Title (english) The rise and fall of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 cellular phone
Author Antonija Šego
Mentor Oliver Hip (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Samsung kompanija osnovana je davne 1969. godine, a kasnije je postao lider u kućanskim aparatima, telekomunikacijama, audio i video sadržaju, uključujući zdravstvenu zaštitu, okoliš i energiju globalno u svijetu. Ovaj rad bavi se strategijom uspješnog poslovanja i rasta Samsung kompanije, kao i razvoju mobilnih telefona kroz povijest s naglaskom na Samsung Galaxy Note 7. U samom radu definira se povijest poduzeća kako i svi značajni postignuti napredci. Kroz ovaj Proizvod analiziraju se sva dostignuća ove tvrtke i analiza razvoja mobilnih uređaja. Rad se bazira na vlastitom istraživanju javnog mnijenja o samom poduzeću, kao i o njihovim proizvodima na tržištu. Veliki naglasak se stavlja na lansiranje, razvoj i pad mobitela Samsung Galaxy Note 7. U rujnu 2016., svijetom je odjeknula vijest da se baterija Samsung Galaxy Note 7 zapalila dok su je koristili brojni korisnici diljem svijeta. Problem je bio u baterijama, koje su se tijekom punjenja zapalile ili eksplodirale. Samsungu je ovaj skandal značajno naštetio te je vrijednost kompanije na burzi pala za 17 milijardi dolara u jednom danu. U ovom radu ćemo nakon same krize analizirati ponašanje korisnika Samsung pametnih telefona te vidjeti da li će kupci i dalje izabrati njihove telefone. Korisnici u Hrvatskoj nisu lojalni samo jednom proizvođaču telefona, većina korisnika prije same kupnje dobro istraže što žele. Samsung se trudi biti broj jedan u izboru telefona no današnje tržište se svakodnevno mijenja te se kupci često odlučuju i za druge proizvođače. Budući da je korištenje pametnih telefona danas postalo dio svakodnevnice, možemo reći da se Samsung kao i ostali proizvođači jako trude i oglašavaju svoje proizvode kako bi pridobili što više korisnika.
Abstract (english) The Samsung company was founded in 1969 and later became the leader in home appliances, telecommunications, audio and video content, including healthcare, the environment and energy worldwide. This Research deals with the strategy of successful business and growth of the Samsung company as well as the development of mobile phones through history, with accent on the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. This Research defines the history of the company as well as all the significant advances through it. Based on the Product, we analyze all the achievements of the Company as well analyze the development of mobile devices. This Research is based on its own public opinion poll result of the company itself, as well on its products on the market. Big effort is related on the launch, development and crush of the mobile phone Samsung Galaxy Note 7. In September 2016., there were rumors worldwide that the battery of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was burned used by multiple users around the World. The main problem was with batteries, that had been burned or exploded during the process of charging. This scandal had huge bad effect on the company, so its value had been dropped on stock market by $ 17 billion in just one day. In this work, we will analyze and determine behavior end users of the Samsung's smart phones after crisis situation happened, and will investigate if they will buy Samsung smart phones again. End users in Croatia are not loyal to only one mobile phone manufacturer, ie. most of them are making analyzes before buying a new mobile phone. Samsung is keep trying to be the number one in mobile phone technology, but market is changing all the time, so end users are deciding to buy mobile phones from another manufacturers as well. Furthermore, mobile phone technology is part of our every day life. Samsung as well other mobile phones Manufacturers are giving very big efforts to improve and promote their Products in order to acquire as many possible end users.
Samsung Galaxy note 7
Keywords (english)
Mobile Phones
Samsung Galaxy Note 7
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:205127
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-12-02 10:00:16