Title Etičke implikacije primjene neuromarketinških metoda
Title (english) Ethical implications of the application of neuromarketing methods
Author Ana Marguerite Tomulić
Mentor Dijana Vuković (mentor)
Committee member Sanja Rocco (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tanja Grmuša (član povjerenstva)
Granter Zagreb School of Business Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-07-15, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Marketing
Abstract Promjene u konkurentskoj strukturi, ali i ponašanja potrošača u globaliziranom poslovnom okruženju stavila su naglasak na određena pitanja koja su si brend menadžeri i kreativne agencije desetljećima postavljali. Pitanje zašto potrošači odabiru određeni proizvod, a ne drugi, predstavlja glavnu brigu marketinških tvrtki, a odgovor na to pitanje rezultiralo bi otkrićem svetog grala marketinga. U izostanku otkrića tzv. gumba „kupi“ (engl. buy button), tvrtke se prilikom donošenja višemilijunskih odluka o brendu i strategiji marketinških komunikacija oslanjaju na kombinaciju vlastitog unutarnjeg osjećaja i tradicionalnih metoda istraživanja želja i potreba potrošača. Da to nije ispravan put pronalaska čarobne formule, pokazuje činjenica da danas manje od deset posto svih novih proizvoda i usluga preživi svoj treći rođendan, odnosno tvrtke uzaludno troše i gube stotine milijardi dolara na lansiranje proizvoda koji je najčešće osuđen na propast. Naime, u svijetu gdje potrošači traže cjelokupan multisenzoran doživljaj, od krucijalne važnosti postaje saznanje na koje stimulanse potrošači reagiraju i na koji način, što nije moguće utvrditi tradicionalnim metodama marketinškog istraživanja. Iz tog razloga svjedočimo ubrzanom razvoju područja neuromarketinga, polja u nastajanju koje kombinira znanja iz medicine, psihologije i marketinga u svrhu boljeg poznavanja ponašanja potrošača. No, iako bi neuromarketing mogao ponuditi istine kojima se pola stoljeća tradicionalno istraživanje nije moglo niti približiti, sama pomisao da takve metode predstavljaju intruziju u mozak potrošača te u njegove najdublje i najintimnije želje i potrebe, podiže mnoga pitanja – etičke, ali i pravne naravi. Ovim radom pokušava se utvrditi razina znanja građana Republike Hrvatske o pojmu neuromarketinga te njihova percepcija etičkih implikacija primjene neuromarketinških metoda.
Abstract (english) Changes in the competitive structure but also in the consumer behaviour in a globalized business environment have put emphasis on certain questions that brand managers and creative agencies have been asking themselves for decades. The question of why consumers choose a particular product over another represents the major concern of marketing companies and therefore the answer to that question would result in the discovery of the holy grail of marketing. In the absence of the discovery of the so-called “buying button”, when making multimillion-dollar decisions about the brand and marketing communications strategy, companies rely on a combination of their own inner feeling and traditional research methods in detecting consumer desires and needs. That this is not the right way to find the magic formula is shown by the fact that today less than ten percent of all new products and services survive their third birthday, i.e., companies spend and lose hundreds of billions of dollars in vain on product launches. Namely, in a world where consumers are looking for a complete multisensory experience, it becomes crucial to know to what stimuli consumers react to and how, which cannot be determined by traditional methods of marketing research. For that reason, we are witnessing the rapid development of the field of neuromarketing, an emerging field that combines knowledge from medicine, psychology and marketing for the purpose of better consumer behaviour understanding. But while neuromarketing might offer truths that half a century of traditional research could not come close to, the very idea that such methods represent an intrusion into the consumer's brain and its deepest and most intimate desires and needs raises many questions – ethical but also legal. This paper seeks to determine the level of knowledge of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia about the concept of neuromarketing and their perception of the ethical implications of the application of neuromarketing methods.
neuromarketinška istraživanja
ponašanje potrošača
Keywords (english)
neuromarketing research
consumer behaviour
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:180:554645
Study programme Title: Marketing and communication management Study programme type: professional Study level: specialist graduate Academic / professional title: stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija (stručni specijalist/specijalistica marketinga i komunikacija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2022-11-17 11:55:57