Title (english) Strategies of multinational when entering the market in the chose example
Author Filip Čulo
Mentor Dijana Vuković (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Rocco (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Predrag Čudina (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-07-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics International Economics
Abstract Ovaj rad na početku govori o globalnom tržištu i marketingu općenito te o procesu globalizacije kojim se u današnjem svijetu postupno ukidaju ograničenja protoka roba i usluga među različitim državama svijeta kao i o zalaganju za potpuno slobodnu tržišnu konkurenciju na svjetskom nivou. Razmatra se kako proces globalizacije utječe na nacionalna tržišta, odnosno kakav utjecaj ima na gospodarske subjekte koji posluju na tim tržištima. Potom se bavi teorijskim osnovama marketinga multinacionalnih kompanija kao i prilagodbom elemenata marketing miksa ciljnom tržištu.
U nastavku rad se osvrće na suvremene ekonomske teorije vanjske trgovine, teoriju ekonomije volumena proizvodnje, a pobliže govori i o teoriji životnog vijeka proizvoda i o Linderovoj teoriji vanjske trgovine te donosi prikaz kako trgovina između zemalja sa sličnom strukturom potražnje ovisi o njihovim dohocima per capita. Nakon toga, navodi motive i ciljeve izlaska multinacionalnih kompanija na međunarodno tržište te obrađuje eksterne i interne faktore koji utječu na internacionalizaciju.
Zatim se u radu nabrajaju i pobliže opisuju i neke od mogućih strategija ulaska na strana tržišta kao što su: samostalan ulazak na tržište, ulazak na tržište kupnjom drugog poduzeća, opcija partnerstva, izvoza kao najmanje rizične strategije ulaska na strano tržište, licence kao strategije ulaska, zajedničkih pothvata te izravnih ulaganja kao strategije ulaska na tržište.
Potom se u radu razmatraju i neke od novijih strategija ulaska na tržište kao što su kišobran strategija, strategija gromobrana i strategija mostova, a navode se i ostale novije strategije.
Na kraju rada prikazan je case study kompanije ISOCLIMA prilikom ulaska na tržište Hrvatske. U radu se analizira strategija ulaska na tržište koju je kompanija ISOCLIMA koristila tom prilikom. Usporedno s tom analizom analizira se i aktualno društveno i gospodarsko stanje na području Republike Hrvatske prilikom ulaska kompanije ISOCLIMA u Hrvatsku, kao i proces adaptacije i standardizacije kroz aspekt marketing miksa.
Abstract (english) This paper initially talks about the global market and marketing in general and the process of globalization which in today's world is gradually abolishing restrictions on the flow of goods and services between different countries and advocating for completely free market competition at the global level. It is considered how the process of globalization affects national markets, ie what impact it has on economic entities operating in these markets. It then deals with the theoretical foundations of marketing multinational companies as well as adapting the elements of the marketing mix to the target market.
In the following, the paper looks at contemporary economic theories of foreign trade, the theory of economies of scale of production, and talks in more detail about the theory of product life cycle and Linder's theory of foreign trade and shows how trade between countries with a similar demand structure depends on their per capita incomes. After that, it states the motives and goals of multinational companies entering the international market and deals with external and internal factors that influence internationalization.
The paper then outlines and more closely describes some of the possible strategies for entering foreign markets such as: independent market entry, market entry by buying another company, partnership options, exports as the least risky strategy of entering a foreign market, licenses as an entry strategy, joint ventures and direct investment as a market entry strategy.
Then, the paper discusses some of the newer strategies for entering the market, such as umbrella strategy, lightning rod strategy and bridge strategy, and lists other recent strategies.
At the end of the paper, a case study of the company ISOCLIMA when entering the Croatian market is presented. The paper analyzes the market entry strategy used by ISOCLIMA on that occasion. In parallel with this analysis, the current social and economic situation in the Republic of Croatia during the entry of ISOCLIMA into Croatia is analyzed, as well as the process of adaptation and standardization through the aspect of the marketing mix.
međunarodno tržište
multinacionalne kompanije
međunarodni marketing
marketing miks
Keywords (english)
international market
multinational companies
international marketing
marketing mix
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:536958
Study programme Title: Marketing and communication management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: Stručni/a specijalist/ica marketinga i komunikacija (Stručni/a specijalist/ica marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2020-09-10 09:27:32