Title PZO topnički sustavi kratkog dometa
Title (english) AA Short-range Gun Systems
Author Matteo Bogdan
Mentor Matija Hoić (mentor)
Mentor Ivan Katalinić (komentor)
Committee member Nenad Bojčetić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Matija Hoić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Katalinić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb (Croatian Defence Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman") Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Technical Sciences
Abstract Suvremene PZO postrojbe danas koriste raketno i topničko oružje za obranu od ugroza iz
zračnog prostora. Postoje oružja kratkog srednjeg i velikog dometa, a rad će se orijentirati na
topnička PZO oružja koja spadaju u grupu kratkog dometa. Sukladno razvoju suvremenih
prijetnji iz zračnog prostora koji je krenuo prema velikom broju jednostavnih, malih i jeftinih
letećih objekata topničko PZO naoružanje dobilo je značajniju ulogu u obrani od istih, dok je
raketno naoružanje za tu svrhu neisplativo. Suvremene prijetnje iz zračnog prostora koje su
potencijalni ciljevi topničkih PZO sustava opisani su u cilju uočavanja njihovih slabosti i mana.
Također, opisano je i topničko PZO oružje kratkog dometa koje se razlikuje s obzirom na
namjenu. S obzirom da je uočeno kako je samohodno topničko PZO oružje optimalnije u odnosu
na ostala topnička PZO oružja za različite vrste operacija pretežno će se govoriti o sustavima
ovog tipa. Da bi navedeno PZO oružje u potpunosti ispunilo svoju namjenu potrebno je ispuniti
neke norme u vidu taktičko tehničkih karakteristika i zahtjeva koji se stavljaju pred njih.
Sukladno tome izdvojeni su pokretljivost, autonomnost, vatrena moć, domet i vrsta projektila
kao osnovne značajke koje su potrebne za postizanje maksimalne učinkovitosti. Republika
Hrvatska kao zemlja članica NATO saveza predodređena je ka sustavima kompatibilnim
zahtjevima NATO saveza, a s obzirom da je postojeći topnički PZO sustav u primjeni OS RH
zastario teži se ka nabavi modernijih sustava. Navedeni su neki sustavi zemalja članica NATO
saveza koji ispunjavaju većinu zahtjeva za uporabu u PZO postrojbama Hrvatske vojske te je
provedena analiza u svrhu najboljeg izbora i uspješne integracije s ostalim sustavima.
Abstract (english) Modern air defense units today are using missile and artillery weapons to defend against air
targets. There are short-range, medium-range and long-range weapons, and the work will focus
on artillery air defense weapons that belong to the group of short-range weapons. In accordance
with the development of modern threats from the airspace, which is moving towards a large
number of simple, small and cheap flying objects, artillery air defense weapons have been given
a more significant role in air defense, while missile weapons are unprofitable for this purpose.
Modern threats from the airspace that are potential targets of artillery air defense systems are
described in order to identify their cons and weaknesses. Also there are described a short-range
artillery weapons that differs in terms of purpose. Since it has been noticed that self-propelled
artillery air defense weapons are the most optimal for different types of operations, we will
mostly talk about systems of this type. In order for these air defense weapons to fully fulfill their
purpose, it is necessary to meet some norms in the form of tactical and technical characteristics
and the requirements that are placed in front of them. Mobility, autonomy, firepower, range and
projectile type were singed out as the basic features needed to achieve maximum efficiency. The
Republic of Croatia, as a member of the NATO Alliance, is destined for systems compatible with
the requirements of the NATO Alliance, and since the existing artillery air defense system in the
application of the Croatian Armed Forces is obsolete, it tends to procure more modern systems..
Some systems of NATO member countries that meet most of the requirements for use in air
defense units of the Croatian Army are listed, and an analysis was conducted for the purpose of
the most optimal choice and successful integration with other systems.
kratak domet
vatrena moć
Keywords (english)
short range
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:249:472486
Study programme Title: Military Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA INŽENJER/INŽENJERKA VOJNOG INŽENJERSTVA (MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA INŽENJER/INŽENJERKA VOJNOG INŽENJERSTVA)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2020-11-20 10:21:47