Title Trema i strah u javnom nastupu
Title (english) Trembling and fear in public speaking
Author Kamilo Antolović
Mentor Siniša Kovačić (mentor)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Goran Luburić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2022-07-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Komunikacija je jedna od temeljnih ljudskih potreba. Od pamtivijeka do danas ljudi su razmjenjivali različite poruke, verbalno i neverbalno te tako uspostavljali i gradili odnose, oblikovali zajednice i društvo u cjelini. Ovaj rad bavi se komunikacijom, ponajviše interpersonalnom, a u fokusu interesa je javni nastup, odnosno razmjena poruka pojedinca s većim brojem ljudi, nerijetko i putem masovnih medija. Brojnim analizama i istraživanjima utvrđeno je da gotovo svaki javni govor (javni nastup)
... More kod govornika stvara napetost, tremu, a često i strah.
Velik broj ljudi našao se u situaciji u kojoj je morao raditi važnu prezentaciju za svoje nadređene ili važne kupce i, iako se sve dobro pripremi, mnogima se znoje ruke, neke hvata tjeskoba, neki se boje da prezentacija neće biti dobra i da će se osramotiti. Strah od javnog nastupa uobičajen je i prirodan osjećaj. Tremu imaju svi, političari uoči javnih nastupa, pjevači uoči koncerta, profesori uoči predavanja, glumci uoči predstave, sportaši uoči natjecanja, studenti uoči ispita itd. Trema i strah u javnom nastupu, verbalni dio javnog govora, neverbalni dio javnog govora („govor tijela“), izgled prezentatora, upotreba prostora i pomagala, ambijent i kontekst, komunikacijske zone, fizički izgled govornika, bonton i kultura organizacije, samo su neki od čimbenika koji imaju snažan utjecaj na percepciju govornika ili prezentatora te u konačnici utječu na uspjeh njegovog govora ili prezentacije.
Prema istraživanjima, strah od javnoga nastupa je najveći strah kojega čovjek može imati, čak veći i od straha od smrti. Nije to samo strah od prezentacije, nego općenito govorenja ispred velike publike. S ciljem utvrđivanja pojavnosti, simptoma, oblika i intenziteta straha i treme provedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 536 ispitanika u Republici Hrvatskoj. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su nalaze nekih ranijih istraživanja uz ključni nalaz da je strah od javnog nastupa daleko najintenzivniji, čak značajno snažniji od straha od smrti. Less
Abstract (english) Communication is one of the fundamental human needs. From time immemorial to the present day, people have exchanged different messages, verbally and non-verbally, thus establishing and building relationships, shaping communities and society as a whole. This paper examines communication, mostly interpersonal, and the focus of interest is public appearance, i.e. the exchange of messages of an individual with a larger number of people, often through the mass media. The work of many researchers
... More has found that almost every public speech (public appearance) creates tension, nervousness, and often fear in the speaker.
A large number of people found themselves in a situation where they had to make an important presentation for their superiors or important customers, and although everything is well prepared, their hands are sweating, some get anxious, some are afraid that the presentation will not be good and that they will embarrass themselves. Fear of public speaking is a common and natural feeling. Everyone is nervous, politicians before public appearances, singers before concerts, professors before lectures, actors before performances, athletes on the eve of competitions, students prior to taking exams, etc. Stage fright and fear of public speaking, verbal part of public speech, non-verbal part of public speech ("body language"), physical appearance of the presenter, use of space and aids, ambience and context, communication zones, etiquette and culture of the organization are just some of the factors that have a strong influence on the perception of the speaker or presenter and ultimately affect the success of their speech or presentation.
According to many research studies, the fear of public appearance is the greatest fear one can have, even greater than the fear of death. It’s not just the fear of presentation, but the fear of speaking in front of a larger audience in general. In order to determine the incidence, symptoms, form and intensity of fear and stage fright, a study was conducted on a sample of 536 respondents in the Republic of Croatia. The results of the research confirmed the findings of some previous research with the key finding that the fear of public appearance is by far the most intense, even significantly stronger than the fear of death. Less
intepersonalna komunikacija
javni nastup
trema i strah
simptomi treme i straha
istraživanje treme i straha.
Keywords (english)
interpersonal communication
public speaking
nervousness and fear
symptoms of nervousness and fear
research of nervousness and fear.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:244181
Study programme Title: Marketing and communication management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija (stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-11-15 07:56:24