Title (english) Harmonization of Paid Work and Family Life for Female Members of the Croatian Armed Forces
Author Vesna Trut
Mentor Ninoslava Pećnik (mentor)
Mentor Siniša Zrinščak (mentor)
Committee member Ninoslava Pećnik (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Siniša Zrinščak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vlado Puljiz (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Methodology of Research in Social Work and Social Polici) (Methodology of Research in Social Work) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2012, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Psychology
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 316 - Sociology 355/359 - Military affairs. Art of war. Military science. Defence. Armed forces
Abstract Cilj ovog rada bio je utvrditi doživljaj stupnja usklađenosti plaćenog rada i
obiteljskog života majki zaposlenih u obrambenom sustavu RH te ustanoviti radne,
obiteljske, socijalne i demografske prediktore obje vrste interferencije, doživljaja
interferencije plaćenog rada s obitelji i doživljaja interferencije obitelji s plaćenim
radom. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku koji su činile 624 zaposlene majke,
djelatne vojnikinje, dočasnice i časnice zaposlene u Ministarstvu obrane i Oružanim
snagama RH. Rezultati pokazuju da zaposlene majke statistički značajno većim
procjenjuju stupanj ometajućeg utjecaja plaćenog rada na obiteljski život nego što
obiteljske obveze ometaju njihovo radno ponašanje. Odabrani prediktori objašnjavaju
približno 38% varijance u procjenama ometajućeg utjecaja plaćenog rada na
obiteljski život te 29% varijance u procjenama ometajućeg utjecaja obitelji na radno
ponašanje. U predikciji interferencije plaćenog rada s obiteljskim životom najboljim
su se prediktorima pokazale radne varijable (vremenski pritisak i konfliktnost
zahtjeva na radnom mjestu, tjedno radno vrijeme, dani odvojenosti, sigurnost posla i
dostupnost mjera organizacijske potpore), a značajan je i samostalni doprinos nekih
obiteljskih varijabli (dob najmlađeg djeteta, vrijeme posvećeno obiteljskim
obvezama i potreba skrbi za stare/nemoćne). U predikciji interferencije obiteljskog
života s plaćenim radom značajnu snagu predikcije osim obiteljskih varijabli (dob
najmlađeg djeteta, raspodjela obiteljskih obveza, potreba skrbi za stare/nemoćne,
dostupnost pomoći šire obitelji i prijatelja), pokazale su i radne varijable (nedostatak
ključnih informacija na radnom mjestu, sigurnost posla, vrijeme putovanja na posao,
važnost posla i dani odvojenosti od obitelji ) te socijalna varijabla dostupnosti javnih
usluga potpore obiteljima u mjestu prebivališta. Najznačajniji samostalni prediktor
interferencije obitelji s plaćenim radom je radna varijabla nedostatak ključnih
informacija na radnom mjestu.
Abstract (english) The aim of this study is to identify the perceived degree of harmonization of paid
work and family life in employed mothers within the Croatian Armed Forces and to
determine work, family, social and demographic predictors of both types of
intereference, the perceived work to family intereference and the perceived family to
work interference. Research was conducted on a sample of 624 employed mothers,
active soldiers, NCOs and officers, employed in the Croatian Ministry of Defence
and Armed Forces. Results show that employed mothers perceived a significantly
stronger degree of work to life interference than the degree to which family
obligations interfered with their work behaviour. Chosen predictors explain about
38% of variance of evaluations in the interfering influence of work to family and
29% variance of evaluations in the interfering influence of family to work behaviour.
In prediction of the work to family interference the best predictors proved to be work
variables (time pressure and conflicting demands in the workplace, weekly working
hours, days of seperation, job security and availability of organzational support
measures), while the independant contribution of certain family variables (the age of
the youngest sibling, time dedicated to family obligations and the need to care for the
elderly/weak) also proved significant. In the prediction of family to work
interference, beside family variables (the age of the youngest sibling, the
apportionment of family obligations, the need to care for the elderly/weak,
availability of assistance for the wider family and friends), work variables (lack of
key information in the workplace, job security, time to commute to work, importance
of work and days seperated from the family) also proved to be significant, as well as
the social variable of availability of public services for supporting the family where
they live. The most significant independant predictor of family to work interference
is the work variable of a lack of information in the workplace.
usklađenost plaćenog rada i obitelji
interferencija plaćenog rada i obitelji
zaposlene majke
žene u vojsci
Keywords (english)
harmonization of work and family
work to family interference
employed mothers
women in the military
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:249:887245
Promotion 2012
Study programme Title: Obtaining a doctorate of science outside of doctoral studies Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-04-19 09:10:10