Title (english) Design thinking and its application in Internet marketing
Author Vera Korak
Mentor Sanja Rocco (mentor)
Committee member Goran Luburić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dorotea Milas (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2017-07-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Design thinking je metodologija koju dizajneri koriste za rješavanje složenih problema i pronalaženje poželjnih rješenja. Design thinking nije usmjeren na problem, usmjeren je na rješenje i na akciju u stvaranju željene budućnosti. Temelji se na logici, mašti, intuiciji i sistemskom rasuđivanju, istraživanju mogućnosti onoga što bi moglo biti i stvaranju željenih ishoda koje imaju koristi krajnjem korisniku. Svaka profesija, bilo da je to medicina, pravo, politika, dizajn ili marketing može
... More imati koristi od upotrebe dizajnerskog razmišljanja. Navedena metodologija može promijeniti način na koji organizacije razvijaju proizvode, usluge, marketinške i druge strategije, dok je u isto vrijeme odličan alat u postizanju konkurentske prednosti u poslovanju i općenito u postizanju boljih poslovnih rezultata.
U vrijeme kada se marketinški budžeti stanjuju, a pritisak na prodajni rezultat biva sve većim, klijenti i agencije traže mjerljiva i učinkovita sredstva. Fleksibilnost u odabiru kanala, optimizacija u tijeku kampanje samo su neki od razloga zašto je Internet postao tako omiljena riječ u marketinškoj agenciji. No iako je prednost oglašavanja na Internetu značajna u odnosu na druge medije još uvijek je prijeko potrebno neprekidno unapređivanje oglašivačkih tehnika te stvaranje inovativnog i kreativnog sadržaja. Kada govorimo o oglašavanju putem Interneta ključna je ciljana grupa koja je definirana medijskim planom. Medijskim planom definiramo koji je potreban budžet, koja je poruka, kome se obraćamo, koje oglasne formate upotrebljavamo, u kojim medijima oglašavamo, kada i gdje oglašavamo, na koje načine oglašavamo i kako mjerimo uspješnost kampanje. Kada je medijski plan izrađen potrebno je osmisliti kreativnu kampanju koja će privući pažnju i kojom ćemo potaknuti korisnike na akciju. Ovaj završni rad donosi teorijske spoznaje iz područja Internet marketinga i Design thinking metodologije. Definira i objašnjava njihove pojmove, prikazuje specifičnosti, povijesni razvoj Design thinking metodologije te implementaciju u segmentima Internet marketinga. Istraživački dio rada imao je za zadatak analizirati, prikazati i definirati kojim metodama dizajnerskog razmišljanja se koriste specijalisti za internet marketing kako bi postigli bolje rezultate u svojim internetskim kampanjama. Kao predmet analize korišten je vlastiti internet projekt Zagreb in a bag, na kojem je primijenjena većina metoda dizajnerskog razmišljanja. Less
Abstract (english) Design thinking is a methodology that designers use to solve complex problems and find desirable solutions. Design thinking is not focused on the problem, it is focused on the solution and action in creating the desired future. It is based on logic, imagination, intuition and systematic thinking, exploring the possibilities of what might be the creation of desired outcomes that benefit the end user. Any profession, whether it is medicine, law, politics, design or marketing, can benefit
... More from the use of Design thinking. This methodology can change the way organizations develop products, services, marketing and other strategies, while at the same time being an excellent tool in achieving competitive edge in business and overall achieving better business results. At a time when marketing budgets stagnante, and pressure on sales is getting bigger, clients and agencies are looking for measurable and effective strategies. Flexibility in channel selection and campaign optimization are just some of the reasons why Internet has become such a favorite word in the marketing agency. Although the importance of advertising on the Internet is significant in relation to other media, it is still necessity to continuously improve advertising techniques and create innovative and creative content. When talking about advertising over the Internet, the key target group is defined by the media plan. The media plan defines what budget is needed, what message are we trying to convey, which ad formats do we use, through which media we advertise, when and where we advertise, how we advertise, and how we measure campaign performances. When a media plan is created it is necessary to devise a creative campaign that will attract attention and encourage people to act. This paper introduces theoretical knowledge in the field of Internet Marketing and Design thinking methodology. Defines and explains their concepts, shows the specifics, the history of Design thinking methodology and the implementation into segments of Internet marketing. The research part of the paper had the task of analyzing, displaying and defining the methods of design thinking used by internet marketing specialists to achieve better results in their online campaigns. As a subject author´s own Internet project Zagreb in a bag has been used , where most of the methods of design thinking were applied. Less
Design thinking
Internet marketing
oglašavanje na Internetu
Internetske kampanje
Keywords (english)
Design thinking
Internet marketing
Internet advertising
Internet campaign
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:599318
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2017-08-18 08:59:34