Title Persuazija i medijska manipulacija u marketinškoj komunikaciji i percepciji čovjeka
Title (english) Persuasion and media manipulation in marketing communication and human perception
Author Iva Tot
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Ivančević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Neven Šipić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-09-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Svakodnevno smo okruženi i služimo se digitalnim tehnologijama i internetom, bilo u poslovnoj ili privatnoj sferi života. Veliku ulogu u našim životima imaju mediji, a sve više i više društvene mreže (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok,...). Čitajući i gledajući različite vijesti kroz dan, možda i nismo svjesni koliko vidimo i pročitamo poruke koje se služe persuazivnim tehnikama ili pak one koje se služe psihološki manipulativnim tehnikama. Takve poruke, bili mi toga svjesni ili ne, utječu na naše odluke i razmišljanje. Utjecajem medija, kao i velikim dijelom društvenih mreža, možemo steći drugačiju percepciju događaja u svijetu od onih koje bismo stekli da smo sami proučili određeni događaj i sami donijeli zaključak o istom. U ovom radu objasnit ćemo kako persuazija može utjecati na kupovinu određenog proizvoda ili usluge te kako medijska manipulacija može utjecati na čovjekovu percepciju. Navest ćemo koji su oblici i načini persuazivne tehnike te koje vrste medijskih manipulacija postoje. Objasnit ćemo razliku između persuazije i manipulacije – jer ove dvije tehnike nisu isto. Osvrnut ćemo se i na osnovne preduvjete za uspješnu marketinšku persuaziju, kao i na ključne faktore persuazije u marketingu i marketinškoj komunikaciji. Objasnit ćemo manipulaciju kroz medije putem subliminalnih poruka. Putem digitalnih tehnologija i medija, ako stavimo na stranu pozitivne, informativne, zabavne i obrazovne dijelove, lako možemo biti izmanipulirani ako ne uspijemo razlučiti manipulaciju od persuaziju i obrnuto. Također, trebamo biti pažljivi prilikom gledanja reklama i upijanja jezičnih strategija i postupaka za dobivanje naše, odnosno kupčeve pažnje. Reklame su velika podloga za upotrebu persuazije, ali i manipulacije, posebno treba biti na oprezu kod djece. Djeca su meta marketinških stručnjaka jer su lako podložni i lako se mogu izmanipulirati putem reklama i reklamnih poruka.
Abstract (english) We are surrounded by and use digital technologies and the Internet every day, whether in business or private life. The media play a big role in our lives, and more and more social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok,...). Reading and watching different news throughout the day, we may not be aware of how much we see and read messages that use persuasive techniques or those that use psychological manipulative techniques. Such messages, whether we are aware of it or not, influence our decisions and thinking. Through the influence of the media, as well as a large part of social networks, we can acquire a different perception of events in the world than those we would have acquired if we had studied a certain event ourselves and come to a conclusion about it ourselves. In this paper, we will explain how persuasion can influence the purchase of a certain product or service and how media manipulation can influence people's perception. We will list the forms and methods of persuasive techniques and what types of media manipulation exist. We will explain the difference between persuasion and manipulation - because these two techniques are not the same. We will look at the basic prerequisites for successful marketing persuasion, as well as the key factors of persuasion in marketing and marketing communication. We will explain manipulation through the media through subliminal messages. Through digital technologies and media, if we put aside the positive, informative, entertaining and educational parts, we can easily be manipulated if we fail to distinguish manipulation from persuasion and vice versa. Also, we need to be careful when watching advertisements and absorbing language strategies and procedures to get our, or the customer's, attention. Advertisements are a great basis for the use of persuasion, but also manipulation, you should be especially careful with children. Children are the target of marketers because they are easily susceptible and can be easily manipulated through advertisements and advertising messages.
digitalno doba
novi mediji
marketinška komunikacija
medijska manipulacija.
Keywords (english)
digital age
new media
marketing communication
media manipulation.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:538743
Study programme Title: Marketing and communication management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija (stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Created on 2022-11-14 09:39:05