Title (english) Naj, naj, naj Festival - production and reception
Author Valentina Meštrić
Mentor Ana Lederer (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Rocco (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Abstract Rad započinje kratkom povijesti nastanka festivala, definicijom festivala kao forme i podjelom festivala. Nakon toga definirana je povijest Naj, naj, naj festivala od samoga osnutka kazališta. Autorica stavlja naglasak na produkciju jednog kazališnog festivala koji djeluje unutar ustanove. Podrobno je razrađena produkcija festivala u svim prepoznatljivim fazama. Također, pokazano je kako su sve poznate faze pretprodukcije, produkcije i postprodukcije u umjetničkom, financijskom i
... More tehničko-organizacijskom aspektu istovjetne onome u kazalištu za odrasle, poznatijem kao „večernja scena“, sa zaključkom da svaki festival prolazi kroz iste ili slične faze produkcije. Veliku pozornost autorica usmjerava na specifičnosti dječje publike, kao i važnost Naj, naj, naj festivala za djecu, čime potkrepljuje poznatu tvrdnju da kazalište za djecu stvara buduću publiku kojoj će kazalište u zrelim godinama biti nezaobilazna potreba u napajanju vlastite duhovnosti i formiranju ličnosti kao kulturološkog bića, jer kazalište uči i zabavlja u isto vrijeme, formira ukus, uči djecu dijalogu i razvijanju tolerancije prema različitostima.
U drugom dijelu rada autorica govori o Naj, naj, naj festivalu kao kulturnoj potrebi grada Zagreba, ali i kao turističkoj ponudi grada Zagreba, gdje je navedeni festival na kulturnoj mapi Republike Hrvatske te naposljetku o festivalu kao brendu Gradskog kazališta Žar ptica. Primjerima iz Hrvatske dat će se uvid u analizu konkurencije i predstaviti jedan kazališni festival za djecu koji je po ustroju sličan Naj, naj, naj festivalu te jedan koji je u potpunosti različit. Less
Abstract (english) The thesis begins with a brief history of how the festival was conceived, the definition of the festival as an art form and its classification. What follows is the history of the Naj, naj, naj festival from the very establishment of the relevant theatre. The author focuses on the production of the specific theatre festival taking place within the institution. The festival production is elaborated in detail through all major phases. It is shown that all well-known phases of
... More pre-production, production and post-production are identical (in terms of art, financing, technical and organizational issues) to that of the adult segment (known in this case as the evening scene).
In conclusion, every festival has the same or similar production phases. The author highlights specific features of children’s audience, as well as the importance of the Naj, naj, naj festival for children, thus supporting well-known claim that children's theatre creates the audience of the future for whom the theatre will play an important part in their adult years; it will help develop their own spirituality and cultural identity. As the theatre educates and entertains at the same time, it also shows children how to communicate, develops their artistic taste and cultivates diversity.
In the second part of the thesis, the author describes the Naj, naj, naj festival as a part of the cultural landscape of the City of Zagreb and of the City's tourist offer in which the Festival is positioned on the map of cultural events of the Republic of Croatia and finally, as the brand of the City Theatre Žar Ptica. Other examples from Croatia provide insight into the competition analysis and present another children's theatre festival which is similar to the Naj, naj, naj festival with regard to organization, and yet another example which is completely different. Less
međunarodni festival
festival za djecu
kazališna produkcija
Keywords (english)
international festival
children's festival
theatre production
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:639612
Study programme Title: Undergraduate Professional Study of Cultural Management and Production Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) menadžmenta i produkcije u kulturi (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) menadžmenta i produkcije u kulturi)
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Created on 2019-12-02 11:27:06