Abstract | Sociologija je jedna od najbitnijih grana od kojih se marketing sastoji, isključivo zbog toga jer se većina proizvoda i usluga prilagođava biheviorističkom stanju potrošača. Način na koji će potrošač prihvatiti neki proizvod ovisi u prvom redu o njegovoj percepciji o proizvodu, koja se kreira ovisno o iskustvu i okolini u kojoj se proizvod i potrošač nalaze. U suvremeno doba, internet je glavni medij i na taj način filter koji proizvodi samo određene informacije i tako oblikuje našu percepciju o svijetu, pa tako utječe i na naše ponašanje. Svaka revolucija nosi svoje posljedice, koje se u samom početku ne mogu predvidjeti u dugotrajnom smislu. Internet kao medij, dozvolio je čovječanstvu da naprave korak više u tehnološkom smislu, proširio naše vidike i omogučio globalnu povezanost, no ostali smo zakinuti u sociološkom aspektu. Činjenica da je život bez interneta u današnje doba nemoguć, otvara vrata mnogim problemima s kojima se susreće naše društvo. Riječ internet postaje sinonim za komunikaciju, ali s vremenom prelazi i granice toga. Internet je postao način života, s kojim se u današnje vrijeme rodi svako dijete, što znači da više ne postoji korak unazad ili mogućnost odabira života bez interneta. Tehnologija, pa time i internet, bi trebala biti u službi čovjeka, olakšavati mu stvari i pridonositi kvaliteti njegovog života. Čovjek nije rođen i nije u njegovoj prirodi da živi bok uz bok tehnologiji, koja će ga prisiljavati na promjenu svojih moralnih uvjerenja i temeljnih životnih vrijednosti. Internet je moćan medij koji stoji čovjeku na raspolaganju, a na njemu je da ga iskoristi u vlastitu korist, ne snoseći većinu loših posljedica. |
Abstract (english) | Sociology is one of the most important branches of marketing because most of the products and services are adapted to the behavioral state of the consumer. The way in which the consumer accepts a product depends mostly of his perception of the product, which is created depending on his previous experience and the environment in which the product and the consumer are. In the current age the internet is the main media and because of that a filter which produces specific information and as a result forms our perception of the world but also has an effect on our behavior. Each revolution has its consequences, which at the beginning cannot be predicted in the long term. The internet as a medium gave humanity the possibility to make a big step forward in the technological sense, broadened our sights and enabled a global connection but it stinted us in a sociological aspect. It is a fact that life without the internet has become unimaginable, but that opens the door for many problems that are now becoming known to society. The word internet has become a synonym for communication but is expanding even beyond that meaning. The internet has become a lifestyle with which children are born and that means there is no going back or a choice of life without the internet. Technology and the internet as a part of it should be in service of people, relieve him and contribute to his quality of life. A person is not born and it is not in his nature to live side by side with technology which could force him to change his moral convictions and fundamental life values. The internet is a powerful media to have on one’s disposal and it is up to people to use it without bearing all the bad consequences. |