Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada je analiza strategija, tehnika i alata koje je koristila Njemačka u
propagandne svrhe uoči i tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata te suvremenih propagandnih djelovanja.
Shodno tome ovaj je rad strukturiran u poglavlja koja se nadovezuju jedno na drugo kako bi se
najprije upoznali s materijom potrebnom za razumijevanje samog pojma propagande, a potom
obradom suvremene propagande i nacističke propagande.
Najprije se prikazuje pojava propagande kroz ljudsku povijest, nakon čega se u radu objašnjava
kompleksnost pojma propagande i obrađuju definicije različitih znanstvenika. Poslije
definiranja pojma propagande, objašnjavaju se važni aspekti suvremenog propagandnog
djelovanja, poput propagandnih ciljeva, tehnika, faktora uspješnosti, osnovnih načela i
sociološko-psiholoških aspekata propagande.
Zatim se sagledavaju okolnosti i uvjeti tijekom formativnih godina koji su omogućili put do
vlasti nacistima te uspješno provođenje propagande i indoktrinacije. Obrađuju se temelji, načela,
alati i pogledi na propagandu dvije najvažnije osobe za uspjeh nacističke ideologije i
propagande, Adolfa Hitlera i Josepha Goebbelsa. Na kraju poglavlja obrađuje se Goebbelsovo
viđenje u kojim je situacijama propaganda nemoćna te trenutak kada je shvatio da propagandom
ne može više znatno utjecati i mijenjati stvari. U sljedećem poglavlju promatra se zašto su
suvremene propagandne tehnike jedan od najutjecajnijih alata moćnika te se objašnjavaju tri faze
suvremenih propagandnih djelovanja. Na kraju se rada kroz primjer Sjedinjenih
Američkih Država za vrijeme Donalda Trumpa i Njemačke 1930-ih povlači usporedba u
propagandnom djelovanju. |
Abstract (english) | The topic of this thesis is the analysis of strategies, techniques, and tools used by Germany for
propaganda purposes before and during world war two and modern propagandist structures.
Consequently, this thesis is structured into interconnected chapters to firstly familiarize the
reader with the contextual material required to understand the term "propaganda", followed by
analysis of both modern, and nazi propaganda.
We will start with an explanation of the first appearance of the term "propaganda" in history, and
present a multitude of propaganda's definitions by various scientists. After concluding on a
definition, we will explain important aspects of modern propagandist actions, such as its goals,
techniques, success factors, basic principles, and sociological-psychological aspects of
Afterwards, circumstances and conditions that enabled the nazis to rise to power during their
formative years will be looked on, as well as their successful propaganda and indoctrination.
Further, basics, principles, tools and views of propaganda of the two people most important for
the success of nazi ideology and propaganda, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels will be
reviewed. Finally, Goebbels' realization that propaganda is powerless in certain situations and
the moment he understood he couldn't significantly impact and alter the course of events through
propaganda will be presented. The following chapter observes how modern propaganda
techniques are one of the most influential instrument of those in positions of power, and explains
three phases of modern propaganda activities. The thesis will be ending with a comparison of the
examples of propaganda activities of USA during Donald Trump's presidency and Germany in
the 1930s.
The thesis ends in a conclusion, followed by the list of used literature. |