Title Uhvaćeni u laži: komunikacija i otkrivanje laganja
Title (english) Caught in a lie: communication and detection of lying
Author Nenad Pavlica
Mentor Tanja Grmuša (mentor)
Committee member Dorotea Milas (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Zavišić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Communicology
Abstract Laganje je pojava s kojom se susrećemo od malih nogu. Lažima smo okruženi u svakodnevnom životu i možda baš zbog njihove stalne prisutnosti često imamo poteškoća u otkrivanju istih. Koristimo se raznim metodama kako bismo otkrili lažu li nam naši sugovornici ili govore istinu, no niti jedna od tih metoda nije dovoljno točna kako bi nam sa sigurnošću ukazala na laž ili istinu. Verbalne i neverbalne metode laganja najčešći su predmet istraživanja, no unatoč mnogim pokazateljima laganja ljudska priroda se ne može svesti na statistiku, i baš iz tog razloga otkriti laže li nam netko ili govori istinu gotovo je nemoguće. Govor tijela ili način na koji izgovaramo laž ili istinu ovise o parametrima kao što su kultura iz koje dolazimo, naš karakter i emocionalno stanje u kojem se trenutno nalazimo, stoga je vrlo teško odabrati metodu koja će nam dati najbolji uvid u istinu, to jest laž. Međutim, razvojem tehnologije i područje otkrivanja laganja napreduje velikom brzinom i dosadašnja istraživanja optimistično ukazuju na to da će tehnologija s vremenom ipak biti uspješnija u otkrivanju laganja nego što je to čovjek. Unatoč tome, znanstvenici i dalje nadograđuju svoja istraživanja u području verbalnih i neverbalnih pokazatelja laganja. Laganje nas nastavlja fascinirati i kao pojedinci želimo biti što uspješniji u detektiranju laži, nekada iz znatiželje, a nekada se to od nas očekuje zbog prirode posla koji obavljamo. U svakom slučaju, interes u ovom području nastavlja rasti, a mi smo svakim danom sve bliže tehnologiji koja će u kombinaciji s našim vještinama uspješno detektirati laž.
Abstract (english) Lying is a phenomenon that has been omnipresent in our lives since we were children. We are surrounded by lies in our everyday life and perhaps precisely because of their constant presence we often have difficulty detecting them. We use a variety of methods to find out if our peers are lying to us or telling the truth, but none of these methods are accurate enough to differentiate lies from the truth with certainty. Verbal and non-verbal methods of lying are the most common subject of research, but human nature cannot be reduced to statistics, and for that very reason it is almost impossible to find out if someone is lying to us or telling the truth. Body language or the way we tell a lie or truth depends on parameters such as the culture we come from, our character and the emotional state we are currently in, so it is very difficult to choose the method that will give us the best insight into the truth, i.e. a lie. However, with the development of technology, the field of lie detection is advancing at a rapid pace, and research to date has optimistically indicated that over time, technology will be more successful at detecting lies than humans are. Despite this, scientists continue to upgrade their research in the area of verbal and nonverbal indicators of lying. Lying continues to fascinate us and as individuals we want to be as successful as possible in detecting lies, sometimes out of curiosity, and sometimes this is expected of us because of the nature of the work we do. In any case, interest in this area continues to grow, and we are getting closer every day to a technology that, combined with our skills, will be able to successfully detect a lie.
verbalne metode
neverbalne metode
otkrivanje laži
Keywords (english)
verbal methods
nonverbal methods
lie detection
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:242883
Study programme Title: Marketing management Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija (stručni prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2022-11-17 10:44:33