Abstract | Kroz povijest posao ili dužnost žene je uvijek bio vezan uz kuću bilo to briga o obitelji ili kućanski poslovi, žena je bila zamišljena samo kao domaćica. Razvojem društva i civilizacije žene sve više žele postići karijeru u raznim sferama poslova pa tako i u menadžmentu, na tom putu se susreću se s raznim poteškoćama. Nerijetko se u poslu žene diskriminiralo i postojali su razni stereotipovi koji su dodatno otežavali ženama da dođu do poslova na visokim razinama. Bitno je poznavati samu strukturu i način funkcioniranja poslovanja i upravljanja kako bi se moglo ustanoviti što je i kako sprječavalo, i još danas sprječava žene, i naravno kako to žene mogu poboljšati strukturu poslovanja. Također je bitno poznavati što su to menadžeri i kakav je njihov posao i kako se žene mogu snaći unutar tog posla te kako mogu pridonijeti boljem funkcioniranju menadžerskog posla. Istraživanja pokazuju da i danas postoje diskriminacija prema ženama koje žele uspješnu karijeru, no treba i spomenuti da isto tako istraživanja pokazuju trend opadanja takvog diskriminatornog mišljenja, što znači da se ženama sve više otvaraju mogućnosti ostvarivanja uspješne karijere. Nažalost, iako je situacija sve bolja, Hrvatska po postotku žena koje se nalaze na visokim pozicijama je pri dnu ljestvice na razini EU. Pokazano je kako su muškarci fokusirani na krajnji rezultat, a žene su pokazale mnogo više strateškog umijeća, lakše preuzimaju rizik, bolje komuniciraju s ljudima, što znači da žene imaju prednosti naspram muškaraca. Jedan od problema s kojim se žene susreću je tzv. pojam „stakleni strop“ koji se koristi kada se govori o sprječavanju napredovanja žena na više hijerarhijske razine na radnom mjestu. Iako postoje mali pomaci, neosporno je da žene danas vrlo teško probijaju taj stakleni strop, odnosno nevidljive barijere koje sprečavaju njihov napredak u poslu. Sve u svemu vidljiv je napredak u zastupljenosti žena kako u znanosti, tako i u menadžerskim poslovima i raznim drugim sferama posla i društva općenito. Neupitno je da žene imaju pravo graditi karijeru i u tome biti uspješne, i da će se to u budućnosti sve više događati pokazuju istraživanja kod kojih je vidljiv trend rasta zastupljenosti žena na visokim pozicijama. |
Abstract (english) | Throughout history, the job or duty of a woman was always related to the home, whether it was family care or housework, the woman was conceived only as a housekeeper. With the development of society and civilization, women increasingly want to achieve a career in various spheres of employment, also in management, to achive that they are facing various difficulties. Women were often discriminated and there was various stereotypes that made it more difficult for women to go to high-level jobs. It is important to know the structure and way of functioning of business and management, in order to find out what was preventing and still prevents women in that line of work, and of course how women can improve the business structure. It is also important to know what managers are and what is their job, and how women can get involved in that job so they could contribute to a better functioning of a managerial job. Studies show that there is still discrimination against women who want a successful career, but it should also be mentioned that research also shows the trend of declining such discriminatory thinking, which means opportunities for women are increasing, so they can achive a successful career. Unfortunately, although the situation is getting better, Croatia's percentage of high-ranking women is at the bottom of the EU-level scale. It was shown that men are focused on the end result, and women showed much more strategic skills, they take risks more often, they are better at communicating with people, which means that women have advantages over men. One of the problems women face is the so-called term "Glass ceiling" used when it comes to preventing the advancement of women to greater hierarchical levels in the workplace. Although there are small moves, it is undeniable that women today are have struggles to break through this glass ceiling, or to break invisible barriers that prevent their work progress. Progress has been made in the representation of women in science, as well as in managerial jobs and various other fields of work and society in general. It is unquestionable that women have the right to build a career and to be successful in their jobs, researches are showing the trend of increased representation of women in high positions and that is a good sign for the future. |