilnih i vojnih žrtava na hrvatskoj strani prouzročenih neprekidnim
... More neprijateljskim djelovanjima, hrvatskom vodstvu postalo je jasno da se problem mora riješiti vojnim putem te je tada pokrenuto planiranje i provedba operacije pod kodnim imenom „Džep 93“. Vojno-redarstvena operacija Džep-93 imala je za cilj osloboditi sela na području Medačkog džepa te ih staviti pod kontrolu hrvatskih vlasti i na taj način zaustaviti napade i granatiranja šireg područja Gospića i samoga grada.
VRO Džep-93 počela je topničkim napadom hrvatske vojske na neprijateljske položaje 9. rujna 1993. godine u 6 sati ujutro. Snage hrvatske vojske iz sastava 9. gardijske motorizirane brigade „Vukovi“ (u napadu), domobranske bojne iz Gospića (u obrani) , satnije 111. brigade HV, postrojbi specijalnih snaga policije te domobranske bojne iz Lovinca, stupile su u područje Medačkog džepa. Nakon dva dana borbi s pobunjenim Srbima i četnicima, od kojih su neki bili vrlo dobro opremljeni i pripremljeni za borbu, hrvatska je vojska oslobodila sela Čitluk, Počitelj i Divoselo te je došla do željenog položaja. Iako je operacija provedena vrlo uspješno te je napredovanje bilo bolje od očekivanog, napad je morao biti zaustavljen kako bi se zadržao legitimitet i naklonost međunarodne zajednice. Less
Abstract (english) The Medak Pocket is a small area near Gospić, which extends only four to five kilometers in width and five to six kilometers in length, under it belonged to the villages Čitluk, Počitelja and Divoselo and several smaller hamlets. From the area of the Medak Pocket, Serbian rebels and Chetniks frequently carried out the shelling of Gospić and the wider area, and they were often diversified attacks on the positions of the Croatian army. Following the increase in the number of
... More civilian and military casualties on the Croatian side caused by these attacks, it was clear to the Croatian leadership that this issue had to be solved by military means, and then the planning and implementation of the operation under the code name "Pocket 93" was initiated. The Pocket-93 operation aimed to free the villages in the Medak Pocket area and put them under the control of Croatian authorities, thus stopping the attacks and shelling of the wider area of Gospic and the city itself. The Pocket-93 operation began with the topical attack of the Croatian Army on hostile positions in the morning on September 9, 1993. At about 6 o'clock in the morning, the forces of the Croatian Army that included the 9th Guard Brigade, the Homeland Warfare of Gospić, the 111th HV Brigade, the Special Police Forces and the Homeland Warfare from Lovinac, entered the Medak Pocket Zone. After two days of fighting with rebuilt Serbs and Chetniks, some of whom were very well equipped and prepared to fight, the Croatian army liberated Čitluk, Počitelj and Divoselo villages and reached their desired position. Less
Domovinski rat
hrvatske snage
neprijateljske snage
Keywords (english)
Homeland war
Croatian forces
hostile forces
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:249:544618
Study programme Title: Military Leadership and Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA VOJNOG VOĐENJA I UPRAVLJANJA (MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA VOJNOG VOĐENJA I UPRAVLJANJA)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2019-12-05 09:42:43