Abstract | Marketing u svojoj biti stalni proces kreiranja proizvoda i/ili usluge prema željama i potrebama kupaca. Istraživanja i bihevioralna ekonomija promijenili su paradigmu o racionalnom ponašanju kupaca u intuitivno. Jednostavno je istražiti što kupci kupuju, ono što se javlja kao problem je odgovor na pitanje zašto kupuju baš određeni brand, proizvod ili uslugu. Tradicionalna marketinška istraživanja baziraju se na mišljenju kupaca, istražuju samo svjesne i racionalne aspekte donošenja odluka o kupnji ili stavu prema proizvodu ili usluzi. Upitna je djelotvornost takvih istraživanja jer kupci vrlo često ne znaju ili ne razumiju što zapravo hoće. Neuromarketinška istraživanja s druge strane koriste znanja iz medicine, psihologije i marketinga kako bi odgovorili na pitanja što se događa u svijesti kupaca, zašto se odlučuju za kupnju određenih proizvoda i usluga, što utječe da izaberu određeni brand, a ne konkurenciju. Pitanje je kakvu ulogu neuromarketing ima u pozicioniranju poslovanja na tržištu i prema kupcima kako bi stekli određenu prednost u odnosu na konkurenciju. Predmet ovog rada je uloga neuromarketinga u prodajnoj strategiji. Cilj je utvrditi utjecaj neuromarketinga na razumijevanje potreba kupaca, utjecaj koji može imati na ponašanje kupaca, odnosno koji je značaj neuromarketinga kada govorimo o prodajnoj strategiji. Hipoteza rada glasi: neuromarketing korištenjem prednosti koje donose teorija neuromarketinga i neuromarketinška istraživanja može imati vodeću ulogu u prodajnoj strategiji. U istraživanju su korištenje sljedeće znanstvene metode: metoda analize i sinteze, metode indukcije i dedukcije, metoda kompilacije i metoda deskripcije. Radom je potvrđena osnovna hipoteza rada, odnosno neuromarketing korištenjem prednosti koje donose teorija neuromarketinga i neuromarketinška istraživanja može imati vodeću ulogu u prodajnoj strategiji. |
Abstract (english) | Marketing is essentially a constant process of creating a product and/or service according to the wishes and needs of customers. Consumer research and behavioral economics have changed the paradigm of rational customer behavior into intuitive. It is easy to observe what customers are buying, what emerges as a problem is the answer to the question of why they are buying a particular brand, product or service. Traditional marketing research is based on customer opinion, exploring only the conscious and rational aspects of making a purchase decision or attitude toward a product or service. The effectiveness of such research is questionable, as customers very often do not know or understand what they really want. Neuromarketing research, on the other hand, uses knowledge in medicine, psychology and marketing to answer questions about what's going on in the minds of customers, why they choose to buy certain products and services, which influences them to choose a particular brand rather than their competition. The question remaining is what is the part that neuromarketing plays in positioning the business in the market and towards the customers in order to gain some advantage over the competition. The subject of this paper is the role of neuromarketing in the sales strategy. The goal is to determine the impact of neuromarketing on understanding customer needs, the impact it can have on customer behavior, and what is the importance of neuromarketing when talking about a sales strategy. The work hypothesis is: Neuromarketing, by using the benefits of neuromarketing theory and neuromarketing research, can play a leading role in the sales strategy. The following scientific methods are used in the research: analysis and synthesis method, induction and deduction methods, compilation method and descriptive method. This paper confirms the basic hypothesis of work, that is, neuromarketing, by using the benefits of neuromarketing theory and neuromarketing research, can play a leading role in the sales strategy. |