Title Urbane obrambene operacije
Title (english) Urban defensive operations
Author Marko Pedić
Mentor Mirko Jakopčić (mentor)
Mentor Andrej Smolek (komentor)
Committee member Goran Đukić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mirko Jakopčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Andrej Smolek (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb (Croatian Defence Academy "Dr. Franjo Tuđman") Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Security and Defense Science
Abstract U današnje vrijeme većina ratova se vodi u naseljenim područjima, stoga je cilj ovog
diplomskog rada prikazati cilj i značajke urbanih obrambenih operacija, organizaciju bojišta te
vrste urbanih obrambenih zadaća, zajedno sa izazovima koje vojne operacije u urbanim
područjima donose. No prije toga potrebno je prikazati zakonsko uporište na kojem se temelji
zadaća Oružanih snaga Republike Hrvatske te doktrinu koja pokriva kopnene operacije u koje
spadaju i urbane obrambene operacije. Na koncu je prikazana studija slučaja Bitka za Vukovar
koja ne služi samom kronološkom pregledu bitke, već služi kao dobar primjer na kojem se
prikazuju ranije navedene značajke urbanog ratovanja i dokaz svih navedenih pretpostavki
urbanog ratovanja, a to su: slabiji branitelji mogu lakše pružiti otpor nadmoćnim napadačima,
složen teren uzrokuje brojne opasnosti, snajperi su jedno od ključnih naoružanja, u urbanom
obrambenom ratovanju naglasak je na protuoklopnoj borbi, kao i brojne druge, a jedna od
bitnijih stavki je potreba za sistematiziranjem naučenih lekcija o urbanom ratovanju i njihovo
doktrinarno obrađivanje.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, most wars are fought in populated areas, therefore the aim of this thesis is to
present the objective and characteristics of urban defense operations, the organization of the
battlefield and the types of urban defense tasks, together with the challenges that military
operations in urban areas bring. But before that, it is necessary to present the legal basis on
which the task of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Croatia is based and the doctrine that
covers land operations, which also include urban defense operations. At the end, the case study
of the Battle of Vukovar is presented, which does not serve as a chronological review of the
battle itself, but serves as a good example that shows the previously mentioned features of urban
warfare and proof of all the aforementioned assumptions of urban warfare, namely: weaker
defenders can more easily resist superior ones. to attackers, complex terrain causes numerous
dangers, snipers are one of the key weapons, in urban defensive warfare the emphasis is on antiarmor combat, as well as many others, and one of the more important items is the need to systematize the lessons learned about urban warfare and their doctrinal treatment.
naseljeno područje
urbane obrambene operacije
zakonsko uporište
Bitka za Vukovar
složen teren
protuoklopna borba
Keywords (english)
populated area
urban defense operations
legal scene
Battle for Vukovar
complex terrain
anti-armor combat
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:249:674196
Study programme Title: Military Leadership and Management Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA VOJNOG VOĐENJA I UPRAVLJANJA (MAGISTAR/MAGISTRA VOJNOG VOĐENJA I UPRAVLJANJA)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-01-31 12:23:24