Title (english) Measuring marketing efficiency in digital marketing
Author Filip Medić
Mentor Goran Luburić (mentor)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Šipić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2019-10-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Predmet rada je mjerenje marketinške efikasnosti u digitalnom marketingu, a cilj rada je istražiti važnost i utjecaj provođenja i mjerenja digitalnog marketinga za uspjeh poslovanja organizacije. Hipoteza rada je da organizacije, ukoliko pravilno primjenjuju digitalni marketing i redovito mjere marketinšku efikasnost u digitalnom marketingu, ostvaruju bolje rezultate i stječu veću konkurentsku prednost na tržištu. Znanstvene metode korištene u pisanju rada su: metoda analize, metoda sinteze i metoda deskripcije. Metoda analize koristila se za analizu podataka, informacija i pojmova vezanih za digitalni marketing i mjerenje efikasnosti istoga. Metoda sinteze koristila se za povezivanje najvažnijih činjenica i pojmova u digitalnom marketingu i mjerenju efikasnosti istoga. Metoda deskripcije koristila se za opis važnosti korištenja digitalnog marketinga u poslovanju organizacija, načina funkcioniranja digitalnog marketinga te metoda koje se koriste za mjerenje marketinške efikasnosti u digitalnom marketingu.Marketing se u prošlosti provodio putem tradicionalnih medija, a danas organizacije sve više resursa ulažu u provođenje marketinga i marketinških aktivnosti putem suvremenih medija, tj. putem interneta s naglaskom na društvene mreže i mobilne uređaje.Jedan od novi oblika marketinga, nastao kao posljedica razvoja novih komunikacijskih medija, je digitalni marketing. Nove digitalne platforme za marketing javljaju se gotovo svakodnevno, a digitalni marketing polako postaje jedan od ključnih faktora daljnjeg razvoja modernog poslovanja.Digitalni marketing karakterizira brzi odgovor, komunikacija i interakcija od 0 do 24, stvaranje personaliziranog sadržaja te kreativnost u provođenju svih marketinških aktivnosti koja podrazumijeva korištenje različitih komunikacijskih platformi i programa kako bi se marketinški sadržaj prikazao potrošačima na što zanimljiviji način. Organizacije moraju biti svjesne važnosti odabira pravog kanala za provođenje marketinških aktivnosti digitalnog marketinga te praćenja rezultata ostvarenih putem istog. Primjenom metoda za mjerenje marketinške efikasnosti u digitalnom marketingu, organizacije dobijaju uvid u to jesu li zadani ciljevi ostvareni, percepciju potrošača o proizvodima/uslugama i brendu te informacija o tome koji marketinški komunikacijski kanali i marketinške komunikacijske aktivnosti daju najbolje rezultate.
Abstract (english) The subject of this paper is measuring marketing effectiveness in digital marketing, and the aim of this paper is to explore the importance and impact of conducting and measuring digital marketing for the success of an organization's business. The hypothesis of this paper is that organizations, if they apply digital marketing correctly and regularly measure marketing effectiveness in digital marketing, achieve better results and gain greater competitive advantage in the market. The scientific methods used in writing the paper are: analysis method, synthesis method and descriptive method. The analysis method was used to analyze data, information and concepts related to digital marketing and measure its effectiveness. The synthesis method was used to relate the most important facts and concepts in digital marketing and measure its effectiveness. The descriptive method was used to describe the importance of using digital marketing in organizations' businesses, how digital marketing works, and the methods used to measure marketing effectiveness in digital marketing. Marketing has been conducted through traditional media in the past, and nowadays organizations are increasingly investing in marketing and marketing activities through modern media, ie via the Internet with a focus on social networks and mobile devices. One of the new forms of marketing resulting from the development of new communications media is digital marketing. New digital marketing platforms are occurring almost daily, and digital marketing is slowly becoming one of the key factors in the further development of modern business. Digital marketing is characterized by fast response, communication and interaction from 0 to 24, creation of personalized content and creativity in conducting all marketing activities, which involves the use of different communication platforms and programs to present marketing content to consumers in the most interesting way. Organizations need to be aware of the importance of choosing the right channel to conduct digital marketing marketing activities and tracking the results achieved through digital marketing. By applying methods to measure marketing effectiveness in digital marketing, organizations gain insight into whether the set goals have been achieved, consumers' perceptions of products/services and brand, and information on which marketing communication channels and marketing communication activities are delivering the best results.
digitalni marketing
Keywords (english)
digital marketing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:839750
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2019-12-03 10:25:44