Title Odnosi s javnošću i vrhunski menadžment u kulturi
Title (english) Public relations and top management in culture
Author Dora Gregl
Mentor Sanja Rocco (mentor)
Committee member Tomislav Ivančević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dorotea Milas (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Kulturni menadžment nastajao je i nadograđivao se kroz povijest, počevši od antike sve do renesanse, međutim glavna razlika u usporedbi sa modernim vremenom je zahtjevnost s obzirom na opsežnu ponudu sadržaja koja se danas nudi. U svojim se začecima menadžment bazirao na rezervacijama predstava i organizaciji. Današnje se javnosti moraju pomno proučavati, a za pridobiti ciljanu publiku menadžeri, stručnjaci za odnose s javnošću i stručnjaci za marketing prolaze kroz analize i složene procese i
... More tako stvaraju strateški plan. Turizam, a potom i kulturni turizam bitno je utjecao na razvoj odnosa s javnošću u Hrvatskoj potaknuvši hotele na zaposlenje osoba čiji je zadatak bio održavati vjernost posjetitelja. S vremenom su se potrebe turista mijenjale, tako da se današnji turist na hrvatskoj obali želi informirati i o hrvatskoj kulturi, što je dovelo do razvitka kulturnog turizma. Potrebno je istaknuti i povezanost sa psihologijom čiju je važnost ustanovio pionir odnosa s javnošću Edward Bernays. Problematika slabe zastupljenosti kulturnog obrazovanja u hrvatskom školstvu i medijima, nedovoljno ulaganje u kulturu od strane države i njezina elitizacija, učestalo spajanje odjela marketinga i PR-a u kulturnim ustanovama koji dovode do otežane posvećenosti zahtjevima obje profesije, pojava fenomena ''kulture otkazivanja'' (eng. cancel culture) u popularnoj kulturi, kreiranje imagea kulturnih institucija, zvijezda iz svijeta showbussinesa - izazovi su s kojima se susreću stručnjaci za odnose s javnošću i menadžeri. Cilj je ukazati kako kohezija odnosa s javnošću, vrhunskog i kulturi prilagođenog menadžmenta i promotivnih alata mogu otkloniti navedene probleme, umanjiti animozitet kulturnih djelatnika prema komercijalizaciji, poznavati razliku između odnosa s javnošću i marketinga i ukazati na veliki potencijal kulturnog proizvoda. Vrhunski menadžer u kulturi i stručnjak za odnose s javnošću moraju shvaćati njezinu delikatnost i znati kreirati harmoniju i prilagoditi pristup sukladno sadržaju koju ona nudi, a koji uključuje edukativni, zabavni i duhovni aspekt. Less
Abstract (english) Cultural management has evolved and upgraded throughout history, from antique to the Renaissance, however the main difference compared to modern times is the complexity given the extensive range of content on offer today. In its beginnings, management was based on reservations of performances and organization. Today’s publics need to be carefully studied, and to gain a target audience, managers, public relations experts, and marketing experts go through analyzes and complex processes and thus
... More create a strategic plan. Tourism, and then cultural tourism, significantly influenced the development of public relations in Croatia by encouraging hotels to hire employees whose task was to maintain the loyalty of visitors. Over time, the needs of tourists have changed, so today's tourist on the Croatian coast wants to be informed about Croatian culture, which has led to the development of cultural tourism. It is necessary to emphasize the connection with psychology whose importance was established by the pioneer of public relations Edward Bernays. Problems of poor representation of culture in Croatian education system and the media, insufficient investment in culture by the state and its elitism, frequent merging of marketing and PR departments in cultural institutions that lead to difficult commitment to the requirements of both professions, the phenomenon of ‘’cancel culture’’ which is part of popular culture, creating the image of cultural institutions, stars from the world of show business - these are the challenges faced by public relations experts and managers. The aim is to point out how the cohesion of public relations, top management adapted to culture and promotional tools can eliminate these problems, reduce the animosity of cultural workers towards commercialization, to know the difference between public relations and marketing and point out the great potential of cultural products. A top cultural manager and public relations expert must understand its delicacy and know how to create harmony and adapt the approach according to the content it offers, which includes an educational, entertainment and spiritual aspect. Less
odnosi s javnošću
Keywords (english)
public relations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:133539
Study programme Title: Undergraduate Professional Study of Cultural Management and Production Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) menadžmenta i produkcije u kulturi (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) menadžmenta i produkcije u kulturi)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-11-16 12:12:07